Download prevention of cyber crime

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Sajeev Kumar J S
S I of Police,
Aluva P S.
 This presentation
Introduction of
cyber crime
 techniques and tools
for the two realms of
cyber crime:
 Detection
 Prevention
Dr. N. K. Amin (ACP)
Gujarat Police
 The first recorded cyber crime took place in the
year 1820!
 In 1820, Joseph-Marie Jacquard, a textile
manufacturer in France, produced the loom.
This device allowed the repetition of a series of
steps in the weaving of special fabrics. This
resulted in a fear amongst Jacquard's
employees that their traditional employment
and livelihood were being threatened. They
committed acts of sabotage to discourage
Jacquard from further use of the new
technology. This is the first recorded cyber
Dr. N. K. Amin (ACP)
Gujarat Police
 Cyber crime is the latest and perhaps
the most complicated problem in the
cyber world.
 “Cyber crime may be said to be those
species, of which, genus is the
conventional crime, and where either the
computer is an object or subject of the
conduct constituting crime”
Dr. N. K. Amin (ACP)
Gujarat Police
 Crime is a social and economic phenomenon
and is as old as the human society. Crime is a
legal concept and has the sanction of the law.
Crime or an offence is “a legal wrong that can
be followed by criminal proceedings which may
result into punishment.”
 A crime may be said to be any conduct
accompanied by act or omission prohibited by
law and consequential breach of which is
visited by penal consequences.
Dr. N. K. Amin (ACP)
Gujarat Police
 “Any criminal activity that uses a computer
either as an instrumentality, target or a means
for perpetuating further crimes comes within the
ambit of cyber crime”
 “ unlawful acts wherein the computer is
either a tool or target or both”
 “Illegal computer-mediated activities that can be
conducted through global electronic networks”
Dr. N. K. Amin (ACP)
Gujarat Police
Understand the Fundamentals
 Internet has offered us a much more
convenient way to share information across
time and place.
 Cyberspace also opened a new venue for
criminal activities.
Cyber attacks
Distribution of illegal materials in cyberspace
Computer-mediated illegal communications
within big crime groups or terrorists
Dr. N. K. Amin (ACP)
Gujarat Police
Understand the
 . Cyber crime has become one of the major
security issues for the law enforcement
 The anonymity of cyberspace makes identity
tracing a significant problem which hinders
Dr. N. K. Amin (ACP)
Gujarat Police
1.Computer as Target
2.Computer as an instrumentality
3.Computer as an incidental or other crime
4.Crime associated with the prevalence of computers.
Dr. N. K. Amin (ACP)
Gujarat Police
 Physical damage,
 Theft or destruction of information (data).
 The spread of viruses, worms,
 software piracy, hacking etc.
 A computer virus is a self-replicating
computer program written to alter the way
a computer operates, without the
permission or knowledge of the user.
Dr. N. K. Amin (ACP)
Gujarat Police
Computer as an instrumentality.
 This category include such crimes were
either computers or their contents bare
used in furtherance of crime or those
offences which are committed by
manipulating contents of computer
systems. They could include sending emails, r ransom notes or manipulating
computer contents for credit card frauds
telecommunication frauds or theft.
Dr. N. K. Amin (ACP)
Gujarat Police
Computer as incidental or other crime.
 This category includes conventional
crimes, and with the advent of computer
the criminal have started using the
technology as an aid for its perpetuation.
They include use of computers as an aid
for drug trafficking, money laundering,
child pornography etc
Dr. N. K. Amin (ACP)
Gujarat Police
 4. Crime associated with the prevalence of
copyright violation,
software piracy,
component theft etc.
Dr. N. K. Amin (ACP)
Gujarat Police
Types of cyber crime-1
 Financial crimes -cheating, credit card frauds,
money laundering Forgery etc.
