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Effective Communication
• Fundamentals of Communication- Definition,
Meaning, Types, Process and Importance.
•Effective communication
Concept & Practice of Effective Communication
Barriers to Effective Communication
Methods to Improve communication Skills
•Written Communication Skills
Report Writing
Letter Writing
Preparation of promotional material
• Oral communication Skills
Understanding audience
Use of language
Use of tone
Understanding body language
Fundamentals of Communication
• What is communication?
“ Communication is something so simple and so difficult
that we can never put it in simple words” says T. S.
But we need a definition to understand the term.
Peter Little defines communication as follows: “
Communication is the process by which information is
transmitted between individuals and or organizations so
that an understanding response results.
W.H. Newman and C.F. Summer Jr.
“ Communication is an exchange of facts, ideas opinions,
or emotions by two or more persons.
Communication transmits information not only about
tangible facts and determinable ideas and opinions but
also about emotions.
Not only information is transmitted but also one’s attitude
and frame of mind.
Words signify nothing and the tone is the real thing
Similarly high sounding expressions of bravery may be only
a mask to conceal a person’s timidity, cowardice, which
may be betrayed by facial expressions.
Here facial expressions are an important part of
The definition by William Scott is more comprehensive and
satisfying since it touches all the aspects of the
communication process:
Administrative Communication is a process which involves
the transmission and accurate replication of ideas
ensured by feedback for the purpose of eliciting actions
which will accomplish organizational goals.
• 4 important points are emphasized:
• Process of communication involves the
transmission of ideas
• Ideas should be accurately replicated or
reproduced in the receiver’s mind .
• Communication is a two way process including
transmission of feedback.
• Purpose of communication is to elicit action
However this definition fails to highlight on
emotions and the purpose of all communication
may not be to elicit action but seeking
information, persuading others etc can be
equally important objectives of communication.
What is therefore important is:
• Process of communication involves exchange of facts,
ideas, opinions or emotions between two or more
• Feedback is an essential aspect of communication.
• Main purpose of communication is to inform or to bring
round to a certain point of view or to elicit action.
• Characteristics of Communication ( Nature Of
• Dynamic
• Communication is situation or subject specific.
• Communication required a channel or a medium
• The elements or components of communication are
inter-related or connected.
• People are wholly or completely involved when they
The Communication Process
• In order to analyze the activity of communication we
must know the process and the elements involved in the
• It is therefore imperative to understand the definition of
• Communication is a process of passing information and
understanding from one person to another – Keith Davis.
• Communication is any behaviour that results in an
exchange of meaning – AMA
• Communication is the process by which information is
passed between individuals and organizations and or
organizations by means of previously agreed symbolsPeter Little.
• These definitions show that communication involves
exchange of thoughts between two parties.
Now Let us understand the communication Process:
The whole process of Communication involves the
following elements
1. Message
2. Sender
3. Encoding
4. Channel
5. Receiver
6. Decoding.
7. Feedback.
1. Message: A piece of information, spoken or written to be
passed from one person to another. It is the subject
matter of communication. It may involve any fact, idea,
opinion, figure, attitude or course of action, including
information. It exists in the mind of the communicator.
• Transmitter/Sender: He is the sender of the message or
communicator or spreader, a person who transmits the
message.. The person who transmits the message is
known as the communicator/sender. There is always a
communicator in the process. He conceives and initiates
the message. He is the driving force to change the
behavior of the receiver.
• Encoding: Process of conversion of the subject matter
into symbols is called encoding. When a set of symbols
is agreed upon by 2 or more persons we call it a code.
when a message is sent out in a code we call the
process encoding. the communicator plays and
organizes his ideas into a set of symbols, signs, etc.
Encoding process translates the ideas, facts, feelings,
opinions into symbols, signs, words, actions, pictures
and audio-visuals etc. It is upto the sender to select a
medium he feels proper to communicate effectively to
the intended listener or receiver.
• Communication Channel: Later the sender has to select a
channel for sending the information. Communication channel
means the medium or media through which the message passes,
eg: written in the form of letters, memos, circulars, notes or
manuals, or oral in the form of face to face conversation,
telephone, radio meeting, conference
• Receiver: A person who receives the message is called the
• Decoding: The process of translating a message into ordinary
understandable language. Receiver converts the symbols, signs
words received from the sender to get the meaning of the
• Feedback: This is the last element but the most important
element in the communication process. Communication is an
exchange process. The exchange to be complete the information
must go back to the communicator so that he can know the
reaction of the receiver. The sending back of the knowledge
about the message to the transmitter is known as feedback. It
ensures that the receiver has received the message and
understood it in the same manner as the sender meant.
Feedback enables the communicator to carry out corrections or
amendments or change the message to be effective.
• This completes the communication process or the cycle of
It begins with the SOURCE or the transmitter of the communication. When this
person puts his thought or idea into words or other symbols which can be
understood by the intended receiver , it is called ENCODING
This requires a selection of a suitable medium through which the information
can be passed on to the receiver
Transmitting or sending the message is only half the process.
The person to whom the message is sent is called the audience or the
Receiver decodes the words or symbols sent by the sender to facilitate
understanding . This process is called Decoding
The response or the return of the message is called Feedback. It may come in
words, signs or behavior.
When the feedback is got by the sender either in the form of spoken words or
written report or non verbal behavior by the receiver one cycle or the
process of communication is complete.
What is Feedback
• Feedback is the knowledge of the receiver’s response to
our communication. It can be used to modify the
communication method to make it more effective.
• In face to face communication there is immediate
• In written communication feedback is slow
• In mass communication the feedback can be so delayed
or so slow that it is almost negligible yet it is important.
• “ It is the reaction or response of the receiver which is
communicated to the sender. It completes one cycle of
communication thus becoming the final link in the chain.”
• It may be verbal or nonverbal, oral or written or through
body language, maybe immediate or delayed face to
face or direct or indirect positive or negative.
• Like communication feedback is continuous and
obtained all the time.
Need for Feedback
• Checks the understanding of the message
• Emotional reaction of the receiver forms an
important part of the success of communication
• Provides an opportunity to understand and to be
• Increases the accuracy of the communicated
• Reduces doubt and hostility as communicators
can explain, argue, confirm or defend their
points of view
• Extends the communication cycle and ensures
its continuity.
Business Communication
• Definition by Scott: Administrative communication is a
process which involves the transmission and accurate
replication of ideas ensured by feedback for the purpose
of eliciting actions which will accomplish organizational
• Importance:
• Growth in the size of the organizations
• Growth of trade unions
• Growing importance of human relations
• Public relations
• Technological advances
• Motivation and morale.
Principles of effective
Clarity about the purpose
Compose your message with care
Consistent with the purpose of communication
Emphasis on attention / compose your message to
attract attention
Remove all the barriers to effective communication
Know the Receiver
Select your media with care
Provide for feedback
Act Promptly on receiving responses