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Types of communication based on
communication channels
Overall body
Overall body
Facial expressions
Nonverbal Communication
Types of Communication Based on Style and
Formal communication
Official conferences, meetings and
written memos and corporate letters
are used for communication.
Formal communication is
straightforward, official and always
precise and has a stringent and
rigid tone to it.
Informal communication
Includes instances of free
unrestrained communication
between people who share a casual
rapport with each other. Occurs
between friends and family, does
not have any rigid rules and
guidelines; need not boundaries of
time, place or even subjects as
friendly chats can simply go on and
• Speech is a process of communication with the help of
• Speech is not possible without the acquisition of language.
What is Language?
• Language is the system of sounds and words used by humans to
express their ideas, thoughts and feelings
• Language is also a particular system used by a nation
• Language is a particular way or style of speaking or writing
• Language is a set of words and phrases used by a particular
group or profession
• Language of mime - signs, symbols, gestures
• Sign language - the system of communication for the deaf and
• Fingerspelling – the system of communication for deaf-blind
• Body language
Voice, Tones + Physiology =NONVERBAL COMMUNICATION (Body Language)
Sign Language
It is the language of the “Land of Silence”. It uses
visually transmitted sign patterns to convey meaning
simultaneously combining hand shapes, orientation
and movement of the hands, arms or body, and facial
expressions to express a speaker's thoughts, ideas,
fillings, emotions. Individual letters are used rather
Hundreds of sign languages are in use around the world.
Some sign languages have obtained the form of legal
Official sign languages are: American SL, French SL,
Russian SL, Danish SL, German SL, Arabian SL,Chinese SL,
Japanese SL, etc.
Deaf and hoh people have International sign language
known as Gestuno, used mainly at international Deaf
events such as Deaf Olympics and meetings of the World
Federation of the Deaf.
Mobile phones are considered necessary for deaf and
hoh people for communication.
(or dactylology or touch language )
It is the language of the “Land of Silence and Darkness”,
the language of deafblind people. The individual letters
of the alphabet or numbers can only be used by them.
Most countries use a one-handed fingerspelling
system; Britain, Australia and South Africa use a two
handed fingerspelling one.
Fingerspelling can be easily learned in a few hours,
whereas sign language can take years to master.
Deafblind people cannot use mobile phones. For them
a special device was invented. It is called Deafblind
Body Language
It is the process of communicating by the way a person sits, stands, and moves
rather than by words.
It is a form of non-verbal communication, gestures, facial expressions, and eye
movements. Humans send and interpret such signals almost subconsciously.
It is considered that human communication consists of 93% body language and
paralinguistic clues, while only 7% of communication consists of words
Body Language is a significant aspect of modern communications and
Body Language
Body Language