 Cyber pornography
 Sale of illegal articles:
 Online gambling:
 Intellectual Property crimes
Dr. N. K. Amin (ACP)
Gujarat Police
Types of cyber crime-2
Email spoofing
Cyber Defamation
Cyber stalking
Unauthorized access to computer
systems or network
Dr. N. K. Amin (ACP)
Gujarat Police
Types of cyber crime-3
 Theft of information contained in
electronic form
 Email bombing
 Data diddling
 Salami attacks
Dr. N. K. Amin (ACP)
Gujarat Police
Types of cyber crime-4
 Denial of Service attack
 Virus / worm attacks
 Logic bombs
 Trojan attacks
 Internet time theft
 Web jacking
 Theft of computer system
 Physically damaging a computer system
Dr. N. K. Amin (ACP)
Gujarat Police
Email related crime
1. Email spoofing
2. Sending malicious codes through
3. Email bombing
4. Sending threatening emails
5. Defamatory emails
6. Email frauds
Dr. N. K. Amin (ACP)
Gujarat Police
 Children and adolescents between the
age group of 6 – 18 years –
 Organised hackers Professional hackers / crackers –
 Discontented employees-
Dr. N. K. Amin (ACP)
Gujarat Police
Characteristics of Computer
 Silent in Nature: Computer crime could be committed in
privacy without reaching to scene of crime physically i.e. no
eye witnesses. There is no signs of physical violence or
 Global in character: No national borders. By sitting
comfortably far away from the country the entire economy
of the country could be destroyed. As digital evidences are
fragile in nature one has to respond quickly.
 Non existence of Physical Evidence: No physical evidence to
indicate that crime has been committed. Only on a closer
look the trained person could find out the evidences which
are not in the traditional format but are in digital format.
Dr. N. K. Amin (ACP)
Gujarat Police
Characteristics of Computer
 Creates high Impact: Impact is severe and may be long
term. It can damage the victim system permanently. Loss of
good will.
 High Potential and Easy to Perpetrate: A software
developer who did not get enough money or good job would
turn to criminal world for their survival. Therefore, the
computer crimes have a potential to increase. Hence
organized mafia may enter into this sector.
Dr. N. K. Amin (ACP)
Gujarat Police
Investigating officer’s inspection
 1. Hardware is contraband or fruits of
crimes-. (stolen, misappropriated,
illegal hardware)
 2. Hardware as instrumentality (hard
ware designed specifically for crime.)
 3. Hardware as evidence (CD writer
being used for duplicating pornographic
Dr. N. K. Amin (ACP)
Gujarat Police
Investigating officer’s inspection
 4. Information as contraband or fruits of
crime pirated computer program,
stolen trade secret,
passwords and any other information
obtained by criminal means
Dr. N. K. Amin (ACP)
Gujarat Police
Investigating officer’s inspection
 5. Information as an instrumentality
Program that will help gaining
unauthorized access to computer
 6. Information as evidence(threatening letter stored in a computer
of a suspect, e- mail message in the mail
box or various documents, which support
the prosecution in presenting case.)
Dr. N. K. Amin (ACP)
Gujarat Police
Detection /investigation is a team
law enforcement agencies
forensic scientist
Computer security
Dr. N. K. Amin (ACP)
Gujarat Police
 To prevent the various cyber crimes that
take place every day it is essential to
establish a dedicated cell.
 Need for a Cyber Forensic Cell
Dr. N. K. Amin (ACP)
Gujarat Police
Basic Cyber Crime Investigation Tool
Forensic Software
 Window GUI Technology base Forensic Software for
examination of File systems FAT12, FAT16, FAT32, NTFS,
It should able to examine and extracting slack space.
It should be able to create image of the storage media e.g. hard
disk, Floppy disk.
It should show emails in developer’s format. (With headers and
It should open document in language other English spouted by
Unicode e.g. Arabian language.
It should show Internet history.
Forensic Cell phone Seizure kit with write block facility and will
all required cables and adapters.
Forensic Hardware: One computer PIV 3.2 GHz with 1 GB
DDR RAM and other required peripheral
One hard disk write block device
Dr. N. K. Amin (ACP)
Gujarat Police
software requirements
-- Robust operating system software
Other application software facilitating word
processing, spread sheet, electronic mails,
multimedia, imaging and for identifying various
other kinds of file formats during the course of
Case management software for keeping records of
the cases being examined and for tracking case
details at short notice
Bootable disks to let the forensic specialist boot
from such disks instead of the suspect’s bootable
Dr. N. K. Amin (ACP)
Gujarat Police
Advanced cyber forensic
back up of data
The forensic procedure prohibits
examination of the original
media to prevent any accidental
erasure or interference during
examination of such media.
