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Network Layer (part 2)
CPSC 363 Computer Networks
Ellen Walker
Hiram College
(Includes figures from Computer Networking by Kurose & Ross, © Addison Wesley
Summary so far (4.5)
• Every router has a “next hop” table to route packets
to the right interface (output)
• Routing algorithms determine these tables
– Global
– Distributed
• In the Internet, hosts are arranged hierarchically, and
inter-gateway routing is separated from intra-gateway
• We’re now ready to look at network-layer
transmission units (datagrams) and their headers.
Routing & Forwarding
• Routing table contains
– Destination network (set of IP addresses, e.g.
– Next router (on the path to the destination’s gateway host)
– Nhops (1 if it’s the same network, >1 otherwise)
• To forward a packet
– Look up its address in the table
– Forward it (via link layer) to the appropriate next stop
• Next router if Nhops > 1
• Destination host if Nhops = 1
• Each router only knows the “next direction” to send
the packet in.
How Forwarding Works
routing algorithm
local forwarding table
header value output link
value in arriving
packet’s header
3 2
Forwarding: Prefix Matching
• Routing table would be too large, if every
single possible address were included
• Instead, each entry contains range of
addresses, specified by common bit prefix
– 10110000 through 10111111 represented as 1011
– 11000000 through 11111111 represented as 11
– 11000100 through 11000111 represented as
Longest Prefix Matching Rule
• Each address is forwarded using the table entry with
the longest prefix that matches
– Sample forwarding table (partial)
• 1011 (interface 0)
• 11 (interface 1)
• 11001 (interface 2)
– Address 10110101 -> interface 0
– Address 11101111 -> interface 1
– Address 11001111 -> interface 2 (not 1, by longest prefix)
Inside the Router
Input Port
• Lookup / forwarding
– Shadow copy of forwarding table at each port
allows multiple packets to be looked up in parallel
– Optimized organization for fast lookup, especially
in the backbone (e.g. tree rather than list)
• Queuing facility
– If the output port is in use, the packet is queued at
the input port for delivery
– Queued packets must be scheduled through the
switching fabric later
Switching Fabric
• Switch via memory
– Output ports look like memory locations
– Move packet to port by writing into port’s buffer
• Switch via bus
– One packet on bus at a time (potential bottleneck)
– Bus connects input ports directly to output ports
• Switch via interconnection network
– Crossbar, tree structures
– No bottleneck, but more hardware (silicon)
Output Ports
• Buffer
• Queue (if buffer fills too fast)
• Data link processing (protocol, encapsulation)
Where is the Queue?
• At input port
– If designated output port is blocked
– If switching fabric is unavailable
• At output port
– When several inputs send to same output
– Packet scheduler chooses which to send
– If full, can either drop most recent packet, or
choose one already in the queue to drop
Internet Names and Addresses
• Network names, generally like:
• Essentially hierarchical in “domains”
– “garfield” in “computer science” at “hiram college” in the
“education” domain
– “groups” of the “google” company in the “company” domain
• Translated to IP addresses by Domain Name Servers
(DNS) -- (application covered in Ch. 2)
• IP v4 has 4 sets of 8 bits (0-255), e.g.
IP v4 Addresses
• 32 bits (4 groups of 8), e.g.
• Leftmost N bits is “network prefix”
– Formerly classes A-D; value of prefix bits determined N
– Now Classless InterDomain Routing (CIDR) specified N
directly: a.b.c.d/N
• Remaining bits identify individual hosts on a subnet
– All nodes on a subnet can reach all other nodes on that
subnet without an intervening router
• A switch has a different address on each interface
• Broadcast address:
Interface Address and Subnets
network consisting of 3 subnets
Getting an Address
• ISP gets its addresses from a bigger ISP or ICANN
(also manages DNS names)
• Organization gets a block of addresses from an ISP
(Internet Service Provider)
• Individual hosts gets address within organization’s
– Manual: system administrator gives host a fixed IP (needed
for externally available servers)
– DHCP: protocol to request an available address for a finite
time (and get first-hop router and DNS info, too)
• DHCP addresses can be reused by different subscribers if all
subscribers aren’t online all the time.
Network Address Translation (NAT)
• Router looks like a single device to the outside world
(one IP address)
• Router looks like a DHCP server to the inside world
(generates IP addresses)
– Different home networks (etc) can all share the same
address space
• Each device inside the network has a unique subset
of port numbers (so the router can address an
incoming message correctly)
– NAT translation table (outer port <–> inner host, inner port)
How NAT Works
• Message comes in from WAN
– Based on port number, re-address it for LAN (internal
address and port)
– Forward out appropriate interface to LAN
– Host responds…
• Message goes out to LAN
– Replace return address with WAN address and router port
• NAT Translation table contains necessary information
to switch between LAN and WAN addresses
Arguments Against NAT
• Port numbers should address processes, not
• Routers aren’t supposed to interfere with the
network level and above
– Network is host-to-host communication
• IPv6 should be used instead
• NAT interferes with P2P
– Some administrators call this a feature
– TCP hack or Universal Plug N Play (UPnP)
protocol allows P2P to traverse NAT
NAT and P2P
• Client behind NAT has no problem; it
connects to established port on server.
