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Hypertension Kidney Stones
The prevalence of "true" treatmentresistant hypertension (HTN) is:
A) Unknown
B) Approximately 20% in patients
with HTN
C) 10% to 15% in patients without
diabetes mellitus (DM) or chronic
kidney disease (CKD)
D) Up to 33% in patients with DM
and/or CKD
• A) Unknown
Which of the following is a cause
of pseudoresistance to HTN
A) Poor adherence with
prescribed medications
B) Inaccurate measurement of
blood pressure (BP)
C) "White-coat" HTN
D) All the above
• D) All the above
All the following are associated
with resistant HTN, except:
A) Older age
B) Obesity
C) White ethnicity
D) Residence in southeastern
United States
• C) White ethnicity
Which of the following
has not been shown to interfere
with control of BP?
A) Amphetamines
B) Coenzyme Q10
C) Alcohol
D) Oral contraceptives
• B) Coenzyme Q10
Studies suggest that
cyclooxygenase (COX)-2
selective inhibitors induce
_______ hypertensive responses
than COX-2 nonselective
A) Fewer
B) Milder
C) Stronger
D) A and B
• D) A and B
Measurements of urinary
metanephrine and normetanephrine
are the recommended screening tests
for which of the following causes of
secondary HTN?
A) Cushing disease
B) Glucocorticoid remediable
C) Renal artery stenosis
D) Pheochromocytoma
• D) Pheochromocytoma
Which of the following is not recommended
as a pharmacologic treatment of resistant
A) Combining agents with different
mechanisms of action
B) Using a long-acting thiazide
C) Adding an aldosterone receptor antagonist
as a "last resort"
D) Using a loop diuretic in patients with
stage 4 CKD
• C) Adding an aldosterone receptor
antagonist as a "last resort“
• Add it earlier
A weight loss of ≈10 kg plus
regular exercise can reduce a
patient's BP by:
A) 5 to 10 mm Hg
B) 5 to 20 mm Hg
C) 8 to 15 mm Hg
D) 20 to 30 mm Hg
• D) 20 to 30 mm Hg
Sedentary patients who initiate
exercise therapy for HTN should
begin with:
A) 10-min walks twice per week
B) 15 min of moderate intensity
activity 5 to 7 days/wk
C) 30 min of brisk walking 5
D) 30 to 45 min of moderate
activity 3 days/wk
• A) 10-min walks twice per week
Choose the correct statements about the effects of
exercise on reduction of BP.Resistance exercise is
more effective than aerobic exercise
Aerobic exercise is more effective than resistance
Several short bouts of exercise are more effective
than one longer bout
One longer bout of exercise is more effective than
several short bouts
A) 1,3
B) 2,3
C) 1,4
D) 2,4
• Aerobic exercise is more effective than
resistance exercise
• Several short bouts of exercise are more
effective than one longer bout
• B) 2,3
Which of the following can be
associated with comorbid
A) Depression
B) Gastroesophageal reflux
C) Menopausal symptoms
D) All the above
• D) All the above
Periodic limb movement disorder
A) Diagnosed by polysomnography; treated
with dopaminergic agents
B) Diagnosed by clinical history and physical
examination; begins or worsens with rest
C) Occurs during REM sleep; muscle atonia;
more common in older women
D) Tends to occur in neurodegenerative
disorders and in older men; no muscle atonia
• A) Diagnosed by polysomnography; treated
with dopaminergic agents
Restless legs syndrome
A) Diagnosed by polysomnography; treated with
dopaminergic agents
B) Diagnosed by clinical history and physical
examination; begins or worsens with rest
C) Occurs during REM sleep; muscle atonia; more
common in older women
D) Tends to occur in neurodegenerative disorders
and in older men; no muscle atonia
• B) Diagnosed by clinical history and
physical examination; begins or worsens
with rest
Rapid eye movement (REM) sleep behavior
A) Diagnosed by polysomnography; treated
with dopaminergic agents
B) Diagnosed by clinical history and physical
examination; begins or worsens with rest
C) Occurs during REM sleep; muscle atonia;
more common in older women
D) Tends to occur in neurodegenerative
disorders and in older men; no muscle atonia
• D) Tends to occur in neurodegenerative
disorders and in older men; no muscle
Choose the correct statement about
cognitive behavioral therapy for
A) Rarely as effective as medications
B) Often preferred over medications by
C) Duration of effects much shorter than
that of medications
D) Not recommended for patients with
• B) Often preferred over medications by
Which of the following
is least associated with heparininduced thrombocytopenia?
