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Cancer Presentations for period
Fall 2006
Bone Cancer
Paige Mitchell-Spears
David Schmidt
• Strontium was
discovered in 1798 and
metallic strontium was
first isolated by Sir
Humphry Davy in 1808
using electrolysis.
• The radioactive 90Sr can
lead to various bone
disorders and diseases,
including bone cancer.
most common type
develops in new tissue in growing bones
originates in the Osteoid tissue commonly
located in the knees, upper legs, and upper
common between the ages of 10 and 25
about 50% more common in males than in
about 900 new cases diagnosed in the United
States each year
about 400 of these cases occur in children and
adolescents younger than 20 years old
most occur between the ages of 10 and 30
teenagers are the most commonly affected age
group, but it can occur at any age
about 10% occur in people over the age of 60
arises in cartilage located
in the pelvis, upper legs,
and shoulders
common between the
ages of 50 and 60
Ewing’s Sarcoma
begins in immature nerve
tissue in bone marrow
located in the pelvis, upper
legs, ribs, and arms
common between the ages
of 10 and 20
• First the doctor will ask about the patients personal and
medical history and then perform a medical exam.
• There are 3 different types of medical exams that can be
performed to diagnose bone cancer:
– A blood test to determine the level of the enzyme alkaline
phosphatase (vital for child growth, mending broken bones, and
production of abnormal bone tissue). Because there is a high
abundancy of this enzyme in growing children, this test is not very
– An x-ray to show the location, size, and shape of a bone tumor. If it
suggests that a tumor may be cancer, the doctor may recommend
special imaging tests such as a bonescan, a CT scan, an MRI, or an
– A needle biopsy or an incisional biopsy where a piece of the
cancerous tissue is removed for study by an oncologist or a
• not known
• radiation or chemotherapy for other conditions
may increase the risk of bone cancer
• adults with Paget’s disease (a noncancerous
condition characterized by abnormal
development of new bone cells) may be at
increased risk for osteosarcoma
• a small number of bone cancers are due to
vary depending on the location and size of the cancer
• pain is the most common
• tumors in or near joints may cause swelling or tenderness
in that area
• bone cancer can interfere with normal movements and
weaken the bones, sometimes leading to a fracture.
• fatigue, fever, weight loss, and anemia
• none are reliable signs of cancer, they can also be caused by
other, less serious conditions.
• depend on the type, size, location, stage of
the cancer, and the person’s age and general
• surgery is often the primary treatment
• amputation of a limb is sometimes necessary
– to avoid amputation, a surgeon will only
remove the cancerous section of the bone and
replace it with a prosthesis
• Chemotherapy and radiation may also be
used together or alone
Survival Stats
• The overall 5-year relative survival rate for
1996-2002 from 17 SEER geographic areas
was 67.9%.
• Five-year relative survival rates by race and
sex were:
– 64.4% for white men
– 72.1% for white women
– 65.5% for black men
– 67.5% for black women
Morality Rate
• In 2006, about 2,760 new cases of cancer of the bones and joints will be
diagnosed, and about 1,260 deaths from these cancers are expected.
• From 2000-2003, the median age at death for cancer of the bones and joints
was 59 years of age 4.
– Approximately 14.8% died under age 20; 14.1% between 20 and 34;
7.3% between 35 and 44; 8.9% between 45 and 54; 11.2% between 55
and 64; 13.7% between 65 and 74; 18.6% between 75 and 84; and
11.3% 85+ years of age.
• Death rates by race and sex were:
All Races
0.5 per 100,000 men
0.3 per 100,000 women
0.6 per 100,000 men
0.4 per 100,000 women
0.5 per 100,000 men
0.4 per 100,000 women
Asian/Pacific Islander
0.3 per 100,000 men
0.2 per 100,000 women
American Indian ^ per 100,000 men ^ per 100,000 women
0.5 per 100,000 men
0.3 per 100,000 women
Branden Lombardi
•Replacement of cancerous portion of tibia
with donor bone
•Lead to nodules in lungs
•Has been cancer free for 2.5 years with
help of chemotherapy
Works Cited
Colon Cancer
Katie Asman
Chris Johnson
Timeline of Cancer
The earliest indications of cancer were described in seven papyri discovered in
the 19th century. The cancer descriptions were written around 1600 BC and are
believed to date back to sources as early as 2500 B. C.
Ancient Egyptians were able to determine whether or not tumors were benign or
Hippocrates named “cancer” “karkinioma” because he saw that malignant
tumors looked like a crab which is also why it is known as cancer today
Back in the 17th century Gaspare Aselli found the vessels of the lymphatic
system and believed that cancer was caused by abnormalities in the lymph.
Oncology was established as a science with the research in cell culture,
diagnostic treatments and chemotherapy.
Finally in 1971, Richard M. Nixon signed the National Cancer Act which launched
a program administered by the National Cancer Institute which contains the
United State legislative cancer policies from 1937 to the present.
Who it afftects
• Colorectal cancer affects men and
women usually 50 years or older
• Cancer of the colon and rectum is the
third most diagnosed cancer in the US.
