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BS Biology: Pre-Optometry
Advisor: Dr. Joanna Joyner-Matos
Optometrists examine people's eyes to diagnose vision problems and eye diseases. They
prescribe eyeglasses and contact lenses, treat eye diseases, and provide vision therapy. After
completing a bachelor’s degree, optometrists attend a college of optometry for four years to earn
a Doctor of Optometry (O.D.) degree and then must pass a state licensure exam. More
information is available at
All colleges of optometry require a year each of general biology, general chemistry, and general
physics, as well as the Optometry Admission Test. Many also require calculus, statistics, organic
chemistry, biochemistry, human anatomy and physiology, microbiology, and psychology.
Specific prerequisites for all colleges of optometry in the U.S. are listed at
Required Biology Core Courses: 25 credits
BIOL 171 Biology I
BIOL 172 Biology II
BIOL 173 Biology III
BIOL 270 Biological Investigation
BIOL 310 Fundamentals of Genetics
BIOL 490 Department Senior Capstone
Select one of the following courses: 5 credits
BIOL 301 Microbiology – recommended for Optometry
BIOL 302 Botany
BIOL 303 Invertebrate Zoology
BIOL 304 Vertebrate Zoology
Select one of the following courses: 4-5 credits
BIOL 423 Evolution
BIOL 440 Ecology
Select one of the following courses: 5 credits
BIOL 436 Cell Biology - recommended for Optometry
BIOL 438 Molecular Biology
Select one of the following courses (4-5 credits)
BIOL 334 Human Anatomy & Physiology III for Biology Majors –
Recommended for Optometry
BIOL 351 Principles of Animal Physiology
BIOL 352 Principles of Plant Physiology
BIOL 353 Principles of Microbial Physiology
Required Supporting Courses: 20 credits
CHEM 151 General Chemistry
CHEM 152 General Chemistry
CHEM 153 General Chemistry
MATH 161 Calculus I or
MATH 380 Elementary Probability and Statistics or
BIOL 380 Data Analysis for Biologists
ELECTIVE COURSES: 36 credits (21 credits must be Biology)
Electives may come from the following list or your advisor may approve other courses. All
colleges of optometry require a full year of physics; the full 15 credits of physics must be taken in
order for it to count toward the biology elective requirement.
BIOL 332 Human Anatomy & Physiology I for Biology Majors Recommended for Optometry
BIOL 333 Human Anatomy & Physiology II for Biology Majors –
Recommended for Optometry
BIOL 343 Biology of Aging
BIOL 420 Epidemiology
BIOL 421 Medical Bacteriology
BIOL 430 Immunology
BIOL 432 Virology
BIOL 477 Embryology
BIOL 496 Neurobiology
PHYS 131 Introductory Physics I
PHYS 132 Introductory Physics II
PHYS 133 Introductory Physics III
PHYS 161 Mechanics Lab
PHYS 162 Heat and Optics Lab
PHYS 163 Instrumentation Lab