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Xenia & Gia
What is it?
• Squamous cell carcinoma is an extremely
common form of skin cancer which is usually
noncancerous, especially if caught early. In
almost 97% of cases, the cancer can be
excised and the patient will fully recover. In
other instances, squamous cell carcinoma has
the potential to metastasize, spreading to
other portions of the body and creating serious
health problems.
Who it effects:
• It is the second most frequent malignant
skin tumor after basal cell carcinoma.
• Most common type of cancer in the
Caucasian population
• Skin cancers have about 600,000 cases
per year. Of these, 100,000 to 150,000 are
squamous cell carcinomas.
Most likely to get it:
• Fair skin white men, usually over age 60.
• Blonde or red hair; blue or green eyes.
• History of indoor
• Diagnosed with actinic keratoses (AKs).
• Family history of skin cancer.
• Weakened immune system
• Received radiation therapy.
• History of exposure to coal tar products or arsenic.
How you get it:
• The incidence of skin cancers is rising every
year, likely due to increased sun exposure. Most
squamous cell carcinomas result from prolonged
exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation,
either from sunlight or from tanning beds or
lamps. Avoiding UV light as much as possible is
the best protection. Sunscreen is an important
part of a sun-safety program, but by itself
doesn't completely prevent squamous cell
carcinoma or other types of skin cancer.
• Skin cancer first appears as a growth and
it sometimes takes the form of a sore or
pimple that does not heal. The sore may
bleed or ooze fluid, crust or scab over, and
then ooze or bleed again. Cancer can
occur on almost any area of the skin, but
is most common on areas often exposed
to the sun. Skin cancer usually is painless.
• The most common symptoms are:
• 1. A new growth on the skin.
• 2. A change in an existing skin growth.
• 3. A sore that does not heal.
• In addition to taking a complete medical
history and checking the affected area of
skin, your doctor may remove a small skin
sample (biopsy) for examination under a
microscope. Often, the biopsy is sent to a
pathologist who has special expertise in
diagnosing skin samples.
• A suspected squamous cell carcinoma is
often biopsied by shaving off the top layers
of skin with a surgical blade. Tumors that
have spread deeper into the skin may be
partially or completely removed (incisional
or excisional biopsy).
• Freezing: This involves
removing cancerous cells
by freezing them with
liquid nitrogen.
• Simple excision: In this
procedure, your doctor
cuts out the cancerous
tissue and a surrounding
margin of healthy skin.
• Laser therapy: An intense beam of light
vaporizes growths, usually with little
damage to surrounding tissue and with a
reduced risk of bleeding, swelling and
scarring. Lasers are often used to treat
superficial carcinomas on the lips.
• Mohs surgery: This is often considered
the most effective treatment for squamous
cell carcinomas. During the procedure,
your doctor removes the tumor layer by
layer. This allows the entire growth to be
removed without taking an excessive
amount of surrounding healthy skin.
• Radiation therapy: This may be an option
for treating large cancers on the eyelids,
lips and ears — areas that are difficult to
treat surgically — or for tumors too deep to
cut out.
• Chemotherapy: For very superficial
cancers, creams or lotions containing anticancer agents may be applied directly to
your skin. Some of these medications can
cause severe inflammation and scarring.
This can also come in the form of an IV
which is inserted into the body.
• Fluorouracil:
Indications: IV- treatment of colon
cancer, breast cancer, gastric cancer,
pancreatic carcinoma.
Topical- management of carcinoma
Actions: Theraputic Effects- death of
rapidly replicating cells, particularly
malignant ones.
• Although an original squamous cell
carcinoma diagnosis comes with a 95%
cure rate, the disease is typically recurring
if the tumors spread to other locations on
the body, the prognosis is less promising if
the cancer spreads t the lymph nodes or
organs in the body.
• The prognosis for if the cancer spreads to
the lymph nodes can be as high as 73%
with proper treatment. When in the lungs,
it is not cureable.
• Prompt treatment of suspicious skin
lesions help to ensure early diagnosis and
affords the best possible prognosis.