Powerful password recovery
Dr. N. K. Amin (ACP)
Gujarat Police
Advanced cyber forensic
 Recovery
of deleted data, image and
multimedia among other kinds of files
 For generating reports based on the
analysis of the information contained
on the suspect storage media
Searching tool for locating folders
and files on the suspect storage
Dr. N. K. Amin (ACP)
Gujarat Police
Partition recovery and analysis
software for recovering information
lost due to partitioning of a suspect
hard-disk drive
 Firewalls and Intrusion Detection
Systems would also help in detection
of network penetration crimes
directed against the cyber forensics
cell itself.
Dr. N. K. Amin (ACP)
Gujarat Police
Updated Anti-virus programs would be
essential to prevent breakdown of systems
due to any malicious codes such as
viruses and worms.
Other necessary application software
programs as would be required from time
to time to analyze various files during
forensic examination.
Dr. N. K. Amin (ACP)
Gujarat Police
Hardware requirements
Powerful computer systems with hot swappable bays
and standard peripherals having support for the
Fast disk imaging and cloning
 Various kinds of removable storage media (e.g.,
JAZZ Cartridges and ZIP cartridges)
 CD / DVD Readers and writers
 Tape drives
 Other kinds of electronic storage devices
(CompactFlash, SmartMedia, Memory Stick)
 IDE hard drives
 SCSI hard drives
 Notebook Hard Drives
Dr. N. K. Amin (ACP)
Gujarat Police
Hardware requirements
Write protect devices to prevent any
information being written on to the suspect
storage media
Additional storage devices for making bitstream copies or clones of the suspect
storage media for examination purposes
External CD Writers for portability
Card-readers for analyzing information from
various types of cards that store
inK. Amin
Dr. N.
Gujarat Police
Never mishandle the evidence
Never work on the original evidence
Never trust the SUBJECTS operating
Document all the findings.
Results should be repeatable,
reproducible and verifiable by third
Dr. N. K. Amin (ACP)
Gujarat Police
 Prevention is always better than cure.
 It is always better to take certain
precaution while operating the net.
Dr. N. K. Amin (ACP)
Gujarat Police
A netizen should keep in mind
the following things-1
 To prevent cyber stalking avoid disclosing any
information pertaining to oneself.
Always avoid sending any photograph online
Always use latest and up date anti virus
software to guard against virus attacks.
Always keep back up volumes so that one may
not suffer data loss in case of virus
Never send your credit card number to any site
that is not secured, to guard against frauds.
Dr. N. K. Amin (ACP)
Gujarat Police
A netizen should keep in mind
the following things-2
 Always keep a watch on the sites that
your children are accessing
 It is better to use a security programme
that gives control over the cookies
 web site owners should watch traffic and
check any irregularity on the site.
 Use of firewalls may be beneficial.
Dr. N. K. Amin (ACP)
Gujarat Police
Prevention of hacking
 Almost all hackers can be deterred with
commonsense policies. Although the
largest threat is often from within an
organization i.e. - employees / students,
 it is essential that any computer network
has properly configured firewall
protection as well as intrusion detection
and other filtering software.
Dr. N. K. Amin (ACP)
Gujarat Police
identification and
 Identification is the service where an identity is
assigned to a specific individual,
 Authentication the service designed to verify a
user’s identity.
 The person can be identified and authenticated
what he knows (e.g. password),
by what he owns (e.g. smart card) or
by his human characteristics (biometrics).
Dr. N. K. Amin (ACP)
Gujarat Police
 Biometric technologies are applied in the
following sectors:
 Pubic Services,
 Law Enforcement,
 Banking,
 Physical Access Control and
 Computer & Networks.
Dr. N. K. Amin (ACP)
Gujarat Police
Biometric techniques
 1. Signature Verification
 2. Iris Analysis
 3. Facial Analysis
 4. Fingerprint verification
 5. Hand Geometry
 6. Voice Verification
Dr. N. K. Amin (ACP)
Gujarat Police
Cell phones are mini computer
don't for mobile user
 Please do not click photographs without permission by
your mobile phones.
Do not send obscene/pornographic text, images. SMS.
Do not send obscene/pornographic text, MMS
(multimedia messaging service)
Do not receive from or reply to sms/mms of strangers.
Do not transmit obscene/ pornographic material, as it is
an offence under Information Technology act –
is 5 yrs imprisonment and 1lac
rupees fine.
