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Chapter 6
Building Communications Skills
Building Communications Skills
Examining the Communication Process
Writing Effective Business Messages
Preparing Written Communications
Preparing Documents for Distribution
Demonstrating Ethics in Writing
International Correspondence
Office Procedures for the 21st Century, 8e
Burton and Shelton
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Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458. • All Rights Reserved.
Examining the Communication Process
Communication methods
Nonverbal clues most effective method
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Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458. • All Rights Reserved.
Verbal Communication
Listen and watch for verbal and nonverbal
Choose words carefully in
sensitive/controversial topics
Encourage other person to talk
Give other person undivided attention
Avoid talking incessantly
Summarize important points in logical order
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Ten Ways to Improve Verbal Communication
Avoid repetitious phrases
Slow your speech
Don’t talk in a monotone
Don’t speak loudly
Speak clearly
Use the correct word
Use the right word
Use eye contact
Use gestures
Smile occasionally
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Mispronounced Words and Phrases
Off Ten
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Nonverbal Communication
Personal space
Eye contact
Facial expressions
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Crazy Phrases and Sayings
Beady little eyes
Gets under my skin
Opening up to you
Pain in the neck
Shifty eyes
Sparkle in the eyes
Stand on your own two feet
Under the thumb
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Overcoming Barriers to Communication
Missing the meaning
Differing interpretations
Using unfamiliar words
Emotional or physical detractions
Not listening
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Communicating Across Cultures
Oral messages
Learn common greetings and responses
Use simple English
Speak slowly and enunciate clearly
Watch for blank stares
Ask listener to paraphrase
Accept blame for misunderstanding
Listen without interrupting
Follow up in writing when negotiating
Observe nonverbal messages
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Communicating Across Cultures (continued)
Written messages
Use familiar words
Respect titles and ranks
Use short sentences and paragraphs
Use correct spelling, grammar, punctuation
Follow guidelines for writing business
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Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458. • All Rights Reserved.
Writing Effective Business Messages
The writing process
An effective business letter:
Focuses on a single purpose
Is written from the reader’s viewpoint
Conveys a meaningful message by applying the six
C’s of writing
Reflects a positive, sincere, appropriate tone
Is expressed in an interesting style using natural,
vivid, varied language
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Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458. • All Rights Reserved.
Writing Effective Business Messages
Know your purpose
To inform
To create understanding
To accept an idea
To stimulate thought
To cause action
Make other points secondary to main point
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Writing Effective Business Messages (continued)
Ask yourself questions after composing
After the reader reads this letter, I want him or
her to….
The purpose of this letter is to….
Will this letter get the results I am seeking…?
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Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458. • All Rights Reserved.
Writing Effective Business Messages
Focus on the reader—use the “you attitude”
Write each sentence from reader’s point of view
Explain what benefit(s) reader will enjoy
Put reader’s needs first
Emphasize reader’s interests
Use words meaningful to reader
Review letters received from reader in your files to
know him or her better
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Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458. • All Rights Reserved.
Writing Effective Business Messages
Convey a meaningful message
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Writing Effective Business Messages
Reflect a positive, sincere, appropriate tone
Be courteous and tactful
Do not write sentences that include negative
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Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458. • All Rights Reserved.
Writing Effective Business Messages
How to make your writing interesting
Use active verbs
Make the subject the person, idea, or thing
Use specific, meaningful words
Use familiar words and phrases
Use a phrase or clause to describe rather than an
adjective or adverb
Use short words instead of long words
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Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458. • All Rights Reserved.
Preparing Written Communication
Writing letters for your manager’s signature
Routine letters
Letter formats
E-mail memorandums
Informational reports
Other forms of communication
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Preparing Written Communication
Writing letters for your manager’s signature
Letter must sound as if manager wrote it
Study manager’s letters for similar vocabulary
and style
Use same salutation and complimentary close
Follow manager’s organization procedure
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Burton and Shelton
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Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458. • All Rights Reserved.