How its diagnosed
• Symptoms of colon cancer include
abdominal pain, diarreha, constipation
and blood in the feces
• Symptoms vary from case to case and
some do not have any symptoms
• Causes of most colorectal cancers are
unknown but certain risk factors have been
• factors include older age, ulcerative colitis
(causes inflammation of the colon), and
family history of colon cancer
• Most colorectal cancers start as a benign
tumor on the wall of the rectum
Affected Body Parts
• The cancer can begin in any of the 4
regions of the colon or the rectum
• Each section is made up of several
layers of tissue, cancer begins in the
inner layer and grows through some if
not all of the layers
• The spread of cancer depends on which
layer it begins in
• The treatments depend on what stage the cancer is
at, radiation is a rare treatment of colon cancer
• Primary treatment is to remove the portion of the
colon where the cancer lies along with the lymph
nodes and blood supply
• Surgery is the primary option when the cancer is in
the first three stages
• After the portion of the colon is removed it is rebuilt
called anastomosis
• Chemotherapy is used on patients who had a tumor
removed and is in danger of getting another
Survival Statistics
• 50% of patients treated for colon
cancer survive
• 15% of people are at stage 1 and 8590% survive
• 20-30% are at stage 2 65-75% survival
• 30-40% at stage 3 55% survive
• 20-25% at stage 4 and is rarely cured
• 94,000 cases of colon cancer are diagnosed
each year
• it accounts for 10% of cancers in men and
11% of cancers in women
• it occurs second most in both sexes behind
• 49,000 died from colon cancer in the US in
• The disease has occurred less in the US but
the mortality rate has increased
Cheryl’s Story
In 1999 and even before that, my doctor was very concerned about why I was so anemic. I was
put on iron supplements, but nothing seemed to change the anemia. My doctor had also
questioned me about my bowel movements. I actually thought they were quite normal. I guess I
had not really had a normal one in so long that I did not know what normal was. Actually, they
were quite loose most of the time and not really very formed. But, as I said, my doctor was quite
concerned about the anemia. After a few visits, he insisted I have a colonoscopy, so I did. The
procedure itself was no problem; the prep was the worst part of the whole thing.
Then on March 16, 1999, I had the colonoscopy and the physician told me I had a tumor that
might or might not be cancerous (I am sure he knew that it most likely was.). He also told me it
had to come out surgically, regardless. He then said to call my doctor in a week for the results.
The next week my doctor called me and said it was cancer. I really don't know how I felt. A little
shocked, I guess. How could this be? It was a very large polyp that now was cancer.
On April 1, 1999, I had surgery to remove this cancer by taking out the section with the tumor and
several feet of my colon. I am not sure what stage cancer this was, but I do know it started
through the wall and that is why I see the cancer doctor frequently for blood tests to see if there
are any cancer cells in my body. So far, he tells me that I am in remission.
I still have trouble thinking of myself as a cancer patient. Thank goodness for my doctor and the
colonoscopy. It saved my life. Colonoscopy: such a simple thing to do to save your life.
By Josh Lee and Josh Feaster
Lung cancer was very rare before people started smoking
cigarettes. There are only 100 cases of lung cancer in
medical history before the 1900’s. After WWI (1918),
cigarette smoking became very popular. Doctors began
seeing a sudden epidemic of lung cancer in the 1930’s.
Doctors began seeing a link between cigarette smoking and
lung cancer, and they determined that smoking causes one’s
chances to develop the disease to increase greatly. By the
1970’s, lung cancer had gone from one of the rarest cancers
to the number one killer cancer in the U.S.
• Lung cancer affects all men and women of all
• In the US, 175,000 new cases are expected in
2006: 90,700 in men and 80,000 in women.
• Although lung cancer was previously an illness
that affected predominately men, the lung cancer
rate for women has been increasing in the last few
decades .
• Performing a chest X-ray is the first step if a patient reports symptoms
that may be suggestive of lung cancer. This may reveal an obvious
mass, widening of the mediastinum (suggestive of spread to lymph
nodes there), atelectasis (collapse), consolidation (infection) and
pleural effusion. If there are no X-ray findings but the suspicion is
high, bronchoscopy and/or a CT Scan may provide the necessary
information. In any case, bronchoscopy or CT-guided biopsy is often
necessary to identify the tumor type.
• Blood tests and spirometry (lung function testing) are also necessary to
assess whether the patient is well enough to be operated on.
• There are four major causes of lung cancer (and cancer in
• Carcinogens such as those in cigarette smoke
• Radiation exposure
• Genetic susceptibility
• Viral infection
• In the United States, smoking is estimated to account for
87% of lung cancer cases (90% in men and 79% in
• If the cancer grows into the lumen it may obstruct the
airway, causing breathing difficulties. This can lead to
accumulation of secretions behind the blockage, allowing
the patient to pneumonia.
• Tumors in the top (apex) of the lung, known as Pancoast
tumors, may invade the local part of the sympathetic
nervous system, leading to changed sweating patterns and
eye muscle problems (a combination known as Horner's
syndrome), as well as muscle weakness in the hands due to
invasion of the brachial plexus.
• Treatment for lung cancer depends on the
cancer's specific cell type, how far it has
spread, and the patient's performance status.
• Common treatments include surgery,
chemotherapy, and radiation therapy.
• Ann Shnur was diagnosed with non-small cell lung cancer in 2002. Her
doctors told her that her chances of curing the cancer were very slim, so
all they could do was try to manage it. When she found out, she
immediately quit smoking. She started to undergo chemotherapy and
radiation, but it was having little effect on her tumor. She was given an
experimental drug called Iressa to treat the cancer instead of the chemo.
She says that she made a point to savor every moment with family and
friends because she did not know what could happen next. Everything
seemed to be under control until April of 2006, when a routine scan
revealed that a lymph node near her original tumor had become
cancerous as well. Her doctors immediately switched her treatment
from Iressa to Tarceva, and since this switch, the tumor has not grown
any larger. Doctors say they would do a biopsy, but the surgery would
be life threatening based on the location of the tumor. Shnur and her
doctors have already planned that she will add Avastin to her treatment
if the cancer spreads. Shnur, in the meantime, is continuing to live her
normal life.
