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Chemotherapy 101
Developed by the Huntsman Cancer
Institute Outpatient Clinics Staff
What is cancer?
Cancer is the general name for
more than 100 diseases in
which abnormal cells grow
out of control and form
malignant tumors.
Cancer cells
do not follow
the rules. They
grow out of
control. They
can forget to
A. Normal cell division
1- damaged cell
2- cell death
B. Cancer cell division
Cancers are named
according to the
organ where they
first developed,
(such as kidney or
breast) or for the
type of cell that
became cancerous
(such as leukemia
or melanoma).
Breast cancer cell
If cancer spreads to other
parts of the body, it keeps
its old name. For example,
if kidney cancer spreads
to the lungs, it is called
kidney cancer which has
metastasized to the lung.
Chemotherapy or “chemo”
What is it?
How does it work?
How is it given?
Is it safe?
Is it effective?
Rosy periwinkle –Vinca rosea.
Compounds from the rosy periwinkle
flower, vincristine and vinblastine, are
used to treat some cancers.
What is it?
is the use of
drugs to treat
How does chemotherapy work?
Chemotherapy drugs work by
interrupting the cell division
process. This keeps the cancer cells
from multiplying.
Chemotherapy can help:
• CURE to keep cancer from
growing back
• CONTROL to slow the growth
or spread of cancer
• PALLIATE to decrease tumor
• Most chemotherapy can’t target only
the cancer cells.
• Chemotherapy will destroy some
healthy cells, causing side effects.
• Your health care team carefully
monitors chemotherapy side effects.
• Your doctor personalizes
your chemotherapy to fit
you and your cancer.
• Our doctors use national
protocols or treatment
guides that have been
tested for safety and
effectiveness to decide on
your treatment plan.
Clinical Trials
• Clinical trials test new treatments.
• Some patients participate in
clinical trials.
• Ask your health care provider if you
are eligible.
• Chemotherapy drugs are
strong medicines.
• Your doctor, pharmacist, and
nurse will make sure that they are
given safely.
• Your doctor prescribes chemotherapy
in cycles of treatment followed
by rest.
• The rest period gives your body time to
rebuild healthy new cells.
• The number of treatment cycles
depends on what cancer you have, the
national protocols, and your response
to treatment.
• Your health care team will review
your treatment plan with you.
• Chemotherapy works best if you take
every treatment on schedule. Work
with your health care team to avoid
skipping or missing treatments.
• Sometimes your doctor may delay a
cycle to help you with side effects.
Chemotherapy is usually given
intravenously (IV). The infusion
nurse will insert an intravenous
catheter or IV.
Some of you
will have surgery
to implant a
device that gives
easy access to
your vein. The
device, called a
port, stays in
place throughout
all cycles of your
A nurse accesses a patient’s venous access
device or port.
Your first chemotherapy
• Please have someone
bring you to your
• Please bring only
one guest, age 16 or • Please limit cell
phone use in the
older, with you.
infusion suite.
At every appointment
• We weigh you because your chemotherapy
dose depends on your exact height and
weight that day.
• We draw your blood to check the numbers
of red cells, white cells, and platelets (your
blood count).
• It usually takes 45 to 90 minutes to analyze
your blood and mix your chemotherapy.
Why is your blood count
so important?
Chemotherapy drugs may
decrease the number of
your blood cells.
The cycle’s rest period gives your body time to build
the blood cell numbers back up.
Sometimes your body may be slow to replace these
cells. If your blood count is too low, your doctor
may postpone your treatment.
After the
pharmacist and
nurse check your
lab results, trained
technicians mix
your personal
While you wait
• Puzzle table, reading material,
and wireless service for your
laptop in the waiting room
• Free computer access and cancer
information in the Cancer
Learning Center and Linda B.
and Robert B. Wiggins Wellness
Center on the first floor
• Food and drinks at The Point or
Point Bistro on the sixth floor
HCI infusion nurses are chemotherapy
We watch you very closely during your
treatment to make sure you are comfortable
and doing well.
Infusion times can vary from
15 minutes to eight hours or more,
depending on the treatment your
doctor has ordered.
After your infusion
The nurse will give you
information on
possible side effects
and tell you whom to
call if you have
Be sure to check with
the scheduler for your
next appointment.
How will I feel during treatment?
Each person responds differently.
Some people feel well enough to
continue their normal schedules at
home or work.
Others feel more tired.
Chemotherapy’s effects
on your blood count can
increase your risk for
Preventing Infection
• Your first defense is
hand washing.