Preparing Written Communication
Routine letters
Routine requests, inquiries, orders
Routine replies
Cover letters
Follow-up letters
Appreciation letters
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Preparing Written Communication
Letter formats
Full-block letter style
Modified-block letter style
Punctuation style
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Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458. • All Rights Reserved.
Preparing Written Communication
E-Mail memorandums
Follow writing principles for letters
Include a salutation
Create descriptive subject line
Write an attention-getting opening
Use short sentences and simple words
Focus on the “you attitude”
Keep each e-mail to one subject
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Burton and Shelton
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Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458. • All Rights Reserved.
Preparing Written Communication
Add a sense of urgency
Avoid flaming
Show respect and restraint when sending
sensitive information
Proofread all messages
Don’t send unsolicited attachments
Protect your PC from viruses
Do not open suspicious e-mail
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Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458. • All Rights Reserved.
Preparing Written Communication
Include the e-mail signature in your closing
Don’t break e-mail threads
Format messages simply
Don’t expect prompt replies to all e-mails
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Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458. • All Rights Reserved.
Preparing Written Communication
Informational reports
Ask yourself the following questions
What kind of report am I writing?
What is the purpose of the report?
Who will read it?
What are the key points of information the reader
should know?
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Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458. • All Rights Reserved.
Preparing Written Communication
Trip reports
Progress reports
Periodic reports
Investigative reports
Other forms of communication
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Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458. • All Rights Reserved.
Preparing Written Communication
Standard memorandums
Writing rules for letters applies to memos
Use a standard format or word processing
Write informally
Keep the memo to one page
Make sure memo covers only one topic
Use lists whenever possible
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Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458. • All Rights Reserved.
Preparing Documents for Distribution
Consider your first version a rough draft
Proofread manually as well with computer
Be sure to turn on widow/orphan protection
Print hard copy to check spacing
Edit thoroughly before making corrections
Check cross-references to other pages after editing
After editing, proofread each change carefully
Do a spell/grammar check again of corrected version
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Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458. • All Rights Reserved.
Proofreading Documents for Distribution
Double-check outgoing documents
Check facts and figures
Check format
Check for completeness and meaning
Check mechanics
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Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458. • All Rights Reserved.
Preparing Documents for Your Manager’s
Signature (continued)
Submitting letters for signature
Make certain each document is signed
Verify enclosures and place check mark on file
copy by enclosure notation
Make certain name and address on envelope
and letter are the same
If your manager has written a note on the
letter, photocopy it
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Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458. • All Rights Reserved.
Preparing Documents for Your Manager’s
Signature (continued)
Assembling enclosures
Your responsibility is to make certain when there is an
enclosure, it is included with the document
Copies being mailed are also enclosures
Keep a record of persons and dates receiving copies
Keep track of needed enclosures; list on To Do list
and check them off as completed
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Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458. • All Rights Reserved.
Preparing Documents for Your Manager’s
signature (continued)
Letter-sized enclosures are placed behind the
document and folded simultaneously; small
enclosures are placed in the fold
Hold small enclosures temporarily in place with
a paperclip but remove paperclip before
Do not staple enclosures to the document
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Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458. • All Rights Reserved.
Preparing Documents for Your Manager’s
Signature (continued)
When attaching a file, make sure the person
can open the file
When mailing large items, prepare labels; type
address in all caps, no punctuation
Make sure address can be seen through all
window envelopes
Cross out last name on inter-office envelopes
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Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458. • All Rights Reserved.
Demonstrating Ethics in Writing
Make certain information included in writing is
Keep confidential information away from prying
Make certain information you write is your own
Never violate copyright laws
Maintain integrity in your communications
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Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458. • All Rights Reserved.
International Correspondence
Addressing envelopes
Type entire address in all caps
Type country name in English on the last line
If writing from outside the U.S. to someone in
as the last line of the address
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Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458. • All Rights Reserved.
International Correspondence
Writing international letters
When the information is negative, the usual
neutral lead sentence may need to be omitted
or changed
Letters from abroad may be overly wordy
Your acceptance of cultural diversity should
extend to business letters; be patient, tolerant,
and understanding
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