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Tuesday, February 03, 2009
“Work expands to fill the
time available for its
Parkinson’s 1st Law
Loose | Tight
Purpose and Problem
P2P Design Characteristics
Overlay routing vs. IP routing
Dangers and Attacks
Current Peer-Peer Concerns
Where are we ?
Napster and its legacy –self study
Peer-to-Peer middleware –self study
Routing overlays
Overlay case studies: Pastry, Tapestry
Application case studies: Squirrel, OceanStore, Ivy
Routing Overlay
In P2P we cannot maintain the database at all the client
nodes, giving the location of all the resources
Resource location knowledge must be partitioned and
Each node is made responsible for maintaining
detailed knowledge of the locations of nodes and objects in a
portion of the namespace
As well as general knowledge of the topology of the entire
name space
High degree of replication of this knowledge is necessary to
ensure dependability in the face of the volatile availability of
hosts and intermittent network connectivity.
A distributed algorithm known as routing overlays takes
responsibility for locating nodes and objects
Distribution of information in a routing overlay
Routing overlay takes the responsibility for locating nodes and objects
routi ng knowle dge
DÕs rou ting kn owledg e
Obje ct:
Node :
BÕs ro utin g knowled ge C’s
CÕs rou ting
kn owledg e
Routing Overlay
Ensures that any node can access any object by routing
each request through a sequence of nodes, exploiting
knowledge at each of them to locate the destination
object using pure names
It also maintains the knowledge of location of all the
replicas of the object and deliver request to nearest live
GUID is computed from all or part of the state using a
hash function with very high probability, unique.
Uniqueness is verified by searching for another object
with the same GUID.
Tasks of Routing Overlay
Main task of Routing Overlay
 Client wishing to invoke an operation on an object submits a request
including the object’s GUID to the routing overlay, which routes the
request to a node at which a replica of the object resides
Other task of Routing Overlay
 Node wishing to make new object available to a P2P service
computes a GUID for the object and announces it to the routing
overlay, which then ensures that the object is reachable by all other
 When clients request the removal of the object from the service the
routing overlay must make them unavailable.
 Nodes may join or leave the service, when a node joins the service,
the routing overlay arranges for it to assume some of the
responsibilities of other nodes. When a node leaves its
responsibilities are distributed amongst the other nodes.
Basic programming interface for a distributed hash table
(DHT) as implemented by the PAST API over Pastry
put(GUID, data)
The data is stored in replicas at all nodes responsible
for the object identified by GUID.
Deletes all references to GUID and the associated data.
value = get(GUID)
The data associated with GUID is retrieved from one of
the nodes responsible for it.
Basic programming interface for distributed object location
and routing (DOLR) as implemented by Tapestry
GUID can be computed from the object (or some part of it,
e.g. its name). This function makes the node performing a
publish operation by the host for the object corresponding
to GUID.
Makes the object corresponding to GUID inaccessible.
sendToObj(msg, GUID, [n])
Following the object-oriented paradigm, an invocation
message is sent to an object in order to access it. This might
be a request to open a TCP connection for data transfer or
to return a message containing all or part of the object’s
state. The final optional parameter [n], if present, requests
the delivery of the same message to n replicas of the object.
Overlay Case Study: Pastry
It is a message routing infrastructure deployed in several applications
All the nodes & objects are assigned 128-bit GUIDs
For nodes: computed by applying a secure hash function to public key
of the node
For objects: computed by applying a secure hash function to the
objects name or some part of its stored state
Resulting GUIDs are randomly distributed in the range 0 to 2128 -1
Clashes between GUIDs for different nodes or objects are extremely
unlikely, still pastry can detect & mange this unlikely event
In a network with N participating nodes the Pastry algo will
correctly route a message addressed to any GUID in O(log N)
If GUID identifies a node which is active, message is
delivered to that node otherwise delivered to a active node
with closet numeric GUID
Prefix routing
Routing steps involve the use of an underlying transport
protocol (normally UDP) to transfer the message to a Pastry
node that is closer to its destination
Closeness in pastry refers to an entirely artificial space – the
space of GUIDs
Pastry id fully self organizing
Real transport of message across internet between two pastry nodes may
require lots of IP hops.
For better path option, pastry uses locality metric on network distance in
the underlying network (hop count, two way latency) to select
appropriate neighbors when setting up the routing tables used at each
New nodes get info form neighbors to construct the table
Nodes can detect the absence of the node and can update the table
Classesless Interdomain Routing for IP Packets
Pastry: Routing Algo
Explanation in two stages
Stage 01: simplified form of the algo which routes messages
correctly but inefficiently without a routing table
Each active node stores a leaf set –a vector L (of size 2l) containing
the GUIDs and IP addresses of the nodes whose GUIDs are
numerically closest on either side of its own.
Leaf sets are maintained by Pastry as nodes join and leave.
