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Statistics and Research methods
Wiskunde voor HMI
Bijeenkomst 3
Relating statistics and
experimental design
Multiple regression
Inferential statistics
Basic research designs
Hypothesis testing
Learn to select the appropriate statistical test in a
particular research design
Multiple Regression
Multiple correlation
The association between a criterion variable and
two or more predictor variables
Multiple regression
Making predictions with two or more predictor
Multiple Regression
Multiple regression prediction models
Each predictor variable has its own regression coefficient
e.g., Z-score multiple regression formula with three predictor
ZˆY  ( 1 )( Z X1 )  (  2 )( Z X 2 )  ( 3 )( Z X 3 )
Standardized regression coefficients
Multiple Regression
Note: the betas are not the same as the correlation
coefficients for each predictor variable (because
predictors “overlap”)
Standardized regression coefficient (Beta) of a variable:
about unique, distinctive contribution of that variable
(overlap excluded)
There is also a corresponding raw score prediction
formula for multiple regression:
Ŷ = a + (b1)(X1) + (b2)(X2) + (b3)(X3)
Multiple correlation coefficient
In SPSS output: Multiple R
R is usually smaller than the sum of individual
correlation coefficients in bivariate regression
R2 is proportionate reduction in error =
proportion of variance accounted for
Inferential Statistics
Make decisions about populations based on
information in samples (as opposed to
descriptive statistics, which summarize the
attributes of known data)
Notations in statistical test theory
Sample and population
Population Parameter
Sample Statistic
Scores of entire population
Scores of sample only
Usually unknown
Computed from data
The Normal Distribution (Z-scores)
Normal curve and percentage of scores
between the mean and 1 and 2 standard
deviations from the mean
Basic research methods
Experimental method
Field studies – observation
manipulation of variables and measure effects
No outside intervention, e.g. ethnography
Quasi-experimental method
Combination of elements of other two
We concentrate on experiments and quasi-experiments
Experimental method
Manipulation of (levels of) one or more independent
variables (e.g. medication: pill or placebo; different
versions of a user interface)
 experimental conditions
Control (keep constant) other possibly intervening
Measure dependent variables (e.g. effectiveness,
performance, satisfaction)
Test for differences between the conditions
Experimental design
How to assign subjects to conditions?
Between-subjects design
a subject is assigned to only one of the conditions
Within-subjects design or
Repeated measures design
Each subjects receives all the experimental
Between-subjects design
Randomization: assign subject at random to different
Matching: random assignment but control for variable
that is expected to be very relevant
Example: (if sex is important) seperately
assign men to experimental groups
assign women to experimental groups
Equal amount of men and women in conditions.
“the subjetcs in each condition were matched on sex”
Between-subjects design
Matched pairs
Two subjects that are similar (on relevant variable(s))
assigned to different conditions
Randomized blocks design
Extension of matched pairs for more than two
conditions, e.g. 3 conditions
Form blocks of 3 similar subjects
Assign subjects in one block randomly to different
Between-subjects design
Factorial designs
More than one independent variable
Study separate effects of each variable (main effects)
but also interaction between variables
Interaction effect: the impact of one variable depends
on the level of the other variable
Two-way factorial research design (two independent
variables); three-way with three indep. variables
2x2 if independent variables have two levels
(condions) or 3x3 with three levels
Within-subjects design
Same subjects in each experimental condition
Repeated measures design
Within-subjects design required if change is
measured as a consequence of an experimental
treatment (e.g. testscores before and after a
In other situations: carryover effects
experimental conditions need to be counterbalanced
One half sequence AB the other half BA
Quasi-experimental method
Combination of elements from experimental
methods and field research
Hypotheses Testing
H0: Null hypothesis – No difference
The Independent variable has no effect
e.g. pill or placebo make no difference
H1 (or Ha): Alternative hypothesis –
Significant difference
The Independent variable has an effect
Hypothesis Testing Errors
Type I Error:
Null hypothesis is rejected but true.
No effect, but you say there is.
Alpha (α) probability of making type I error
Type II Error:
Null hypothesis is not rejected but false.
Real effect, but you say there’s not.
Beta (β) probability of making type II error
Type I and II errors
Reject H0
Retain H0
H0 Is True
H0 Is False
Type I error
Right decision
Right decision
Type II Error
α usually 0.05 or 0.01
β usually 0.20
Statistical Power
The probability that a test will correctly reject a
false null hypothesis (1- β )
An Example of Hypothesis Testing
A person claims to be able to identify people of aboveaverage intelligence (IQ) with her eyes closed
We devise a test – take her to a stadium full of
randomly selected people from the population and ask
her to pick someone with her eyes closed who is of
above average IQ.
If she does, we’ll be convinced. But she might pick
someone with an above-average IQ just by chance.
Distribution of IQ Scores
Distribution of IQ scores is normal with M = 100 and SD = 15
IQ Score
Z Score
So we set in advance a score by which we will be convinced.
Z score
The Hypothesis Testing Process
Restate the question as a research hypothesis
and a null hypothesis about the populations
Population 1
Population 2
Research hypothesis or alternative hypothesis
Null hypothesis
The Hypothesis Testing Process
Determine the characteristics of the
comparison distribution
Comparison distribution: distribution of the sort you
would have if the null-hypothesis were true.
The Hypothesis Testing Process
Determine the cutoff sample score on the
comparison distribution at which the null
hypothesis should be rejected
Cutoff sample score
Conventional levels of significance:
p < .05, p < .01
The Hypothesis Testing Process
Determine your sample’s score on the
comparison distribution
Decide whether to reject the null hypothesis
One-Tailed and Two-Tailed
Hypothesis Tests
Directional hypotheses
One-tailed test
Nondirectional hypotheses
Two-tailed test
Determining Cutoff Points With TwoTailed Tests
Divide up the significance between the two tails