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Statistical Inference:
Which Statistical Test To
Pınar Ay, MD, MPH
Marmara University School of Medicine
Department of Public Health
[email protected]
Learning Objectives
At the end of the session the participants will be
able to:
define bias and random error
explain how statistical inference is determined
list the steps of hypothesis testing
differentiate parametric and
non-parametric tests
choose the appropriate statistical test
Presidential Elections in USA,
There was an economic crisis with nearly 9 million
unemployed people…
The candidates for the elections were
Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Alfred Mossman Landon
The Literary Digest made one of the largest polls ever
Approximately 2 300 000 prospective voters filled in the
Findings of the poll
Roosevelt: %43 Landon:%57
Literary Digest was not accurate in
predicting the winner
Actual Results:
Roosevelt:62%, Landon: 38%!!!
George Gallup was able to predict a victory
for Roosevelt using a much smaller sample
of about 50 000 people.
Selection bias
Literary Digest chose the prospective voters from the
subscription list of the magazine, from automobile
registration lists, from phone lists, and from club
membership lists.
Any systematic error in the design,
conduct or analysis of a study that
results in a distorted estimate
What is the proportion of red
colored candies in the jar?
Take a sample of 25 candies:
1st sample: 40%
2nd sample: 60%
3rd sample: 20%
What if we took a 10 times larger sample
with 250 candies from the same jar?
Take a sample of 250
1st sample: 38%
2nd sample: 40%
3rd sample: 43%
Errors in Epidemiology:
1. Bias: any trend in the collection,
analysis, interpretation,
publication or review of data that
can lead to conclusions that are
systematicly different from the truth
2. Random error: the variation in a
sample that can be expected to
occur by chance
Estimating Random Error
The sample of 25 candies:
1st sample: 38% (95%CI: 21%-61%)
2nd sample: 40% (95%CI: 29%-79%)
3rd sample: 43% (95%CI: 7%-41)
The sample of 250 candies provides a
better precision
40% (95%CI: 34%-46%)
40% (99%CI: 32%-48%)
Estimating random error
We need to indicate the variability the estimate
would have in other samples.
Confidence Intervals (CI):
 CIs define an upper and a lower limit with an
associated probability.
 The ends of the CI are called confidence
Statistical Inference
There are two approaches for statistical
Estimating parameters
Testing hypothesis
assume a random
sample has been
properly selected.
Make certain assumptions about the population
and then use probabilities to estimate the
likelihood of the results obtained in the sample.
Hypothesis Testing
1. State the hypothesis
2. Decide on the appropriate statistical test and
select the level of significance
3. Perform the test and draw a conclusion
Hypothesis testing
1. State the hypothesis
 H0: null hypothesis
 H1: alternative hypothesis
If the H0 is rejected, then the H1 is concluded.
If the evidence is insufficient to reject H0, it is
retained but not accepted per se.
Hypothesis testing
2. Decide on the appropriate statistical test
and select the level of significance
The level of significance when chosen before the
statistical test is performed is called the alpha
Alpha level: The probability of incorrectly
rejecting the null hypothesis when it is
actually true. (0.05, 0.01, 0.001)
Hypothesis testing
True Situation
Conclusion from the
hypothesis test
Difference exits
No difference
Difference exists H1
No difference H0
Power, 1- β
α error, type 1
β error, type 2 error
Hypothesis testing
3. Perform the test and draw a conclusion
p value
Probability of obtaining a result as extreme as (or more
extreme than) the one observed, if the H0 is true
The p value is calculated after the statistical test is
performed and if the p value is less than alpha the H0 is
Which statistical test to use?
Evaluate the following:
If the variables are qualitative or quantitative?
If the groups are dependent or independent?
How many groups are there?
If the data are normally distributed?
If the variances are homogeneous?
Measuring variables
Categorical (nominal): has two or more categories, but
there is no intrinsic ordering to the categories (gender,
blood type)
Ordinal: similar to categorical but there is a clear
ordering of the variables (SES, satisfaction scales).
Interval: an interval variable is similar to an ordinal
variable, except that the intervals between the values of
the interval variable are equally spaced .
Continuous: numeric values that can be ordered
sequentially, and that do not naturally fall into discrete
ranges (weight)
Dependent and Independent Groups
Independent groups
Dependent (paired)
The researcher chooses two
groups; participants who
engage in regular physical
activity and who are
sedentary. The two groups
are compared for their HDL
The researcher chooses
sedentary participants and
determines their HDL level.
Then the participants are
asked to engage in regular
physical activity and their
HDL levels are determined
Normal and skewed distributions
Parametric vs Non-parametric tests
Parametric tests
Can be used when data
are approximately
normally distributed and
variances are
More powerful
Easy to do, easy to
Non-parametric tests
Does not have
assumptions about the
Less powerful
Harder to do, harder to
If If sample sizes as small
as n=6 are used we need
to use non-parametric
Independent groups t test
(Student’s t test)
It is used to compare the means of two independent
The researcher chooses two groups; participants who
engage in regular physical activity and who are
sedentary. The two groups are compared for their HDL
Paired groups t test
It is used to compare the means of two
dependent groups.
The researcher chooses sedentary participants
and determines their HDL level. Then the
participants are asked to engage in regular
physical activity and their HDL levels are
determined again.
ANOVA – Analysis of Variance
It is used to compare the means of more than
two independent samples.
The researcher chooses three groups;
participants who engage in vigorous physical
activity, moderate physical activity and who are
sedentary. The three groups are compared for
their HDL levels.
ANOVA – post hoc tests
Post hoc tests are designed for situations in
which the researcher has already obtained
a significant F-test
Exploration of the differences among means
is needed to provide information on which
which two groups are different
ANOVA – post hoc tests
Tukey’s HSD test
LSD test
Scheffe’s test
ANOVA – post hoc tests
Bonferroni correction
We need to adjust the alpha to account for
inflated error when several post hoc tests are
Divide the alpha by number of tests to get the
new alpha level.
Repeated Measures ANOVA
It is used to compare the means of more than two
dependent groups.
The researcher chooses sedentary participants and
determines their HDL level. Then the participants are
asked to engage in mild physical activity and their HDL
levels are determined again. Lastly the participants are
asked to engage in vigorous physical activity and their
HDL levels are determined again.