Download Language The Unspoken Word

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Do we sometimes communicate
without sound?
Divide into groups of 4, then pair up.
Decide who, in each pair will go first.
Then decide which of those two will go first.
Act out what appears on the card until the
others in the group can guess as accurately as
possible what is being communicated – the
goal is to get the others to reproduce the
description on the card verbally.
Once this is achieved, move on to the next
person’s turn to do the same.
Once both of the first people have succeeded,
see Mr. Snow for round 2 cards.
 What
on the cards was easy to act
out? What was difficult? Why?
 Are there some things for which
body gestures and expressions are
more effective than words?
 Are there some things for which
words are more effective in
Chapter 29 deals with language issues.
First, Christopher explains how
confusing facial expressions are to
him and how we do a lot of talking
without using words. How true is this?
 Is it more true for cultures other than
that here in the US? Is it less true for
some culures?
What are some of the things you found out
about other cultures in relation to body
How does body language vary across
cultures – in the extent to which it is used
for communication, and the significance
given to gestures?
How might the way body language is
used/viewed impact the meaning of the
spoken word?
Can spoken language be compared with
other human forms of symbolic
representation, such as conventionalized
gestures, sign language for the deaf,
dance, painting, music or mathematics?
What might spoken language share with
these other forms in the communication of
what we know? In what ways might it be
considered distinct?
Take a moment to watch this video
Even if you did not understand what was being
said what feeling do you get from listening to
this speech? Does it seem to convey a certain
How is the meaning of what is said affected by
silences and omissions, pace, tone of voice and
bodily movement? How might these factors be
influenced in turn by the social or cultural
Is it really possible to separate verbal language
from non-verbal communication?
How does language come to be known? Is the
capacity to acquire language innate?
 Read
“Excerpt from 1984”
 Print and bring “Changing
Languages” to class tomorrow.
Develop an essay answer to the following
question as best you can, using the
information that you have learned based on
Knowledge and Language – continue to
think about it as we move forward through
the language unit.
To what extent do you agree with the
following statement: “Knowledge is not
possible without language”? Make sure to
consider different types of knowledge as
well as benefits and drawbacks of language.