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The Fallacies
of Enterprise Systems
Ted Neward
• Who is this guy?
– Independent Consultant, Mentor, Architect
– Author
Server-Based Java Programming (Manning, 2000)
Effective Enterprise Java (Addison-Wesley, 2004)
C# in a Nutshell (with Drayton, Albahari; OReilly, 2001)
SSCLI Essentials (with Stutz, Shilling; OReilly, 2003)
– Instructor, DevelopMentor
• .NET
• Java
– Papers at
– Weblog at
The Fallacies of
Enterprise Computing
"Essentially everyone, when they first build an enterprise application,
makes the following 10 assumptions. All turn out to be false in the long run
and all cause big trouble and painful learning experiences."
1) The network is reliable
2) Latency is zero
3) Bandwidth is infinite
4) The network is secure
5) Topology doesn't change
6) There is one administrator
7) Transport cost is zero
8) The network is homogeneous
9) The system is monolithic
10) The system is finished
“The network is reliable”
• Hardware fails
– Routers go down, wires are cut (sometimes
catastrophically), power spikes, hurricanes, …
– Sometimes it’s even as simple as “who turned off the
• Software fails
– Processes throw exceptions when they shouldn’t need to,
or hang, or …
– … or sometimes you get hacked
• Physics fails
– Not very often (we hope), but signal just doesn’t travel
the wireless airwaves like it should
Don’t assume reliability
• Assume that at any point during
remote communication, the network
can simply “go away” for no reason
• Code appropriately: timeouts, retries,
backups, and so on
“Latency is zero”
• Bits take time to move through the
networking layers and physical
– And remember, they need to do it lots
of times (once per intermediary)!
– Even fast networks are orders of
magnitude slower than slow PC buses
Count the network time
• Be frugal in passing data across the
network; the more data passed, the
longer it’ll take for it all to get there
– Remember, TCP/IP tries to “guarantee”
delivery of all of those packets, which
grows steadily more difficult with a
larger number of packets
“Bandwidth is infinite”
• A T-1 line’s “phat pipe” gets saturated pretty quickly in the
face of VOIP, streaming video, music downloads, graphicheavy websites, …
– Once we throw Web services into the mix, expect the
bandwidth demands to double or triple
– Once “everything goes over one wire”, expect the available
bandwidth for your application to be a fraction of what it is
– Remember, laying down new wire (fiber-optic) is an exercise in
digging up your street…
• Developers frequently write code on small lightly-congested
LANs or standalone machines/laptops
– But Production looks a lot different than a standalone laptop…
Don’t send more than you
need to send
• Be frugal with the amount of data
you send across the wire; send only
that which can’t be cached
– Ironically, this argues against the
browser-based application, since half
the data sent is presentation
information; hence the rise of the
“smart client”
“The network is secure”
• “Developers are competent”
– Not always… how much do you know about network security?
How about your coworkers, including Harvey The Intern?
• “Remote data can be trusted”
– TCP/IP packets themselves can be spoofed as to their source
– Major impetus for IPv6 and other next-generation Internet
• “Remote system can be trusted”
– Even if it could at one point, how do you know it hasn’t been
hacked since then?
• “It’ll never run outside of our firewall”
– Lots of people carrying laptops, PDAs, Blackberrys…
– Lots of wireless networks going up…
Assume insecurity
• Remember that any application listening to the
network has at least two client front-ends to it:
the one you wrote, and Telnet, the hacker’s best
– If you assume that every byte that comes in off the
network has to go through a 12-step recovery program
before being used anywhere in your program, that’s a
good start
– If you find yourself arguing crypto key bit size with
another developer, you’re arguing over the size of the
vault door on your tent
– If you find yourself trusting firewalls to take care of
your security needs, please don’t work for my company
“Topology doesn’t
• Topological changes sometimes happen without planning
– Hardware failures, software failures, natural disasters, and so
– Don’t forget natural (Hurricane Ivan & friends) or manmade
(9/11) disasters!