• Only 14% of patients with lung cancer survive for more
than five years after diagnosis. If the lung cancer is
detected before it has had a chance to spread to other
organs, and if it is treated appropriately, at least 49% of
patients can survive five years or longer after the initial
diagnosis. Only 15% of lung cancers, however, are found
at this early stage. About 10% of patients can expect to be
• Although the rate of men dying from lung cancer is
declining in western countries, it is actually increasing for
women due to the increased takeup of smoking by this
group. Among lifetime non-smokers, men who have never
smoked have higher age-standardized lung cancer death
rates than women. Of the 80,000 women who are
diagnosed with lung cancer in 2006, approximately 70,000
are expected to die from it.
Healthy Lung
• This is an image of a
very healthy lung.
Cancerous Lung
• This is a cancerous
Skin Cancer
Jackie Ardalan / Brian Ramsey
General Information
• Most serious type of skin cancer
• Begins in skin cells called melanocytes
• Melanocytes are the cells that make
melanin, which gives the skin its color
• With too much ultraviolet (UV) radiation,
the melanocytes may begin to grow
abnormally and become cancerous
What causes it
• Ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun is
the most recognized cause of all types of
skin cancer
• Tanning lamps are another source of UV
• The invisible effects of UV radiation
accumulate over a lifetime
Who it affects
• Both sexes are affected
• In America, it is the sixth most common cancer in men and
the seventh most common in women
• Race plays a large role
• White Americans are 20 times more likely to develop
melanoma than African Americans
• Worldwide, white populations have the highest risk of
developing melanoma, and Asian populations the lowest
• General rule: fair skin is more susceptible
How it is spotted
• Doctors often spot melanoma during a skin
inspection or annual physical
• Among men, melanoma most often shows up on
the upper body and on the head and neck
• In women, melanoma often develops on the
fingernails, on the palms of hands, and on the
soles of the feet
• However, it can appear anywhere on the skin
What to look for (the ABCD’s)
• A = Asymmetry: Melanoma lesions are typically irregular in
shape (asymmetrical) / benign (non-cancerous) moles are
typically round (symmetrical)
• B = Border: Melanoma lesions often have irregular borders
(ragged or notched edges) / benign moles have smooth, even
• C = Colors: Melanoma lesions often contain many shades of
brown or black / benign moles are usually a single shade of
• D = Diameter: Melanoma lesions are often more than one
fourth an inch or six millimeters in diameter (about the size
of a pencil eraser) / benign moles are usually less than that
• The treatment for melanoma depends on the
person’s age, health, and stage of the disease
• Surgery is the first treatment for all stages of
• Later stages of melanoma (thick melanoma or
those that have spread to the nearby lymph nodes),
call for other treatments, such as immunotherapy,
chemotherapy, and radiation therapy
• The average five-year survival rate for melanoma
patients is about 89 percent
• Once the cancer spreads to the lymph nodes, the
survival rate drops to a range of 13 to 70 percent,
depending on how many lymph nodes are affected
• An estimated 62,000 Americans are diagnosed
with melanoma each year
• Nearly 8,000 people die from the disease annually
Pancreatic Cancer
Maddie Norman and Amy Kim
• Cancer was first
recorded in Egypt in
2500 B.C. (tumors on
• majority of pancreatic
cancer occurs in people
older than 65
• Black men and women
have a higher risk
• More men than women
Illustration of healthy
Difficult to diagnose
Complete physical exam
Feces can become clay-colored
Ultrasound imaging, CT scan, MRI,
endoscopic retrograde
cholangiopancreatiography (ERCP),
endoscopic ultrasound (EUS), percutaneous
transhepatic cholangiography (PTC), biopsy,
• 3 stages
– respectable: all the tumor nodules can be removed
– locally advanced: because the cancer has spread to
tissues around the pancreas or into the blood
vessels, it can no longer be completely removed
– metastatic: at this stage, the cancer has spread to
distant organs, such as the lungs and liver
• Unsure what causes the DNA to become
damaged thus causing cancer in most cases
• Genetic predisposition (only 10%)
• Most cases caused by lifestyle factors such as
smoking and diet
• Stage 1; pancreatic cancer is
confined only to the pancreas.
• Stage 2; pancreatic cancer
has spread somewhere,
possibly to the lymph nodes,
but not into large blood
vessels nearby.
• Stage 3, pancreatic cancer
has invaded lardge blood
vessels, may be in the lymph
nodes, but hasn’t spread to
distant sites.
• Stage 4, means the cancer has
spread to a distant site or sites
in your body.
Cancerous pancreas
• Can only be treated in very early stages
• Pancreatic cancer is treated with surgery, radiation
therapy, or chemotherapy (like most other cancers)
• one-year relative survival rate is 20%, and the fiveyear rate is 4%
• fewer than 10% of patients' tumors are confined to
the pancreas at the time of diagnosis (no surgery
• average survival rate is 18 to 20 months if surgery is
possible. The overall five-year survival rate is about
10%, although can be as high as 20% to 25% if the
tumor is removed completely and cancer has not
spread to lymph nodes
• Patients diagnosed with pancreatic cancer have a poor
prognosis because the cancer usually causes no symptoms
early on, leading to metastatic disease at time of diagnosis.
• Median survival from diagnosis is around 3 to 6 months; 5year survival is much less than 5%.
