Download 16th and 17th Century - Lewiston Altura High School

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Causes of diseases were still unknown
 Many people died from infectious disease
Ambroise Pare: Father of Modern Medicine
 Improved the treatment of fractures and promoted use of artificial limbs
 Established use of ligatures to bind arteries and stop bleeding
Gabriel Fallopius
 Identified the fallopian tubes in the female
William Harvey
 Described the circulation of blood to and from the heart in1628
Anton van Leeuwenhoek
 Invented the microscope in 1666
 Prescribed and sold medications
Gabriel fahrenhiet
 Created the first mercury thermometer
Joseph Priestly
 Discovered the element oxygen
John Hunter
 Established Surgical Procedures
 Introduced tube feeding
Benjamin Franklin
 Invented bifocals for glasses
James Lind
 Prescribed lime juice containing Vitamin C to prevent Scurvy
Edward Jenner
 Developed vaccination for smallpox
First successful blood transfusion
Rene Laennec; invented the stethoscope in 1819
Dr, Philippe Pinel: Began humane treatment for mental illness
1836: Theodor Fliedner started one of the first training programs for
Florence Nightengale: Founder of Modern Nursing
Anesthetics: Chloroform and Ether
Paul Ehrlich
 Developed methods of detecting and differentiating between diseases
 Developed the foundation for modern theories of immunity, and used
chemicals to eliminate microrganisms
Clara Barton: American Red Cross founded in 1881
Louis Pasteur:
 Pasteurizing milk to kill bacteria
 Creating a vaccine for rabies
 Proving that microorganisms cause disease
Gregory Mendel
 Established principles of heredity and dominant/recessive
Robert Koch: Father of Microbiology
 Developed culture plate method to identify pathogens
 Isolated the bacteria causing tuberculosis
Dimitri Ivanofski: Discovered Viruses in 1892
Almroth Wright: Developed vaccine for typhoid
fever in 1897
ABO Blood Groups Classified in 1901
Identified how white blood cells protect against disease
Sigmund Freud’s studies formed the basis for psychology and
Insulin discovered to treat diabetes in 1922
Health Insurance plans and social reforms developed in 1920
Developed methods to grow viruses in cultures in 1930s
Discovered Penicillin in 1928
First Kidney dialysis machine developed
Jonas Salk: vaccine for Polio
Discovered the structure for DNA and how it carries genetic
information in 1953.
First open heart surgery in 1953
First successful kidney transplant in humans was performed in
Birth control pills approved by FDA in 1960
First liver transplant in 1963
First lung transplant in 1964
Social Security Act marked the entry of government into the
health care arena as a major purchaser of health services
First Heart Transplant in 1968
First hospice was founded in 1967
CAT Scan was developed in 1975
First test tube baby in 1978 in England
Vaccines against Hepatitis, Herpes Simplex, and Chicken Pox in
AIDS was identified in 1981
HIV is the cause in 1984
First Artificial heart in 1982
Cyclosporine approved: suppress immune system after
Gene Therapy in 1990 to treat disease
Genetic manipulation to prevent inherited diseases is a common
Development of methods to slow the aging process
Nerves in the brain and spinal cord are regenerated to eliminate
Transplants of every organ are possible: EVEN THE BRAIN!
Life Span: 90-100 years
Cure for AIDS ??
Cure for CANCER ??
1 page essay
Answer the following questions
How has the discoveries and development of health care
impacted our health care today?
Examples, Reference
What do you believe are some of the most important
discoveries in health care history? Why?
What is possible in the 21th century?
What would you like to see happen?
What are you most scared of happening in the health care
industry? What do you think the average life span will be?