Stage 02: full routing algo which routes request to any node
in O(log N) messages
 NUPastery library provides an implementation of Pastry algorithm
 Overlay Weaver toolkit provides multiple routing algorithms, Chord,
Kademlia, Koorde, Pastry and Tapestry
Figure 10.6: Circular routing alone is correct but
inefficient Based on Rowstron and Druschel [2001]
0 FFFFF....F (2 128-1)
D471 F1
D467 C4
65 A1FC
The dots depict live nodes.
The space is considered as
circular: node 0 is adjacent
to node (2128-1). The
diagram illustrates the
routing of a message from
node 65A1FC to D46A1C
using leaf set information
alone, assuming leaf sets
of size 8 (l=4). This is a
degenerate type of routing
that would scale very
poorly; it is not used in
Pastry: Routing Algo
Each pastry node maintains a tree structured routing
table giving GUIDs and IP addresses for a set of nodes
spread through out the entire range of 2128 possible
values, with increased density of coverage for GUID
numerically close to its own
Routing tables
GUIDs are viewed as hexadecimal values
IP addresses for set of nodes spread hexadecimal values &
tables classifies GUIDs based on their hexadecimal prefixes
throughout the entire range of 2128 possible GUID values,
with increased density of coverage for GUID’s numerically
close to its own.
Tables has as many rows as there are hexadecimal digits in
a GUID, so for our prototype there are 128/4 = 32 rows
Each row contains 15 entries
Each entry in the table points to one of the potentially
many nodes whose GUIDs have the relevant prefix.
Figure 10.7: First four rows of a Pastry routing
Figure 10.8: Pastry routing example Based on
Rowstron and Druschel [2001]
0 FFFFF....F (2
Routing a mess age from node 65A1FC to D46A1C.
With the aid of a w ell-populated routing table the
mess age c an be deliv ered in ~ log16 (N ) hops.
D471 F1
D467 C4
D462 BA
D421 3F
65 A1FC
Figure 10.9: Pastry’s routing algorithm
To handle a mess age M address ed to a nodeD (where R[p,i] is the element at column i,
row p of the routing table):
1. If (L -l < D < L l) { // the des tination is within the leaf set or is the current node.
Forward M to the element L i of the leaf s et with GUID closes t to D or the current
node A.
3. } else { // us e the routing table to des patch M to a node with a clos er GUID
find p, the length of the longes t common prefix of D and A. and i, the (p+1)th
hexadecimal digit of D.
If (R[p,i] ° null) forward M to R[p,i] // route M to a node with a longer common
else { // there is no entry in the routing table
Forward M to any node in L or R with a common prefix of length i, but a
GUID that is numerically closer.
Reading Assignment
Host integration
Host Failure or Departure
Pastry’s routing algorithm
Algo will succeed in delivering the message M to its
destination cause lines 1,2 & 7
They perform action as described in stage 01
The remaining steps are designed to improve the
algorithm's performance by reducing the numbers of
hops required
Host integration
Compute GUID
Contact nearby (ref . to network distance)pastry node
New node X sends join request to node A
Node will forward through pastry routing algorithm this
join request to node which is closest to A in terms of GUID
address , let say node Z
A, Z and all the nodes (B, C, …) through which the join
message is routed on its way to Z add additional step to
normal pastry routing algo.
This result in transmission of the relevant parts of their
respective leaf set to X
X examine them and constructs its own Routing table
Host Failure or Departure
Pastry node is considered failed when its immediate
neighbors in GUID space can no longer communicate
with it. So repair a leaf containing info of such node is
For leaf set L repair, node will look for another closest
live node and request for its leaf set L’.
L’ will contain a sequence of GUIDs that partly overlap
in L, including the appropriate value to replace the
failed node.
Other nodes then informed about the failure and they
too also perform the same operation
Other issues in pastry
Highly redundant
Proximity Neighbor selection algo
Fault Tolerance
Locality metric – number of IP hops or measured latency
30 to 50 percent longer then optimum path
Heartbeat messages are sent by all nodes to nearest neighbours
Failed node info cannot be sent sufficiently rapidly
Nor does it account for malicious nodes
Message delivery guarantee o some extent is achieved through
mechanism of retransmission of message through slightly different
less optimal route
MSPastry – adopts acknowledgement & retransmission as well
Evaluation of MSPastry
With assumed IP message loss rate 0% MSPastry failed ti
deliver 1.5 in 100,000 requests, all message arrived at
correct node
With assumed IP message loss rate 5% MSPastry failed ti
deliver 3.3 in 100,000 requests, and 1.6 were delivered at
wrong node
Performance overhead of overlay MSPastry algo is 2.2 to 5
Extra message for leafset maintenance and initially at
setting up the routing table
RT updates
Node failure or departure
Node is considered failed when its immediate neighbors are
unable to contact
Node which discovers the failure of the node, looks for the
next nearest live node, and request for its leaf set
This leaf set will contain the overlapping info of failed node
leaf set. Discovering node will choose the best node from
this leaf set to replace the failed node.
Self study
Fault tolerance
Dependability – MS Pastry
Evaluation of MS Pastry