• 32,180 new diagnoses in the United States every year
• 31,800 deaths
• mortality approaches 99%, giving pancreatic cancer the #1
fatality rate of all cancers and the #4 cancer killer in the
United States amongst both men and women
In Real Life
My mom’s cousin was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer
after being in the hospital for 1-2 months with severe
abdominal pain. It took that long to figure out the source of
the pain and by the time they did, the cancer had already
spread all over her body. The only practical treatment
option was medication to ease the pain. She lived in the
hospital for the 4 months following her diagnosis (the rest
of her life) with a distended belly and unable to keep food
down. My mom compared it to a baby constantly spitting
up food. She was aware that she was very ill but because
of her severe autism could not communicate very well and
was relatively unaware of her treatment and treatment
• Jill Norman provided the information for the real-life story
Testicular Cancer
Justin Cho
Raj Bhatt
Who does it affect?
-Testicular cancer affects over 8000 people a year in
the US.
-Caucasian males ages 15-40 are the most affected
while it would be extremely rare to see a African
American male with TC.
How is it diagnosed?
-Many methods of diagnosing, but self-diagnosis is
primary method before people consult professional help.
-First symptoms of TC:
-pain/tenderness in testicles
-build-up of fluid in scrotum
-hard lump gradually growing in size
What are the chances of
-TC is one of the most curable cancers (90% cure rate)
-If it is caught in Stage 1, the cure rate is virtually 100% if
it is treated properly.
-After patients are treated there is a less than 5% chance
of the cancer coming back.
How is TC treated?
-3 methods
-radiation therapy
-In surgery, one or both testicle are surgically
removed in order to stop the spread of the cancer.
-most popular treatment choice
-success rate; very high
-early stage of cancer
- < 5% of chance of chance spreading again.
-2nd most popular treatment choice
-compatible with all stages of TC
-high success rate
Radiation Therapy
-rarely used because high doses are dangerous for
sensitive testicular area.
-when used, used for stage 2/3 patients.
-50% average survival rate
wrap up
-TC is responsible for about 300 deaths a year( US only)
-every male should self-examine themselves at least once a
Cervical Cancer
Autumn Thomson
Derek McConnell
What is Cervical Cancer?
• Malignancy of the
• The cancer begins at
the lining of the cervix
• The cancer is not
suddenly formed, but
progresses in
transitional stages
Cervix connects the uterus to the
Naked HPV
• 2nd leading cause of
cancer death in women
• HPV is responsible for
90% of Cervical
• HPV - 16, 18, 31, 33,
42, 52 and 58 are the 7
most common strands
• Symptoms may be completely
• Vaginal bleeding, contact bleeding, or
vaginal masses may indicate malignancy
• In advanced cases, metastases may spread
to the lungs or abdomen
Picture of Cervical Cancer
• Hysterectomy (IA)
• Lymph Nodes (IA2)
• Trachelectomy (early
• Cone Biopsy
Hysterectomy Stages
• On June 6, 2006 the
FDA approved
• GlaxoSmithKline and
A Presentation by
Megan Hanson
Cameron Hostetter
Healthy Lung
Lung Cancer
Smoking is cool!!!
Historical Origins of Lung
• Not Common Before
• Tobacco companies
gave away free
cigarettes to millions
of soldiers
• After the war that it
became popular in
Historical Origins of Lung
• Influx of lung cancer cases in the 1930s
• Soon the correlation between smoking and
lung cancer was discovered
Historical Origins of Lung
• By the 1970s, lung
cancer had gone from
one of the rarest forms
of cancers to the
number one killer
cancer in the Western
Historical Origins of Lung
• By the 1970s, lung
cancer had gone from
one of the rarest forms
of cancers to the
number one killer
cancer in the Western
Historical Origins of Lung
• Although initially many believed that lung
cancer had only to do with smoking,
• Recent studies are revealing even more
regarding the causes of the disease
• African-American men who smoke
more at risk than among Caucasian
• Lung cancer is rapidly becoming a
female’s disease.
• Lung cancer is rapidly
becoming a female’s
• Women now account
for nearly half of all
new lung cancer cases
• Women are more
likely to develop lung
cancer than men
Dana Reeves
• Those who quit
smoking reduce risk of
lung cancer
• Also, exposure to
other carcinogens such
as asbestos and radon
gas increases risk
How Is It Diagnosed?
• Perform a chest Xray if a patient
reports symptoms
of lung cancer
• Symptoms:
– swollen lymph
– a chronic cough
– shortness of
– chest pain
How Is It Diagnosed?
• X-ray may reveal:
– an obvious mass
– a widening of the mediastinum,
– infection and excess fluid
• CT scan can be used if the X-ray in unable
to reveal anything
Types of Lung Cancer
• Commonly divided into two types:
– Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC)
which is the most common and the cause
of 80% of all lung cancer case
– Small Cell Lung Cancer (SCLC) the
cause of 20% of all cases.
Types of Lung Cancer
• Small Cell Lung
Cancer is almost
always a result of
smoking and its
tumors can spread
from the lungs to
the entire body.
• Three main forms of treatment for lung
– Surgery
– Chemotherapy
– Radiation
Mortality Rate
• Only 14% of patients
with lung cancer
survive for more than
five years after
• Only about 10% of
patients can expect to
be 'cured'
Peter Jennings
Mortality Rate
• Lung cancer is the number one cancer killer
in America, claiming more lives than breast,
prostate, and colorectal cancers combined.
Thank You
Breast Cancer
Hershel Mehta
Jessica Roan
Kacey Kim
Breast Cancer
Breast cancer is a serious issue in society
However, the cancer of the breast tissue is
not only a recent problem;
Cases of breast cancer have dated back to
ancient Egypt in 1600 BC.
• The first surgery done to remove the tumor over the breast
was done in the early 1700s by Jean Louis Petit. His
successful work was carried on by William Stewart
Halsted who started performing mastectomies in 1882. He
became known for his Halsted radical mastectomy, a
surgical procedure that remained popular up to the 1970s.
• Now breast cancer has become a major epidemic amongst
women, there are many charity walks and events to help
find a cure.
