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Computer Software
Copyright © 2006, The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
Types of Software
Copyright © 2006, The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
Operating System
• An integrated system of programs that
manages the operations of the CPU,
controls the input/output and storage
resources and activities of the computer
system, and provides various support
services as the computer executes the
application programs of users
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Operating System Functions
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Other System Management Programs
• Performance Monitors – programs that
monitor and adjust the performance and
usage of one or more computer systems
to keep them running efficiently
• Security Monitors – programs that monitor
and control the use of computer systems
and provide warning messages and
record evidence of unauthorized use of
computer resources
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Programming Languages
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Language Translator Programs
• Assembler – translates the symbolic instruction
codes of programs written in an assembler
language into machine language instructions
• Compiler – translates high-level language
• Interpreter – compiler that translates and
executes each statement in a program one at a
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Data Resource Management
Copyright © 2006, The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
Data Resource Management
• A managerial activity that applies
information systems technologies to the
task of managing an organization’s data
resources to meet the information needs
of their business stakeholders
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Foundation Data Concepts
• Character – single alphabetic, numeric or
other symbol
• Field – group of related characters
• Entity – person, place, object or event
• Attribute – characteristic of an entity
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Foundation Data Concepts
• Record – collection of attributes that
describe an entity
• File – group of related records
• Database – integrated collection of
logically related data elements
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Types of Databases
• Operational – store detailed data needed
to support the business processes and
operations of a company
• Distributed – databases that are replicated
and distributed in whole or in part to
network servers at a variety of sites
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Data Warehouse
• Large database that stores data that have
been extracted from the various
operational, external, and other databases
of an organization
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Data Mining
• Analyzing the data in a data warehouse to
reveal hidden patterns and trends in
historical business activity
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Data Mining Uses
• Perform “market-basket analysis” to identify new
product bundles.
• Find root causes to quality or manufacturing
• Prevent customer attrition and acquire new
• Cross-sell to existing customers.
• Profile customers with more accuracy.
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Database Management Approach
• Consolidates data records into one
database that can be accessed by many
different application programs.
• Software interface between users and
• Data definition is stored once, separately
from application programs
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Database Management Software (DBMS)
• Software that controls the creation,
maintenance, and use of databases
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Database Interrogation
• Capability of a DBMS to report information from
the database in response to end users’ requests
• Query Language – allows easy, immediate
access to ad hoc data requests
• Report Generator - allows quick, easy
specification of a report format for information
users have requested
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Database Structures
• Hierarchical – relationships between
records form a hierarchy or treelike
• Network – data can be accessed by one
of several paths because any data
element or record can be related to any
number of other data elements
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Relational Database Structure
• All data elements within the database are
viewed as being stored in the form of
simple tables
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Evaluation of Database Structures
• Hierarchical data structure is best for
structured, routine types of transaction
• Network data structure is best when
many-to-many relationships are needed.
• Relational data structure is best when ad
hoc reporting is required.
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Database Development
• Enterprise-wide database development is
usually controlled by database
administrators (DBA)
• Data dictionary – catalog or directory
containing metadata
• Metadata – data about data
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Entity Relationship Diagram
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And Networks
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• The exchange of information in any form
(voice, data, text, images, audio, video)
over networks
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Open Systems
• Information systems that use common
standards for hardware, software,
applications, and networking
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Telecommunications Network Components
• Terminals – any input/output device that uses
telecommunications networks to transmit or receive data
• Telecommunications Processors – devices that perform
control and support functions
• Telecommunications Channels – media over which data
are transmitted and received
• Computers – all sizes and types
• Telecommunications Control Software – programs that
control telecommunications activities
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Telecommunications Network Components
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Types of Telecommunications Networks
• Wide Area Network (WAN) – network that
covers a large geographic area
• Local Area Network (LAN) – network connecting
information processing devices within a limited
physical area
• Virtual Private Network (VPN) – secure network
that uses the Internet as its main backbone
network, but relies on network firewalls,
encryption, and other security features of its
Internet and intranet connections and those of
participating organizations
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Network Topologies
• Star – ties end user computers to a
central computer
• Ring – ties local computer processors
together in a ring on a relatively equal
• Bus – local processors share the same
communications channel
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Network Topologies
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Network Architectures & Protocols
• Protocol – standard set of rules and procedures
for the control of communications in a network
• Network Architecture – the use of standard
protocols, standard communications hardware
and software interfaces and the design of a
standard multilevel interface between end users
and computer systems with the goal of
promoting an open, simple, flexible, and efficient
telecommunications environment
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OSI & TCP/IP Models
• Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model is a seven-layer model that serves
as a standard model for network
• Transmission Control Protocol / Internet
Protocol (TCP/IP) – is a five layer
telecommunications protocol used by the
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• Classification of communications speed
and capacity of telecommunications
Transmission Rates:
• Narrow-band – low-speed
• Broadband – high-speed
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End of Chapter
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