A) Unfractionated heparin
B) Low molecular weight
C) Fondaparinux
D) Combination of any of above
• C) Fondaparinux
Which of the following types of
kidney stones is more common in
women than in men?
A) Calcium oxalate
B) Struvite
C) Uric acid
D) Cystine
• B) Struvite
Which of the following is most
sensitive for identifying kidney
A) Plain film radiography
B) Computed tomography (CT)
C) Intravenous (IV) pyelography
D) Ultrasonography
• B) Computed tomography (CT)
Uric acid stones are visible on
plain film radiography but not on
A) True
B) False
• B) False
Which of the following was
shown to be least effective in the
treatment of pain associated with
kidney stones?
A) IV fentanyl
B) IV ketorolac
C) Intramuscular ketorolac
D) Hydromorphone
• C) Intramuscular ketorolac
Which of the following is
recommended for facilitating
passage of proximal stones?
A) Tamulosin
B) Nifedipine
C) Deflazacort
D) Diclofenac
• A) Tamulosin
All the following beverages are
associated with reduced stone
formation, except:
A) Coffee
B) Tea
C) Alcohol
D) Grapefruit juice
• D) Grapefruit juice
Which of the following was
recommended as the treatment of choice
for the management of hypertension in
patients with end-stage renal disease
A) Direct renin inhibitors
B) Angiotensin-converting enzyme
inhibitors and angiotensin receptor
C) β-blockers
D) Calcium channel blockers
• B) Angiotensin-converting enzyme
inhibitors and angiotensin receptor blockers
High hemoglobin levels in
patients with ESRD are related to
higher incidence of stroke,
myocardial infarction, access
thrombosis, and erythropoietinsecreting tumor.
A) True
B) False
• A) True
Choose the correct statement about phosphate
binders in hyperparathyroidism.
A) Calcium acetate associated with severe reflux
B) Sevelamer most effective and has lowest pill
C) Calcimimetics highly effective and approved for
parathyroid hormone suppression
D) Lanthanum carbonate associated with excess
cardiovascular death and hyperlipidemia
• C) Calcimimetics highly effective and
approved for parathyroid hormone
Primary care of patients with ESRD should
A) Effective communication between
nephrologist and primary care physician
B) Understanding of drug dosing, cancer
screening, and pain management
C) Coordination of end-of-life care
D) All the above
• D) All the above
Which of the following is the
most common source of infection
in the elderly?
A) Skin and soft tissue
B) Gastrointestinal tract
C) Genitourinary tract
D) Lower respiratory tract
• C) Genitourinary tract
Which of the following contribute to
immunocompromise in the elderly?Decreased T cell
and B cell activity
Decreased antibody titers
Poor circulation
Loss of natural barriers
Diminished cough reflex
Problems in living and home environment
A) 1,3,5
B) 2,4,6
C) 1,2,3,4,5
D) 1,2,3,4,5,6
• D) 1,2,3,4,5,6
The following statements about fever in the
elderly are true,except:
A) The elderly have diminished
thermoregulatory capacity
B) Less likely than young individuals to
develop hypothermia in response to serious
C) Absence of fever should not rule out
consideration of serious infection
D) Fever in the elderly should be redefined to
start at lower oral and rectal temperatures
• B) Less likely than young individuals to
develop hypothermia in response to serious
Infection should be considered in
the elderly in the presence of
delirium and tachypnea.
A) True
B) False
• A) True
Which of the following is a risk
factor in the development of
venous thromboembolism?
A) Long-distance air travel
B) Compound heterozygosity for
factor V Leiden and prothrombin
C) Elevated factor VIII
D) All the above
• D) All the above
Which of the following signs can
be reliably used to diagnose
urinary tract infection in the
A) Fever
B) Foul-smelling urine
C) White blood cell count
D) None of the above
• D) None of the above
Which of the following is the
most common causative
organism for pneumonia in the
A) Haemophilus influenzae
B) Staphylococcus aureus
C) Streptococcus pneumoniae
D) Mycoplasma pneumoniae
• C) Streptococcus pneumoniae
Initial therapy for vancomycinresistant enterococci (VRE)
before cultures and sensitivities
are known includes which of the
nGentamicinA fluoroquinolone
A) 1,3
B) 2,4
C) 1,2,3
D) 4
• Ampicillin Gentamicin
• A) 1,3
Long-term dialysis within 30
days is a risk factor for which of
the following cases?