Breast cancer can affect both men and
women, but is much more common with
women. It affects one out of every nine to
thirteen women. Breast cancer only affects
1% of the male population.
It is the second most common in mortality
rate after lung cancer. The chances of
obtaining breast cancer increase with age.
Detecting Breast Cancer
There are many ways to detect breast cancer at
an early stage. For instance, there are self breast
exams or a mammograms which are extremely
useful in early discovery which is essential for
surviving breast cancer.
Also one can get an MRI (magnetic resonance
imaging), but this is sometimes expensive and
can give a false positive because of its acute
sensitivity. Ultrasound is sometimes, but rarely
There are many theories as to what exactly causes breast
Some believe that two genes BRCA1 and BRCA2 are
responsible for the formation of the cancerous tumor.
Another theory is that excessive alcohol consumption
leads to an increase in the risk of getting breast cancer.
Hormones is another theory flying around estrogen,
androgen, and testosterone levels may also be a reason
for someone acquiring breast cancer.
Hodgkin’s Lymphoma
Jack Ferguson
Brittany Morphew
When, Who and Where
• Hodgkin’s Lymphoma is named after the
British physician Thomas Hodgkin, who
first described the disease in 1832 and noted
several characteristics that distinguish it
from other lymphomas.
Who does it affect?
• Hodgkin’s disease most commonly affects people between
the ages of 15 and 40 and people older than age 55. It’s
one of two common types of cancers of the lymphatic
• It is most common in white people but affects every race.
• Males are “slightly” more likely to develop Hodgkin’s.
• People who have had illnesses caused by the Epstein-Barr
virus, such as mononucleosis may be four times more
likely to develop Hodgkin’s.
How is it diagnosed?
• There are many ways to detect Hodgkin’s
• Often a lymph node swells, especially in the
upper body area. Other times on feels they
have a lack of energy.
• More serious symptoms can include weight
loss, fever, and drenching night sweats.
• Many, many more!
Medical Diagnosis
• A biopsy of the area is taken and is searched
for the presence of Reed-Sternberg cells.
• Other exams include: chest x-rays,
collecting medical history, CT scans, PET
scans, and gallium scans.
Suspected Causes
• Abnormal B Cells
• Genetics
• Medical History
Affected Body Parts
• Hodgkin’s disease commonly begins in the
lymph nodes. Some lymph nodes are in
areas readily noticed, such as in your neck,
above your collarbone, under your arms,
groin area, and in the chest cavity.
• Lymphomas may spread outside the lymph
nodes to virtually any part of your body.
I) Involves one lymph node region.
II) Involves two or more lymph node
regions on the same side of the
III) Involves lymph nodes on both sides of
the diaphragm.
IV) Involves other organs besides the lymph
Treatment and Survival Rates
• Radiation, Chemotherapy, Bone Marrow
• More than 80% of people with stage 1 or
stage 2 Hodgkin’s disease for 10 years or
more with proper treatment.
• The five-year survival rate for those with
widespread Hodgkin’s disease is about
Survival Rates
Stage I- 90% to 95%
Stage II- 90% to 95%
Stage III 85% to 90%
Stage IV 80% to 85%
Mortality Rates
• Each year, about 1,300 Americans die of
Hodgkin’s disease.
Corinne Watson
Elieka Ghafari
Period: 4
• Cancer of the blood that develops in the bone
marrow (soft tissue that fills the inside of bones and
produces new blood cells)
• First diagnosed in 1845 by John Hughs Benett
• One of the ten most common types of cancer
• Most common type of cancer diagnosed in childern
• Predicted that 30,000 people will be diagnosed this
• No known cause of leukemia
• Possible causes: radiation,
chemicals, viruses, and genetic
• Result from somatic
mutations in the DNA, which
disrupt the regulation of cell
death, differentiation or
• Viruses have also been linked
to some forms of leukemia.
• Lack of red blood cells
– anemia
• Damage to the bone marrow
• Suppressed or Dysfunctional white blood cells
– infections
Fever, chills, and other flu-like symptoms
Weakness and fatigue
Easy bruising/bleeding
Loss of appetite and/or weight
Swollen or bleeding gums
Neurological symptoms (headache)
Enlarged liver and spleen
Acute vs. Chronic
Acute Leukemia
rapid growth of immature blood
Crowding disables production of
healthy blood cells
Can occur in children and young
Immediate treatment is required
due to the rapid progression and
accumulation of the malignant
cells, which can spill over into the
bloodstream and spread to other
organs of the body
If left untreated, the patient can
die in a few months, or even
excessive build up of relatively
mature, but still abnormal, blood
Typically taking months to years
to progress, the cells are
produced at a much higher rate
than normal cells, resulting in
many abnormal white blood cells
in the blood.
Mostly occurs in older people
Unlike acute leukemia, chronic
forms are sometimes monitored
for some time before treatment to
ensure maximum effectiveness of
Lymphoid vs. Myeloid
Diseases are classified according to the type of abnormal cell found most in the
When leukemia affects lymphoid cells (lymphocytes and plasma cells), it is called
lymphocytic leukemia.
When myeloid cells (eosinophils, neutrophils, and basophils) are affected, the
disease is called myeloid or myelogenous leukemia.
Acute lymphocytic leukemia (also known as Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia, or
ALL) is the most common type of leukemia in young children. This disease also
affects adults, especially those age 65 and older.
Acute myelogenous leukemia (also known as Acute Myeloid Leukemia, or AML)
occurs more commonly in adults than in children. This type of leukemia was
previously called acute nonlymphocytic leukemia.
Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) most often affects adults over the age of 55.
It sometimes occurs in younger adults, but it almost never affects children.
Chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) occurs mainly in adults. A very small
number of children also develop this disease.
• Combination of drugs
• Bone Marrow/Stem Cell
• Chemotherapy
• 43% overall survival
rate (for all ages)
Steve Sprague
Surviving Leukemia...One Man's Cord Blood Miracle.
• Steve was diagnosed with CML in 1995 when he was 47
years old. In those pre-Gleevec days, the standard
chemo for leukemia failed after only 17 months when
Steve went into blast crisis. An only child and unable to
find a matched unrelated donor for transplant, he
became one of the first to participate in a clinical trial
for end-stage adult CMLers using matching stem cells
obtained from umbilical cord blood (UCB) and expanded
ex vivo (in the lab). Now a 4+ year survivor, Steve
volunteers his time as a cord blood advocate and has
published a short story about his unique transplant
experience. His tale may be helpful to patients, caregivers and even prospective parents interested in
donating their infant's umbilical cord blood.
by: rebecca choi
troy manansala
what is it?
• broad term for a variety of
cancers in the lymphatic system
• lymphatic system-important for
fighting disease and filtering
out bacteria
lymphatic system
• Lymph nodes are oval, pea-sized
• Found beneath skin along large
blood vessels and grouped at
the neck, underarms, groin,
abdomen, and pelvis
• Also in spleen, thymus gland,
bone marrow, adenoids, and
two types
• two main types of lymphoma:
-Hodgkin’s Disease
-Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma
Cause: unknown
Suspected causes:
-viral/bacterial infections
-pesticides, solvents, arsenate,
lead, hair dyes, radiation,
paint thinners
Some information
• Can occur in both children and adults
• Most common in early adulthood (15-40)
and late adulthood (after 55).
• High survival rate
• Effects more men than women.
• Especially high among Jewish
populations and low among Asian pop.
• Approx. 25,000 die from this cancer
• malignant (cancerous) growth of
cells in the lymph system
Has Reed-Stemberg cells in the
cancerous area (while Non-Hodgkin’s
better known form of lymphoma
High survival rate
number of cases:
– 7880 cases in US this year
• 4330 men
• 3550 women
Hodgkin’s Diagnosis
• Lymph nodes can swell, upper
body area
• Feeling of lack of energy
• Weight loss, fever, drenching
night sweats, itching, lower
back pain
• Usually a shock and surprise
• Take tissue sample (biopsy) and
search for Reed-Stemberg cells
• X-rays or PET scans or CT scans
Hodgkin’s Treatment
• Chemotherapy
• Bone marrow and peripheral blood
• Immunotherapy
– Trys to help body fight cancer
• Radiation therapy
– High energy x-rays kill cancer cells
and shrink tumors
Non-Hodgkin’s Disease
• Is also malignant
• Growth of B or T cells in
lymph system
• Cases outweigh those of
Hodgkin’s disease
• 29 types of lymphoma are nonHodgkin’s
• Some symptoms: lymph node
swelling, unexplained itching,
fever, weight loss, lack of
• Will be tested and doctor will
determine which type of lymphoma
• Take biopsy (surgical preferred
over needle biopsy)
Non-Hodgkin’s Treatment
• Several types of treatment
– Chemotherapy is most common
– Radiation therapy
– Immunotherapy
– Bone marrow transplants
– Watch and wait
– The survival statistics of
treatments are unknown
the history of Hodgkin’s
• Disease named after Thomas
Hodgkin (1798-1866)
• English scholar and Quaker
physician working at Guy’s
Hospital in England
• Publishes paper on lymphatic
• 1666 first recorded description
of HD by Malpight
case study
• Frank Choi
– Diagnosed at age 27 with lymphatic
– Symptoms: turning an unhealthy
shade of yellow, indigestion,
– Needed surgery but doctors unable
to operate because of the
unbelievably huge tumor near his
stomach (15 cm in diameter)
Case study contd.
• Underwent one session of
chemotherapy no hope of
getting rid of cancer
• Tumor growing controllably
• Was given two weeks to live
• Five days after the failed
surgery, his cancer was
miraculously released through
excrement and he was healed.
And he’s definitely
healthy now
Tissue sample of HD
Dividing Hodgkin’s
disease cells
Normal lymph tissue
sites visited
Ovarian Cancer
Fred Ghamyan
and Charmaine Terania
Basic History
• fifth leading cause of cancer death in women
– four cancers preceding it on the list include cancers of the
lung, breast, colon, and pancreas
second most commonly diagnosed
exact causes of ovarian cancer is still unknown.
more common in industrialized nations
1 out of 4-60 women in the United States have a
chance of developing it sometime in their life.
Who can get affected?
• Women (Usually of older age)
• American Indians and Alaska Native women
show both a higher ovarian cancer incidence
and mortality rate than white American women
according to statistics developed by the National
Cancer Institute's Surveillance, Epidemiology and
End Results Program, but not included in NCI's
Report to the Nation.
How do you know if you have the
• One of the most difficult cancers to trace
• Some symptoms that might encourage a
woman to seek if she has ovarian cancer:
pain in the abdomen
a feeling of being bloated
weight loss
or problems with urination
If I think I have it, then what?
• First, an ultrasound scan of the abdomen is
performed. Sometimes the scan is taken from inside
the vagina.
• The second test is to measure the level of the CA125
marker in the blood.
• However, neither of these tests gives a definite
diagnosis of ovarian cancer, but if both tests are
positive, the patient is usually referred to a surgeon
who will operate to see if the ovaries show any signs
of cancer
What can cause this cancer?
• There is some evidence that being overweight can
increase your risk of ovarian cancer. Some research
has suggested that beta-carotene in the diet can
reduce the risk of this cancer, although this finding
has not yet been confirmed.