Server gets a return address (mapped port),
so it can respond.
• NAT host doesn’t know its mapped port, so it
can’t advertise its address/port to the world to
act as a server.
• UPnP protocol: inner host asks NAT gateway
for a specific port, then it advertises external
address/port and can be contacted.
IPv4 Datagram Format (4.13)
• Different networks can have different MTU (maximum
transmission unit) sizes
• If a router has a packet that is too big for its network,
it must fragment (break up) that packet
– All fragments have the same id
– Fragmentation offset indicates location in fragment
– Flag is 1 for all fragments but last (to indicate last)
• Packets are reassembled at destination before
passing up to transport layer
• Avoid fragmentation entirely if MSS (network layer) is
small enough!
Fragmentation Example
Small MTU
Reassembled at host
Other Network Layer Protocols
• ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol)
– For error reporting
– E.g. destination unreachable (router sent ICMP
back when it couldn’t forward a packet)
– Also used for ping, traceroute
• DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol)
– For assigning IP addresses dynamically and
usually temporarily
– Will be discussed as part of the Link layer
Reminder: Hierarchical Routing
A and B
Intra-AS routing
within AS A
Intra-AS routing
within AS B
Internet Routing
• Intra-AS (Within network) Routing
– RIP (Routing Information Protocol)
– OSPF (Open Shortest Path First)
• Inter-AS (Between network) Routing
– BGP (Border Gateway Protocol)
RIP: Routing Information Protocol
• Like Distance Vector algorithm
– Cost metric is hop count (assume each link costs
exactly 1)
– Messages exchanged every 30 seconds;
“Advertisements” - these contain entire routing
tables! (destination, next hop, hop count)
– Updates as for DV algorithm. (Easier, because 1
is added for every link!)
– If a neighbor is silent for 180 seconds, its column
is modified (to infinity) and the table is advertised
OPSF: Open Shortest Path First
• Intended as successor to RIP
• Link State; based on Dijkstra’s Algorithm
• Network administrator sets link costs
– Unit cost (count # hops like RIP)
– Other (make low-capacity links high-cost)
• All links information broadcast to everyone
every 30 minutes (or more often, if changes)
• More complexity; we will not study it deeply
BGP: Border Gateway Protocol
• For Inter-AS routing
• Path vector protocol: neighboring routers
exchange detailed path information (not just
the cost of next hop)
• Distributed like DV algorithm
BGP Activities
• Receiving & filtering route advertisements from
– Include full paths; policies can avoid specific AS’s
– Avoid loops by filtering out paths that contain me
• Route selection
– Policy left to network administrator
– Often shortest AS path (fewest hops)
• Advertising routes to neighbors
– Again, network administrator sets policy; BGP provides
– Not all routes must be advertised to all neighbors
Why different protocols?
• Inter-AS
– Need control of policy
– Make sure of who routes through your network, who your
network routes through
• E.g. don’t let non-paying customers use your router if they
came from another network you’re connected to.
– Performance not as important
• Intra-AS
– One admin; policy not as significant
– Performance is #1
• “Next generation” internet addressing
• 128 bits (rather than 32 in IPv4)
– Not as big a deal as originally thought (NAT, CIDR)
– “Every grain of sand on the planet can be internetaddressable)
– Multicast and anycast (pick-1) addressing now supported
• Simplified header (next slide)
• From IPv4 to IPv6 (until all IPv6)
– Dual stack router
– Tunneling
IPv6 Header
• Still 20 bytes, although
addresses are 128 bits
• No fragmentation,
options, checksum
• Traffic class fields (flow
labeling & priority)
• Version field (contains
• Next hdr: TCP vs UDP
From IPv4 to IPv6
• “Flag day” - pick a date and no longer support
– Totally impractical, considering size and noncentrality of Internet
• Dual-Stack approach
– Every IPv6 node also can route IPv4 packets
– Can determine if a node is v6 capable, or only v4
(DNS address tells this)
– Once a packet is translated to v4, v6 info is lost (it
stays v4 until destination)
From IPv4 to IPv6 (continued)
• Tunneling
– Same basic assumptions as dual stack
– IPv6 datagram put in data field of an IPv4
datagram for transmission to/from IPv4 only router
(Addressed to next IPv6 router on path)
– IPv4 header stripped, and IPv6 datagram sent
when IPv6 capable node is reached
Summary: Network Layer
• Addressing (IPv4, IPv6)
• Forwarding (prefix matching, NAT,
• Routing (Link State vs. Distance Vector)
– Intra-AS (RIP (dv), OSPF (ls)
– Inter-AS (BGP (dv – actually path vector)
• Administrative messages
– ICMP (e.g. host unreachable, invalid port)