Dr. N. K. Amin (ACP)
Gujarat Police
Cell phones are mini computer
don't for mobile user
Do not call to the unknown phone/mobile numbers you
get while chatting or exhibited on various profiles on
 Do not keep your Blue tooth open to all, you may
receive obscene/phornographic text, images and viruses.
 Do not give your mobile numbers while chatting on
 DO not handover your mobile phone to unauthorised
service center, to avoid CLONING.
Dr. N. K. Amin (ACP)
Gujarat Police
Cell phones are mini computer
Do’s for mobile user
 Note down your IMEI number.
 Security pin code should be used to avoid
misuse of your mobile phones.
mms/sms received should be checked before
opening the message.
Delete obscene/phornographic text, images.
SMS/MMS.from your mobile phones.
Anti-virus software should be loaded in the
mobile phone.
Mobile phone keypad should be locked after
every use.
Use your mobile phone when necessary
Dr. N. K. Amin (ACP)
Gujarat Police
Child Pornography
How do Pedophiles Operate
 Pedophiles use false identity to trap the
Pedophiles contact children/teens in various chat rooms
which are used by children/teen to interact with other
Befriend the child/teen.
Extract personal information from the child/teen by
winning his confidence.
Gets the e-mail address of the child/teen and starts
making contacts on the victim’s e-mail address as
Dr. N. K. Amin (ACP)
Gujarat Police
Child Pornography
How do Pedophiles Operate
 Starts sending pornographic images/text to the victim
including child pornographic images in order to help
child/teen shed his inhibitions so that a feeling is created
in the mind of the victim that what is being fed to him is
normal and that everybody does it.
 Extract personal information from child/teen
 At the end of it, the pedophile set up a meeting with the
child/teen out of the house and then drag him into the net
to further sexually assault him or to use him as a sex
Dr. N. K. Amin (ACP)
Gujarat Police
Tips For Children
 Do not give out identifying information
such as name, home address, school
name or telephone number in a chat
 Do not send your photograph to any one
on the Net without initially checking with
the parent or guardian.
Dr. N. K. Amin (ACP)
Gujarat Police
Tips For Children
 Do not respond to messages or bulletin
board items that are obscene, belligerent
or threatening.
 Never arrange a face to face meeting
without informing your parent or
 Remember that people online may not
be who they seem to be
Dr. N. K. Amin (ACP)
Gujarat Police
Are You A Safe Cyber
Fortunately, there are steps you can take to protect
your computer,
Make sure your passwords have both letters and
numbers, and are at least eight characters long.
 Avoid common words: some hackers use programs that
can try every word in the dictionary.
 Don’t use your personal information, your login name or
adjacent keys on the keyboard as passwords-and don’t
share your passwords online or over the phone.
Dr. N. K. Amin (ACP)
Gujarat Police
Are You A Safe Cyber
Protect yourself from viruses by
installing anti-virus software and
updating it regularly.
 Prevent unauthorized access to your
computer through firewall software or
Dr. N. K. Amin (ACP)
Gujarat Police
Are You A Safe Cyber
Don’t open a file attached to an e-mail unless you are
expecting it or know what it contains.
 If you send an attachment, type a message explaining
what it is.
 Never forward any e-mail warning about a new virus. It
may be a hoax and could be used to spread a virus.
 When something bad happens-you think you’ve been
hacked or infected by a viruse-mail a report of the incident to your Internet provider
Dr. N. K. Amin (ACP)
Gujarat Police
Take a test before opening
e-mail attachment
 Is the email from someone that you know?
 Have you received email from this sender
 Were you expecting email with an attachment
from this sender?
 Does email from the sender with the contents
as described in the Subject line and the name
of the attachment(s) make sense?
 Does this email contain a virus? To determine
this, you need to install and use an anti-virus
Dr. N. K. Amin (ACP)
Gujarat Police
What is computer security?
Detection helps you to determine whether or not
someone attempted to break into your system, if they
were successful, and what they may have done.
Computer security is the process of preventing and
detecting unauthorized use of your computer.
Prevention measures help you to stop unauthorized
users (also known as "intruders") from accessing any
part of your computer system.
Dr. N. K. Amin (ACP)
Gujarat Police
Why should I care about
computer security?
 We use computers for everything from
banking and investing to shopping and
communicating with others through
email or chat programs.