• Genes also have a great deal to do with it
– Overall, if you have one close relative (mother, sister or
daughter) who has had ovarian cancer, your risk goes up
about 4-fold. If you have two cases amongst close
relatives, your risk goes up 10-fold or more.
What does the cancer affect?
• The part of the body affected is the female's
ovaries located in the fallopian
tubes of the female
reproductive system.
However, it also
provides pain to parts
of the abdomen.
Is there treatment?
• The treatment used will depend on how advanced the cancer
is and how old the patient is.
– For younger patients with early cancer, limited surgery is used to
preserve their fertility.
– For older patients with more advanced cancers, the ovaries and the
womb are usually removed. If the cancer has spread, further tissue
may need to be removed to get out as much of the cancer as possible.
• Chemotherapy is normally used after the surgery to kill any
remaining cancer cells. Sometimes it is also used before the
surgery to shrink the tumor and make it easier to remove
What are the chances that I will be
cured if I do get cancer?
• Overall, only about two out of every five women with
ovarian cancer can be cured. Like all other cancers, the
stage at which ovarian cancer is diagnosed determines
how easily it is to cure. If diagnosed and treated while
the cancer is still confined to the ovaries, nearly 75% of
women can be cured. However, once it has spread into
the pelvic cavity, the cure rate drops to one third. If it
has spread further, only one quarter to on sixth of
patients can be cured.
 For these figures 'cured' is defined as surviving for five
years after the first diagnosis. There still isn’t a definite
How many people are affected by this
cancer per year?
• In 2005, more than 22,000 women were
diagnosed with the disease.
• An estimated 16,000 women died from
ovarian cancer in 2005.
Cancer Cells Dividing >>
Case Study
• Anne
Symptoms: constant pain in lower abdomen
Diagnosis: through ultrasound
Treatment: surgery, cyst removed
After effects: pain continued but soon went away
She is still able to have children. 
Prostate Cancer
By Chandler Sheilds and Joshua Im
History Timeline
• The prostate organ was first described by Venetian
anatomist Niccolò Massa in 1536 and illustrated
by Flemish anatomist Andreas Vesalius in 1538.
• Prostate cancer was identified in 1853.
• The prostate gland was first removed through
radical perineal prostatectomy in 1904 by Hugh
Young at Johns Hopkins Hospital.
• Removal of the prostate and lymph nodes while
allowing penile function (radical retropubic
prostatectomy) was developed in 1983 by Patrick
Who Does it Affect?
• Prostate cancer is most common amongst men
over fifty (exclusively restricted to infecting men).
• Prostate cancer is the ninth most common cancer
in the world,
• Prostate cancer is the number one non-skin cancer
that is found amongst United States men.
• Prostate cancer is least common among Asian
males and most common among black males.
• Prostate cancer is most
commonly diagnosed by
physical examination or by
screening blood tests, such as
the PSA (prostate specific
antigen) test.
• Suspected prostate cancer is
most of the time confirmed by
removing a piece of the prostate
and examining it under a
• Other tests, such as X-rays and
bone scans, are utilized in order
to determine whether prostate
cancer has spread.
Suspected Causes
 Even though the cause
of prostate cancer is
ultimately unknown, a
man's risk of attaining
prostate cancer is
related to his age,
genetics, race, diet,
lifestyle, medications,
and other factors.
Body Parts Affected
• This particular cancer
infects the prostate gland
in the male’s reproductive
• The cancer will usually
spread to the bones and
the lymph nodes.
• Prostate cancer can cause
pain, difficulty in
urinating, erectile
dysfunction, and other
Common Treatments
• Prostate cancer can be treated through
surgery, radiation therapy, hormone therapy,
sometimes chemotherapy, watchful waiting,
or some combination of these methods.
Survival Statistics
• The success rate of each of these tactics depends
upon such criteria as the stage of the cancer, the
PSA level, and the Gleason score.
• As the result of prostate cancer’s relatively slowgrowing nature, the 5-year survival rate for
prostate cancer diagnosed at all stages is 98%, the
relative 10-year survival rate is 84% and the 15year survival rate drops to 56%.
Mortality Rate
• In 2006, over 232,000 men will be
diagnosed with prostate cancer, and over
30,000 men will be killed by it.
Case Study: William Greenberg
The origin of breast cancer goes as
far as 1600 BC in Egypt.
In Edwin Smith Papyrus’ paper, he
described 8 cases of cancer where
breast had to be treated by
cauterization-process of removing
body parts by burning it.
The discovery of breast cancer was
founded by French surgeon Jean
Louis Petit and Scottish surgeon
Benjamin Bell in 17th century
where they had removed a lymph
gland, breast tissue and chest
• Age/gender
The older you are, the more likely you are to
develop breast cancer. A woman who is 90 years
old have the chances of getting breast cancer
increases to 14.3%. For men on the other hand,
generally are invulnerable to breast cancer but
happens to every 1000 males.
As you increase in age, the chances of you getting
breast cancer increases. Also, the potency tends to
be greater.
• It has been reported that Caucasian women have
the overall risk of developing breast cancer
compared to African American women.
• The breast cancer is twice as much in Caucasian
women compared to Hispanic and Asian women.
• Although occurrence of breast cancer is lower
among African Americans compared to
Caucasians, their mortality rate is higher than that
of Caucasians.
• The diagnosis of breast
cancer can be done by
examining breast tissue
removed from a patient.
Other methods such as fineneedle aspiration, nipples
asiprates, ductal lavage, core
needle biopsy, nd local
surgical biopsy.
• Imagining tests are also
used to detect breast cancer
such as chest x-ray, CT,
MRI, and PET scanning.