• You, your caregivers,
family members, and
visitors need to wash
hands frequently.
• Carry and use hand
sanitizer when you
leave the house.
• Use a thermometer to monitor your
temperature at home.
• Take your temperature if you feel sick
or unusually hot or cold.
• If you have a fever over 100.5°F,
call your health care provider right
away. Do not take Tylenol or aspirin
unless instructed to do so.
Fatigue is the most commonly
reported side effect of chemotherapy.
• Take a daily walk or continue your usual
exercise routine, if you can.
• Eat a healthy diet.
• Plan daily activities ahead of time.
• Prioritize your activities to conserve energy.
• Get plenty of rest.
• Let others help with chores.
• Keeping hydrated with fluids is important
during chemotherapy treatment.
• Fluids are in water, beverages, and food.
• Keep a bottle of water or juice with you at
all times and sip on it often.
• If you have vomiting problems, try to drink
two quarts of fluids a day for a few days
• Eat smaller portions more frequently.
• Try milkshakes, smoothies, or soup for
extra calories if you are losing weight.
• Some chemo causes a metallic taste. Try
using plastic utensils to ease this effect.
• Some people gain weight during
Everyone Worries About
Nausea and Vomiting
• Not everyone experiences nausea.
• Nausea and vomiting can occur during or
for several days after receiving treatment.
• Take antinausea medication as prescribed.
• Let your nurse or doctor know if you’re
unable to keep medications down or
drink fluids.
Oral Care
• Brush your teeth with a soft toothbrush.
• If you have not had regular dental care,
see a dentist before beginning
• If your mouth feels sore, rinse three or
four times daily with warm salt water
solution (one teaspoon salt in eight ounces
water), swish vigorously, and spit.
Skin Care
Chemo can cause skin changes such as dryness,
itching, and sun sensitivity. Nail condition can
also change.
• Keep your skin clean with a mild, moisturizing
soap and moisturize with gentle lotions.
• Protect your skin from injury.
• Avoid direct, intense sun exposure.
• Use sunscreen (minimum 30 SPF) and wear
protective clothing when outdoors.
Preventing Bleeding
• Use a very soft toothbrush.
• Blow your nose gently.
• Use an electric shaver instead of
a razor.
• Avoid injuries that could cause cuts or
• If you cut yourself, apply gentle but firm
pressure to stop the bleeding.
• Try over-the-counter laxatives, stool
softeners, or fibers described in the
constipation teaching sheet.
• Drink fluids.
• Take daily walks if you can.
• Eat well-washed fruits and vegetables.
Diarrhea is having more than five liquid bowel
movements in a 24-hour period.
• Your health care provider can suggest a diet
plan to help ease this problem.
• Take an antidiarrhea medication.
• Drink fluids.
• Call your provider if your diarrhea is bloody,
it lasts more than 24 hours, or you have
symptoms of dehydration.
When should I call the doctor?
Fever over 100.5°F
Redness or swelling at IV site
Uncontrolled vomiting and diarrhea
Blood in urine or stool
Any questions, concerns, or problems
If any of these problems occur,
call the doctor right away.
Supporting your emotional
needs is essential to your
cancer treatment.
Huntsman Cancer Institute provides many
services as benefits for patients and their
loved ones.
Keep your
family and
Huntsman Cancer Institute’s patient and
family support staff are part of your health
care team. At no additional charge, they do
the following:
• Help you and your loved ones cope with difficult
emotions and life changes
• Offer counseling on adjusting to a diagnosis,
treatment, or hospitalization
• Collaborate with your providers in your care
• Assist you and your family with access to hospital
and community resources
The Linda B. and Robert B. Wiggins
Wellness Center offers the following:
Nutrition Counseling
Stress Reduction Services
Fitness Program
Bone Health and
Osteoporosis Program
Look Good…
Feel Better Program
YourStory Program
Sexual Health Clinic
Fertility Preservation
Are you stressed?
Do you experience any of
these symptoms?
difficulty concentrating
trouble sleeping
too much worry
problems with coping
HCI offers free private consultations to help you
learn stress management techniques.
Call the Wellness Center at 801-587-4585.
Cancer Learning Center —a
walk-in cancer information library
Books, videos, and audio materials
Internet access for additional research
Cancer information specialists to help
Free, personal responses to phone
and e-mail requests for cancer
1-888-424-2100 toll free
[email protected]
Online resources
HOPE Guide
National Cancer Institute
American Cancer Society
HCI’s team of cancer experts is
here to help you through every
phase of the cancer experience.