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Health care
1- hair
15 - fingers
2 - head
16 - breast
3 - eye
17 - chest
4 - ear
18 - stomach/tummy
5 - nose
19 – abdomen /belly
6 - lips
20 - bottom
7 - face
21 - thigh
8 - neck
22 - leg
9 - shoulder
23 - knee
10 - arm
24 - ankle
11 - elbow
25 - foot/feet
12 - wrist
26 - big toe
13 - hand
27 - toes
14 - thumb
How do people care about their health?
Do they care more about it or less than in the past?
Why? What do they exactly do?
Health is very important and therefore everybody should look after it. Nowadays
people care about their health more than in the past. They are aware of
the fact that just a fit person can be successful in life, to live healthy
lifestyle means to live longer = prolong their lives
eat healthy food (containing vitamins, proteins, less sugar
salt and fat)
practise different kinds of sports
avoid stressful situations
Have a rest, relax more often
Sometimes we can´t avoid catching some illness
What do people do when they are ill?
When we are ill, we usually see a doctor:
(make an appointment with the doctor in advance)
We wait in the waiting room. The nurse says “Next please” and invites us into
the consulting room. The nurse gives our medical record to the doctor and
asks us for our insurance card
The doctor:
 examines our body – listens to our lungs, breathing,
measure our blood pressure
 asks about the symptoms
 diagnoses the case
 prescribes some medication
Where do we go then?
Then, we go to the pharmacy (chemist‘s) to get:
 antibiotics
 painkillers
 vitamins
 Oitments – a substance used on the skin as a cosmetic or medicament
 linctus - a syrupy taken to relieve coughs and sore throats
How do you heal yourself if illness is not too serious, you just feel unwell.
We stay at home, don´t go to work or school, (stay on sick leave). We
should drink enough liquids – hot herbal tea with lemon and sugar,
vitamins. We need to sweat out if there is a temperature.
Different Diseases
What are known diseases and aches?
Diseases are divided into:
Children diseases: chickenpox, measles, mumps, polio, german measles
Common diseases: stomachache , toothache, headache, sore throat, cold,
flu, pneumonia, diarrhea, bronchitis
Life-threatening: stroke, heart attack , jaundice, diabetes
Incurable/fatal diseases: AIDS, cancer, polio
Civilization diseases: asthma, allergies, migraines, stroke
Besides diseases there are also various disorders like eating disorders –
( people eat large amounts of food in a relatively short time and then either
take laxatives or vomit)
people don´t eat, or just little)
or behavioural disorders of children
Who suffers from anorexia or bulimia more – girls or boys? Why?
5. Compare health of people
at present with the health of people in the past.
In recent years, people in many countries have become
more concerned about their health (health-conscious).
They care about the food they eat and are interested in
the effects it has on their health.
Many people have reduced the amount of salt, fat and
sugar they eat in order to lose weight, lower their
cholesterol, and reduce their risk of getting heart
disease. And many people exercise to stay healthy.
In the past people died younger because the health
care was not so developed. Nowadays the life
expectancy is on the rise.
On the other hand, people did not suffer from stress and
diseases like cancer or AIDS.
What are the most common symptoms of different diseases?
insomnia (nespavosť)
loss of appetite
cold, runny nose
sore throat
you can faint - nausea
Diseases and their symptoms.
What are the symptoms of:
 fever – high temperature
 weakness
 shiver
 headache
 nausea (nevoľnosť)
 breathing difficulty
 cough
 sweating, etc.
 sore throat
 runny / running nose
 sneezing
To keep a healthy lifestyle means
regular exercise
- plenty of rest
- enough sleep
- good eating habits
- a lot of vitamins
- no smoking or alcohol
- we should think positively
If we want to be healthy, we should take care of our health regularly
We should:
- clean our teeth regularly
- do some exercise every day
- go for a walk
- have a massage or a sauna sometimes
- reduce amount of fat, salt, sugar
- loose weight if we are overweight
- visit our doctor /GP/ regularly for check-ups
- visit a dentist twice a year
- eat a lot of vegetables
Health care in Slovakia
is provided for people from birth to death In
Slovakia we have these health facilities:
a) State
b) Private
Patients are sometimes sent to a health resort
or a spa for rehabilitation. There they undergo
water treatment, takes baths, massages, and
drinks the waters.
A pediatrician is a doctor who looks after the health of
children. Each school child is under medical
supervision. When a child is born, he is vaccinated
against such diseases as tuberculosis, measles, etc.
GP /= general practitioner is a doctor who looks after
the health of adults.
In case of emergency we can call an ambulance – dial
the number 155 – the ambulance takes the patient to
Serious cases are immediately operated in the operating
theatre.If we break a leg or an arm, we are X-rayed and
the leg or arm is put in plaster.
Your sister cannot get into her new dress. Recommend her
healthy diet and explain what other activities she
should do to lose weight.
Stop skipping meals.
Go vegeterian twice a week.
Beware of finger food, like biscuits.
Dance the night away.
Eat slowly and in small portions.
Skip late-night munchies.
Have plenty of rest.
Avoid smoking and drinking alcohol.
Cut down (reduce) your sugar intake
Say what kind of medications you usually take. Explain other ways
of treating health problems.
When we are ill we take cough syrup, pills, painkillers, drugs,
vitamins, drink herbal tea, and stay in bed and sweat
 If the illness is too serious, the patient is taken to hospital and
undergoes an operation if necessary
Classical medicine or Alternative medicine – promotes health
without artificial drugs, looks at the whole person, not just the
Acupuncture ,acupressure, aromatherapy, homeopathy
Answer the questions
1. How do you protect your body against disease.
2. Do you take vitamins regularly? Why? Why not?
3. Do you live a healthy lifestyle? Why? Why not?
4. What do you do to stay healthy?
5. When do you go to see a doctor?