• The cause of breast
cancer is suspected to
be a result from DNA
damage. Ionizing
radiation or natural
mutation of BCRA1,
BCRA2, p53 genes
contribute to the cause
of DNA damage and
breast cancer.
• The affected parts of
the body are the breast
unless the cancer the
metastasized, it may
spread to other organs
via blood stream.
• Symptoms-on the
picture right
• Surgery
The first choice of treatment to remove the affected area.
• Radiation therapy
It applies to the affected area with high-energy rays to destroy the
cancerous cells. Side effects occur during this process.
• Chemotherapy
It uses anti-cancer drugs (cytotoxic) to destroy cancer cells.
• Hormonal Therapy
Since most breast cancers need estrogen to grow, hormones that help
the production of estrogen are used as an effective hormonal treatment.
• With the help of treatment, women are able
to survive by 86%.
• Without the treatment only 1% survive.
• 41,619 women die
• According to the chart,
Breast cancer is
ranked 6th as the
leading caused deaths.
Colon Cancer
Stephanie Granillo
Jeremy Lazarus
Group Affected
• Those with history of
colon cancer in family
• Risk increases with age
– 60-70 yrs
• Smokers
• Physically inactive at high
• Alcohol increases risks
• Often, patients are
asymptomatic (have no
• Lesion
– The nearer the lesion is the
anus, the more bowel
• Anemia
• Anorexia
• Asthenia
• Early detection
recommended since
there may be no
• Fecal occult blood
• Endoscopy
• Colonoscopy
• Mushroom like
growths (adenomatous
polyps) in colon
• Hereditary
onpolyposis colorectal
cancer (HNPCC)
syndromes (heredity)
Affected Areas
• Colon
• Surgically remove all
or part of colon
• Chemotherapy after
surgery prolongs
Survival and Mortality Rates
Survival rates for early stage detection is
about 5 times that of late stage cancers.
Janice MacAfee
The MacAfees have a strong
history of cancer in their
family, so Janice has been
routinely having cancer
She learned she had uterine
cancer and then, 11 years
later, was diagnosed with
colon cancer.
She had to have 1/3 of her
colon removed after a
polyp was found.
The doctor told her of
another, controversial
treatment, called
colectomy, which requires
having the entire colon
She decided to remove only a
very large portion of her
colon because it is
recommended for those
with inherited cancer
Janice MacAfee
Janice eventually took a test for
HNPCC to see if she carried the
gene that causes colon cancer
because she was worried about
the well being of her children
Although her results were
inconclusive, she convinced her
children to take the tests and
continues to encourage the rest
of their family to do so as well
so they can detect their cancer in
the beginning stages
Skin Cancer
Mia Reyes
Patricia Rodriguez
Get your facts straight..
unprotected exposure to the sun in the first 15 years of life more than
doubles the chances of getting skin cancer later in life
- skin cancer is the most common form of cancer, probably accounting for at
least half of all cancers.
- about half of all Americans who live to age 65 will be diagnosed with skin
- according to the ACS, men are about twice as likely to develop nonmelanoma as women
- The American Cancer Society estimates there will be about 10,710 deaths
from skin cancer in 2006 – 7,910 from melanoma and 2,800 from other
skin cancers.
- Skin cancer was first described as an inhibitor of tubular morphogenesis in
cells grown in culture.
UV light
.. Or anything else that can damage
your skin
• Heredity & environment could also be
contributing factos
Different types of Skin Cancer
Basal Cell Carcinoma
Is the most common form of skin
cancer and accounts for 90% of
all skin cancer in the US
These cancers almost never
spread (metastasize) to other
parts of the body.
However, they can cause damage
by growing and invading
surrounding tissue.
Basal call carcinoma cont’d
The doctor's main goal is to remove or
destroy the cancer completely with
as small a scar as possible.
Different types of Skin Cancer
Squamous Cell Carcinoma
is cancer in the squamous cells (think, flat cells that
look like fish scales under a microscope and found in
tissue that forms on surface of skin)
occurs roughly one-quarter as often as
basal cell carcinoma
cells can metastasize
Do you have skin cancer?
• Doctors often can recognize and distinguish
skin cancer just by looking at it.
• Sometimes many people could just detect it
by themselves
-It first appears as a growth, or abnormal accumulation of
cells. It sometimes takes the form of a sore or pimple
that does not heal. The sore may bleed or ooze fluid,
crust or scab over, and then ooze or bleed again.
- Skin cancer usually is painless.
Oh no. I have skin cancer..
What do I do?
• If melanoma is caught early, it could easily be treated through
surgery, medications, or radiation.
• If melanoma is caught during its advanced stages when the
cancers have metastasized through the blood, lymph system,or
even in organs and bones, cures are less likely.
• As for basal cell or squamous cell cancers, a cure is highly likely
if detected early.
- limit recreational sun exposure
- Avoid unprotected exposure to the sun during peak radiation times (the
hours surrounding noon)
- Wear broad-brimmed hats & tightly-woven protective clothing while
outdoors in the sun
- Regular use of a waterproof or water resistant sunscreen with UVA
Got sunblock?
Myth: In order for sunlight to cause
skin cancer, you must get a sunburn.
Truth: People who sunburn
are more likely to get skin
cancer than those who do
not, but sunlight damages the
skin whether a sunburn
occurs or not.
Myth: If a mole is flat,
It can’t be dangerous.
Truth: most melanomas
start off flat and spread
peripherally before becoming
Myth: You can prevent skin cancer,
by putting on one application of
sunscreen at the start of each day
Truth: As mentioned above,
Sunscreens do not block 100%
Of the sun’s rays.