Dr. N. K. Amin (ACP)
Gujarat Police
Who would want to break
into my computer at home?
 Intruders (also referred to as
hackers, attackers, or crackers) .
 Often they want to gain control of
your computer so they can use it
to launch attacks on other
computer systems.
Dr. N. K. Amin (ACP)
Gujarat Police
How easy is it to break into
my computer?
intruders are always discovering new
vulnerabilities (informally called "holes")
to exploit in computer software.
 When holes are discovered, computer
vendors will usually develop patches to
address the problem(s). However, it is
up to you, the user, to obtain and install
the patches, or correctly configure the
software to operate more securely.
Dr. N. K. Amin (ACP)
Gujarat Police
How easy is it to break into
my computer?
 Also, some software applications have default
settings that allow other users to access your
computer unless you change the settings to be
more secure. Examples include chat programs
that let outsiders execute commands on your
computer or web browsers that could allow
someone to place harmful programs on your
computer that run when you click on them.
Dr. N. K. Amin (ACP)
Gujarat Police
Use Strong Password
 For each computer and service you use (e-mail, chatting,
online purchasing, for example), you should have a
You shouldn’t write them down nor should you share
them with anyone, even your best friends.
Computer intruders use trial-and-error, or brute-force
techniques, to discover passwords.
Use alphanumeric characters and special characters in
your password.
The length of password should be as long as possible
(More than 8 characters).
Do not write it to some place where it is visible to
someone else.
Dr. N. K. Amin (ACP)
Gujarat Police
Protect Your Personal
 Use the latest version of a good anti-virus software
package which allows updation from the Internet.
 Use the latest version of the operating system, web
browsers and e-mail programs.
 Don’t open e-mail attachments unless you know the
source. Attachments, especially executables (those
having .exe extension) can be dangerous.
 Confirm the site you are doing business with. Secure
yourself against "Web-Spoofing". Do not go to websites
from email links.
Dr. N. K. Amin (ACP)
Gujarat Police
Protect Your Personal
 Create passwords containing atleast 8 digits. They
should not be dictionary words. They should combine
upper and lower case characters.
 Use different passwords for different websites.
 Send credit card information only to secure sites.
 Use a security program that gives you control over
"Cookies" that send information back to websites. Letting
all cookies in without monitoring them could be risky.
Dr. N. K. Amin (ACP)
Gujarat Police
Protect Your Website
Stay informed and be in touch with security related news.
Watch traffic to your site. Put host-based intrusion detection devices on
your web servers and monitor activity looking for any irregularities.
Put in firewall.
Configure your firewall correctly.
Develop your web content off line.
Make sure that the web servers running your public web site are
physically separate and individually protected from your internal
corporate network.
Protect your databases. If your web site serves up dynamic content
from database, consider putting that database behind a second
interface on your firewall, with tighter access rules than the interface to
your web server.
Back up your web site after every update.
Dr. N. K. Amin (ACP)
Gujarat Police
Protect Your Website
 Develop your web content off line.
 Make sure that the web servers running your public web
site are physically separate and individually protected
from your internal corporate network.
 Protect your databases. If your web site serves up
dynamic content from database, consider putting that
database behind a second interface on your firewall, with
tighter access rules than the interface to your web server.
 Back up your web site after every update.
Dr. N. K. Amin (ACP)
Gujarat Police
Identity Theft
 Identity theft occurs when somebody steals a personal
name and other personal information for fraudulent
 Identity theft is a form of identity crime where somebody
uses a false identity to commit a crime.
 It involves stealing victims’ personal information and
credentials, often to make purchases.
 It is an act of impersonating another by means of using
the person’s information, such as birth date, Social
Security number, address, name, and bank account
Dr. N. K. Amin (ACP)
Gujarat Police
Identity Theft
 It is an fact the co-option of another person’s personal
information e.g., name, Social Security number, credit
card number or passport without that person’s knowledge
and the fraudulent use of such knowledge.
 Identity theft is deliberately assuming another person’s
identity, usually to gain access to their finances or frame
them for a crime.
 It can also be used to enable illegal immigration,
terrorism, espionage, or changing identity permanently.
Dr. N. K. Amin (ACP)
Gujarat Police
I.P. Address
Each computer on the Internet has an IP address that uniquely identifies it from all
other computers on the Internet.
