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NETikos activity in
MobileMAN project
Veronica Vanni
NETikos S.p.A.
Helsinki, June 8th 2004
MobileMAN Internal meeting
Application features
Application schema
Software Architecture
State of the art
Helsinki, June 8th 2004
MobileMAN Internal meeting
Application features
Our Web Service Location (WSL) application deploys a web
services in mobile ad hoc environment:
• Each node of the ad hoc network can publish its contents and retrieve all
contents present in the network;
• , we use the UDDI (Universal Description Discovery and Integration). To
define a way to publish and discover information about Web Services, but
fitting to wireless ad hoc environment called UDDI4m (UDDI for Mobile);
• Use of SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) to access to remote services,
defines a simple way to package information to exchange across systems.
Helsinki, June 8th 2004
MobileMAN Internal meeting
Application features [cont.]
Taking care of the ad hoc network features, we can note that:
No client-server application, but peer-to-peer communications;
Each node has a server side and client side, so the server side manages the own
contents and client side can search the contents from other nodes;
The UDDI4m database is distributed among the nodes, the nodes in the network can
have constrains resources as a PDAs, so these devices have only client side and publish
the its contents on the databases of the other nodes;
To obtain the overlay network of UDDI4m, the application use the P2P Common API
to communicate with middleware level
Helsinki, June 8th 2004
MobileMAN Internal meeting
Application schema
Application schema to publish and recovery contents
A peer node can publish own content in the local UDDI4m database or retrieve the
contents from other peer nodes, following this schema:
Start application
run UDDI4m db:
create the tables to
implement the UDDI4m
run the home page:
show the home page
where is possible to
choose the action
Helsinki, June 8th 2004
MobileMAN Internal meeting
Application schema [cont.]
For example 1
If a user want publish own the Business Entity click on input link of the Business Entity
and the following page is showed where the user can input the information relative to
Business Entity
Business Entity input
Input the details of
Business Entity and
relative contact details
Insert a row with relative
information in a
Business_Entity table and
Contact table (tables of
UDDI4m db
Helsinki, June 8th 2004
MobileMAN Internal meeting
Application schema [cont.]
For example 2
If a user want search the Business Entity click on search link of the Business Entity and the
following page is showed where the user can input the information relative to Business
Entity to search.
Business Entity search
Input the details of
Business Entity and
relative contact details
Select the row that
matches the name in the
Business_Entity table and
shows the results
Helsinki, June 8th 2004
MobileMAN Internal meeting
To run WSL_v1.0 application is needed to install the following
 Install Tomcat from
 Install j2sdk1.4.2_01 package
 Install MySQL from
 A SOAP Transport, a supported transport is Apache SOAP 2.2.
Available from
 Install mysql-connector-java-3.0.11 package
 Install pastry or CROSS-ROAD package to use the p2p common API
Helsinki, June 8th 2004
MobileMAN Internal meeting
Software Architecture
Interaction between middleware and application
MobileMAN Architecture
Legacy Architecture
WSL Applications
Applications WSL
MAC + Physical
MAC + Physical
• WSL application can exchange information
with other protocol through NeSt.
• It can exploit CROSS-ROAD advantages
simply implementing the P2P common API
Helsinki, June 8th 2004
• With this same interface (P2P
common API) WSL can interactive with
Pastry on a classical legacy architecture
MobileMAN Internal meeting
Software Architecture [cont]
Application level
User Interface
(jsp, html, cgi…)
Service level
Middleware level
UDDI4m API are:
These APIs allow you to interact with
UDDI4m registry without knowing the
specifics of SOAP or the XML
messages and data structures that UDDI
interacts with.
The UDDI4m API calls P2P common
API to obtain information (id nodes) of
the nodes that support the UDDI4m
service and sends messages to retrieves
the contents stored in the databases
P2P common
Helsinki, June 8th 2004
MobileMAN Internal meeting
Software Architecture [cont]
The client side of each node can call the UDDI4m API to interact with its server
side and with the server sides of the other nodes
Client Server
Helsinki, June 8th 2004
MobileMAN Internal meeting
State of art
Development of the version 1.0 of the application (WSL_v1.0 application).
The WSL_v1.0 has the following features:
The API publish are only local, a node publishes own contents only on its
local database
The API inquiry are distributed, a node retrieves contents from its database
and other nodes
Use of laptops with Linux as operative system and all prerequisites explained
The application is developed in java language because is more easy the integration
with middleware level (in particular with P2P common API) or, eventually, with
NeSt (Network Status component)
Helsinki, June 8th 2004
MobileMAN Internal meeting
First testbed (at the beginning of July)
WSL_v1.0 application that runs on laptops equipped with wi-fi card setting ad
hoc. In the first testbed we consider only laptop (no PDA) and each device has
either client and server side.
Application interacts with middleware level (P2P common API) to obtain the
overlay network of UDDI4m service, using this information, sends a message
to each peer node of this overlay network to obtain the IP address and, then,
to access to UDDI4m databases
Application shows a html page to user:
to publish own information;
to retrieve all contents from other nodes of the network
Next testbeds (for second review)
The environment of application is the same, but a node exchanges information
with other nodes by SOAP protocol.
Helsinki, June 8th 2004
MobileMAN Internal meeting