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Travel trails in The Poland
Euroregion Białowieża Forest
Wyższa Szkoła Administracji
Publicznej w Białymstoku im.
Stanisława Staszica w
Ewa Omielan
What are Euroregions?
The name "Euro-region" means both
a separate European region, located
on The Border of two or more
neighboring countries and The
organization set up to coordinate
cooperation in that Area by The
parties euroregional and accepted
by The European Union (The
Maastricht Treaty: European
Community) who can financially
support its activities.
Where did they come from?
The interaction between The Border regions from The
need to mitigate The adverse effects of The borders and
The desire to prevent The marginalization of remote
areas of The capitals.
The formation of The post-war Europe cross-border
cooperation structures, such as Euro-regions, arose
from The natural desire of local communities to
establish contacts, Exchange of cultural heritage
among its neighbors, to bridge The economic gap and
overcoming mutual prejudices.
What is their role?
Euroregions The bridge in The process of
European integration. That role was played
in West Europe, North and South At The
turn of The 60th and 70 and so is The
beginning of The 90s along The borders of
The countries of Central and Eastern
Europe, particularly At The borders
between EU Member States and candidate
Euroregion bodies are:
Council - the supreme body of the
Euroregion, it consists of ten members five representatives of each party. At the
head of the Council is the President, who
directs its work
Secretariat - the executive body of the
Euroregion established in Hajnowka, it
shall consist of: Secretary elected by the
Polish side, and his deputy was elected by
the Belarusian
Euroregion Białowieża Forest
Singing Contract
Agreement on The Establishment of
The Euroregion Bialowieza Forest was
signed on 25 May 2002.
Euroregion Białowieża Forest
Bialowieza Forest Euroregion
is an international
Association of local communities on The
Polish and Belarusian Border.
In the pre-accession period Euroregion Niemen Association
managed the following programs of the European Union:
1) CBC Phare Programme Baltic Sea Region in the
editions of 1999,2000,2001, 2002, 2003. The
program served two Funds Association:
- Small Projects Fund - soft Projects in the fields of
cultural Exchange, local democracy, environment,
tourism, social affairs, training and employment,
economic development, research, planning and
development. Grants ranging from 20,000 to
50,000 euros.
- Grant Scheme - soft and investment Projects.
Grants ranging from 50,000 to 300,000 EUR per
In the pre-accession period Euroregion Niemen Association
managed the following programs of the European Union etc.
2) Phare Integrated Eastern Border in editions
2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, under which the
Association served three Funds:
- Small Projects Fund (grant ranging from 5,000 to
50,000 EUR per project)
- Business Support Infrastructure Fund in the
edition 2003 (co-financing in the amount of 50,000
to 300,000 EUR per project)
- Small Infrastructure Projects Fund in the editions
of 2002 and 2003 (co-financing in the amount of
50,000 to 300,000 EUR per project)
Euroregion Białowieża Forest
Euroregion Appointment to life was The result of
contacts maintained for many years by local
governments on both sides of The Border.
Towards The creation of The Euroregion
Bialowieza Forest began in January 2002, when
representatives of The district hajnowskiego areas
in Poland and The Republic of Belarus signed a
formal Agreement on The goals of cross-border
On The Polish side Euroregion is represented by
The Association of Local Authorities of The
Euroregion Bialowieza Forest, one of The statutory
purposes of cross-border cooperation.
The aim of cooperation within The Euroregion is
taking joint action in particular on:
Environmental protection and rational use of natural
Approximation of The peoples of both countries
Preserve The unique natural complex across Europe,
to a significant extent on The climate affecting The
continent, which is The Bialowieza Forest
Raising The Euroregion in quality of life by obtaining
cross-border investment and The implementation of
economic programs
Cooperation and Exchange of social groups, academic,
professional, cultural, sports, and youth
Creating a bridge between countries to facilitate
economic cooperation - planning in border areas,
including expansion of cross-border infrastructure
Cooperation in The prevention and liquidation of
consequences of natural disasters and emergencies
Create a modern, uniform system of municipal waste
and industrial
Podlasie region
-Area: 19,994 km2.
-Population in an Area of 62 hiking trails
lead with a total length of 2.082 km.
We have journey through The National
Parks: Bialowieza, Biebrza, Narew and
Wigry and landscape Parks, nature
reserves, forests and wetlands,
conservation of bison, elk and beaver,
birds, plants and protected areas,
inhabited for centuries by people of
various nations and religions.
-Podlaskie Province of Suwałki Region is
also The Area that can serve as a living
textbook glacial landscape. Trails ideal
for hiking, skiing, cycling, canoeing and
areas for sailors.
In Podlasie is worth to see:
Bialowieza Forest, The Area
designated a dozen hiking trails.
They serve mainly tourists
pedestrian, but equally well
seem an examination as
bicycle routes.
The silence, The smell of The Forest and
fresh air - it's The most valuable assets
of this region. If you want to feel it welcome to all lovers of hiking trail and
bicycle trips.
Some pictures from Białowieża
Roadside Crosses
They are
symbols of The
religion, whose
constitute a
majority among
The local
Some pictures from Białowieża
One of The backyard gardens
Some pictures from Białowieża
"Hill Chateau"
Some pictures from Białowieża
Backwoods wilderness
Some pictures from Białowieża
Melt ponds in The Forest
Some pictures from Białowieża
View of The valley of The river Narewka
In this Area for centuries lived side
by side The different nationalities and religion.
Culture Polish, Belarusian
and Ukrainian created
unprecedented composition.
Old habits, holidays, and especially
The local dialect are The hallmarks of this region.
Also religions: Catholic and Orthodox,
have played a significant role in shaping
today's society Hajnowskiego County.
There are numerous centers of folk art: weaving, wood
products, straw and twigs of birch, sculptures, reliefs.
An added attraction is The local architecture
Architectural value are mainly houses adorned with
elaborate carvings, wooden churches, brick churches,
chapels, wayside crosses of high artistic value.
The attractiveness of The region is also cultural and folk
traditions associated with ethno - cultural Population.
The biggest event of International importance in The
district are The celebration of Orthodox Church Music
Orthodox Church. Trinity Church with interesting
and unique ceramic iconostasis
Church p.w. St. Nicholas, iconostasis of color, china
Church p.w. Loving
Mother of God
Photo shows The cultural diversity
and creativity brings local artists
and craftsmen.
Seasonal held here Podlasie
Thematic exhibitions of artists.
Jakie dokładnie projekty są w Niemenie,
ile ma kasy skąd.