IP stands for Internet protocol, and these addresses are 32-bit numbers, normally
expressed as 4 "octets" in a "dotted decimal number." A typical IP address looks
like this:
The four numbers in an IP address are called octets, .
Every machine on the Internet has a unique IP address.
A server has a static IP address that does not change very often.
A home machine that is dialing up through a modem often has an IP address that
is assigned by the ISP when you dial in. That IP address is unique for your
session—it may be different the next time you dial in. This way, an ISP only needs
one IP address for each modem it supports, rather than for each customer.
Dr. N. K. Amin (ACP)
Gujarat Police
(i) Make the wireless network invisible by
disabling identifier broadcasting,
(ii) Rename the wireless network and
change the default name.
(iii) Encrypt the network traffic,
Dr. N. K. Amin (ACP)
Gujarat Police
 (iv) Change administrator’s password
from the default password. If the wireless
network does not have a default
password, create one and use it to
protect the network,
(v) Use file sharing with caution. If the
user does not need to share directories
and files over his network, he should
disable file sharing on his computers.
Dr. N. K. Amin (ACP)
Gujarat Police
 (vi) Keep the access point[6] software patched and up to
(vii) Check internet provider’s wireless security options as
it may provide information about securing your home
wireless network,
(viii) Do not auto-connect to open Wi-Fi (wireless fidelity)
(ix) Turn off the network during extended periods of nonuse, etc.
Dr. N. K. Amin (ACP)
Gujarat Police
preventing E-crime
 Ensure physical security of equipment and
storage devices
Don't share identification numbers and
Change passwords on a regular basis
Regularly monitor dial-up facilities of users
Cancel access to data when employees
transfer, leave or no longer require access
Dr. N. K. Amin (ACP)
Gujarat Police
preventing E-crime
 Review work quality and develop a
sound system of controlling employees
with access to data
 Install a firewall
 Install virus protection software and
maintaining updates on a regular basis
Dr. N. K. Amin (ACP)
Gujarat Police
preventing E-crime:
 Always check bank account transactions/balances and
report discrepancies immediately to your financial
Keep your computer in a family room so that you can
monitor its use
Report the matter quickly to police if it is a criminal matter
Avoid opening unsolicited emails, delete them
immediately and do not respond to the inquirer
Retain original offensive/menacing/harassing emails
Dr. N. K. Amin (ACP)
Gujarat Police
preventing E-crime
 Consider the use of a third party to hold
payment in trust until you receive an item
purchased via an online auction site
 Do not automatically check boxes before
reading the contents of any agreement etc
 Educate yourself on a regular basis of the
methods used by offenders to commit this type
of crime
Dr. N. K. Amin (ACP)
Gujarat Police
preventing E-crime:
 Do not automatically divulge personal
information to persons who have
solicited contact with you, without
checking their credentials
 Store personal information such as
passwords on a separate storage device
rather than on the computer hard-drive
Dr. N. K. Amin (ACP)
Gujarat Police
Classification of Offences detailed Under the IT Act, 2000.
Cognizable or Noncognizable
Bailable or NonBailable
By what court
Tempering with computer
source code and
Magistrate of the First Class
Hacking with computer
Magistrate of the First Class
Publishing of information
which is obscene in
electronic format
First Conviction
Magistrate of the First Class
Second Conviction
Court of session
Failure of comply with the
directions of Controller
Magistrate of the First Class
Failure to assist
intercepting agency in
Magistrate of the First Class
Dr. N. K. Amin (ACP)
Gujarat Police
Securing Access to a
protected system
Court of Session
Penalty for
Any Magistrate
Breach of confidentiality
and privacy
Any Magistrate
Penalty for publishing
Digital Signature
Certificate false in
certain particulars
Any Magistrate
Publication for fraudulent
Any Magistrate
Failure to surrender license
by Certifying
Any Magistrate
Dr. N. K. Amin (ACP)
Gujarat Police
 It is not possible to eliminate cyber crime
from the cyber space.
 It is quite possible to check them.
 History is the witness that no legislation
has succeeded in totally eliminating
crime from the globe
 The only possible step is to make
people aware of their rights and duties
Dr. N. K. Amin (ACP)
Gujarat Police
Dr. N. K. Amin (ACP)
Gujarat Police
Dr. N. K. Amin (ACP)
Gujarat Police