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Name: ______________________________________________________________
Date: __________________
Pre/Post Test
Objective: 7.PCH.1.2- Explain environmental, psychological, and social factors affecting excessive
sun exposure
Which of the following is not a type of skin cancer?
a. Basal cell carcinoma
b. Leukemia
c. Melanoma
d. Squamous cell carcinoma
2. Which type of skin cancer causes the most deaths?
a. Basal cell carcinoma
b. Leukemia
c. Melanoma
d. Squamous cell carcinoma
3. Which of the following is an environmental factor that influences sun exposure?
a. Living in a warm climate
b. The belief that having a tan makes a person more attractive
c. Avoiding being picked on for having pale skin
Why does this factor affect sun exposure?
4. Which of the following is a psychological factor that influences sun exposure?
a. Having a job that requires working outside
b. The belief that suntans make an individual appear thinner
c. Fitting in with other people who have tanned skin
Why does this factor affect sun exposure?
5. Which of the following is a social factor that influences sun exposure?
a. The altitude at which you live
b. Wanting to spend time at the beach with your friends
c. The time of day that you are outside
Why does this factor affect sun exposure?
6. Which factors affect the amount of Ultra Violet (UV) ray exposure that a person gets?
The strength of the rays
The amount of time spent in the sun
Whether the skin is protected by clothes or sunscreen
All of the above
7. The skin uses sunlight to help manufacture this vitamin, which helps to build and maintain
good bone health:
a. B12
b. C
c. D
8. Melanin is a skin pigment that actually helps to protect the skin against UV rays. People
with more melanin are less likely to develop skin cancer. Which person has more melanin and
is therefore less likely to develop skin cancer?
a. Dark-skinned
b. Fair-skinned with light colored hair