• The code could run on a laptop (or PDA!) that gets carried
from hotel to hotel
• The network could be a wireless one, where nodes are
constantly coming & going
– or worse, it’s a combination of wired & wireless
• The code could also be “upgraded” (or “downgraded”) to run
in an entirely different environment than you developed to
Make use of the layers
of indirection
• Networking frequently makes available
“layers of indirection” to keep physical
hardware topology somewhat hidden; use it
– This means DNS, NAT, and so on
– Some programming models provide one (JNDI)
– Consider peer-to-peer tools (WS-Discovery,
UDP/IP, Multicast, …) to help keep track of
topological changes
“There is one
• “… and he will never quit, get hit by a bus,
or take a vacation”
– Believe it or not, even hard-core sysadmin
geeks like to get away from the computer once
in a while
– Maybe even date!
• “But we control both ends”
– For now, perhaps, but what happens if your app
is wildly successful? Or your company buys a
competitor? Or is bought? Or partners up?
Make the system
• At any point, a relatively competent
system administrator should be able to use
standard tools and services to install
and/or monitor and/or diagnose the
– Make use of O/S management facilities
– Build in the management/administrative
functionality that isn’t otherwise handled
(adding/removing users, finding “lost” records,
and so on)
“Transport cost is zero”
• Pointers don’t travel well
– So networking stacks spend a lot of time
shuffling bits into a stream of bytes that can
be sent across the wire
– Process is called marshaling, and it’s not a free
• Both Java and .NET Remoting use Serialization to do
the marshaling
• Web services have to marshal/unmarshal to XML
Understand what you’re
sending, and what it costs
• Measure the full cost of sending data
across the wire by measuring the full
cost of marshaling
– Either recreate the marshaling (by
serializing all the parameters and back)
– Or watch the data go across the wire
– Or measure with a profiler
“The network is
• Not even my home network is homogeneous—
Windows & Mac OS/X
Most (all?) companies are also a mixture
Originally an argument for “why Java”
But along came .NET… and Ruby… and …
Never mind legacy C/C++, COBOL, …
• Even if it is today, there’s tomorrow
– And the inevitable partnerships, buyouts, mergers, and
other corporate activities
– You can run, but you can’t hide
Build systems that don’t
assume a specific platform
• When designing systems, never
assume it will always be “X” at both
– Stick to well-known technologies at the
edges of your component boundaries
– When you do interop, prefer to do so at
remoting & component boundaries
“The system is
• “Oh, sure, we can make that change; we
just have to roll out new stubs…”
– Even if you control both ends today…
– … tomorrow brings corporate change
• “What do you mean, I broke your missioncritical app? Who are you again?”
– Remember that databases take on a life of
their own, as well; you may not own your own
database instance (or its schema) after release
Clearly delineate your
component boundaries
• Design the system to make it explicit
which parts are tightly-coupled and would
need to evolve atomically; keep the
network out of those atoms as much as
– If the component doesn’t straddle the
network, it’s much easier to control
– Ask yourself, “How do we react if the schema
and code need to evolve independently?”
– Prefer to define contracts, not shared types
“The system is finished”
• The only time a system is “finished” is
when the server is shut down, the source
code is deleted and the programmers that
worked on it are all Terminated—With
Extreme Prejudice!
– Otherwise, systems will be “reborn” in another
project because “we need something that does
just what XYZ does, only…”
– Even if you’ve left the company, the code you
wrote takes on a life of its own
Build systems to last
• Create systems with “hook points”
that allow future programmers to slip
in variation without significant ripand-tear across the codebase;
eschew today’s “flavor of the month”
– Keep designs simple and interface- or
• Everybody has made these mistakes
– No shame in admitting it!
• Learn from the mistakes
– Recognize when you’re falling into the traps
– Avoid the implicit assumptions during design
• Hold design reviews against the fallacies
– Be aggressive in stamping them out