B) Health care-associated
C) Clostridium difficile colitis
D) Hospital-acquired pneumonia
• B) Health care-associated pneumonia
In C difficile colitis, the more
severe the presentation, the more
likely diarrhea is present.
A) True
B) False
• B) False
Which of the following tests is
the gold standard for the
diagnosis of C difficile colitis?
A) Enzyme-linked immunoassay
B) Computed tomography
C) Cytotoxicity assay
D) Stool culture
• C) Cytotoxicity assay
Dual antiplatelet therapy with
aspirin and clopidogrel is
strongly recommended for stroke
prevention in older patients with
atrial fibrillation (AF).
A) True
B) False
• B) False
Cholinesterase inhibitors increase
the risk for all the
A) Syncope
B) Bradycardia
C) Falls
D) Stroke
• D) Stroke
The Rate Control Efficacy in
Permanent Atrial Fibrillation
(RACE II) study found that strict
rate control produced slightly
better outcomes than lenient
control in patients with AF,
including those >80 yr of age.
A) True
B) False
• B) False
In the treatment of mixed
dyslipidemia, there
is currently no target value for:
A) Triglycerides (TGs) or lowdensity lipoprotein cholesterol
B) TGs or high-density
lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C)
• B) TGs or high-density lipoprotein
cholesterol (HDL-C)
Compared with patients taking metformin or
placebo, patients with impaired fasting
glucose and impaired glucose tolerance who
achieved an initial loss of body weight of 7%
to 10% (via diet plus 150 min of moderate
exercise 3 days/wk) had _______ of
progression to diabetes mellitus, according to
a study by the Diabetes Prevention Program.
A) The same rate
B) A slightly faster rate
C) A much slower rate
• C) A much slower rate
Choose the incorrect statement about
hypertriglyceridemia and the risk for coronary heart
disease (CHD).
A) Increases in TG levels do not correlate closely
with increased risk for CHD
B) Increased TG levels correlate with increased risk
for CHD, except in cases of very low LDL-C levels
C) Increased TG levels tend to correlate with an
increased risk for CHD only at extreme levels of
D) Increased TG levels correlate with increased risk
for CHD at all levels of LDL-C
• D) Increased TG levels correlate with
increased risk for CHD at all levels of LDLC
In patients with hypertriglyceridemia, lipid
and lipoprotein metabolism is characterized
by all the following, except:
A) Increased secretion of TG
B) Increased conversion of very-low-density
lipoprotein (VLDL) to LDL
C) Impaired function of lipoprotein lipase
D) Production of small dense LDL and HDL
• B) Increased conversion of very-lowdensity lipoprotein (VLDL) to LDL
Studies consistently show that
_______ is superior to _______
for assessment of cardiovascular
(CV) risk and as the goal for
B) LDL-C; non-HDL-C
• A) Non-HDL-C; LDL-C
When used with a statin, which
of the following agents increases
the risk for associated myopathy?
A) Niacin
B) High-dose prescription fish
C) Fenofibrate
D) Gemfibrozil
• D) Gemfibrozil
It is estimated that approximately
_______ million people in the
United States currently take a
A) 15.8
B) 29.7
C) 43.6
D) 68.3
• C) 43.6
Choose the incorrect statement about the
clinical aspects of statin myopathy.
A) Toxicity associated with statin use is
B) Nonspecific muscle pain and
weakness are more common than is
frank rhabdomyolysis
C) Myalgias account for ≈25%
D) Muscle symptoms and high serum
creatine kinase always resolve quickly
with statin withdrawal
• D) Muscle symptoms and high serum
creatine kinase always resolve quickly with
statin withdrawal
Perifascicular atrophy is
pathognomonic for which of the
following conditions:
A) Toxic myopathy
B) Dermatomyositis
C) Becker muscular dystrophy
D) Necrotizing myopathy
• B) Dermatomyositis
Evidence indicates that statinassociated necrotizing myopathy
is _______ to
A) Responsive
B) Not responsive
• A) Responsive