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Local Information Service
Uri Gold & Kadan Haba
Lev Rechnik & Alexander Arlievsky
LIS data base.
Server application.
Client application.
LIS - General Information:
• The LIS enables to quickly and easily get
administrative information regarding the Meire
building and it’s residents through a blueTooth
based, Multithreaded
Client- Server application.
• The clients use an IPAC on a Windows CE
platform and the server runs on a PC station under
Windows 2000.
• The LIS was developed using MFC under
Microsoft Visual C++ 6.
What kind of Information?
• Personal information :name, rooms, office
phones, personal phones, schedule etc.
• Room information: name and number,
phone numbers and personal in the room.
LIS data base
• The data base was specially designed to
answer the special requirements of the LIS
• Its implemented in C++ (OOP) using MFC
and was written from scratch by us.
• It is possible to completely replace it with
another – as long as the interface remains
Data base (cont’)
• The objects are held on 4 different Linked
lists on the top hierarchy of the data base
• The Lists are MFC standard Linked lists.
• All operations on these lists is performed in
a Linear time complexity - O(n).
Data base structure
• The Data base is made out of 4 basic
• The objects hold personal data as well as
pointers to other related objects.
Data base operations
• The data base enables to perform many
operations on the objects such as creating,
modifying tracing and erasing data.
• It was built to enable answering all possible
inquiries relating the objects, however only
part of them was actually passed to the user
interface as an optional inquiry.
1.A person list
How Do You Do It?
name, email, comment, job…
Event_list: Person
4.A Room list
Name, number…
2.A Phone list
Area code, phone number…
3.An Event list
Person list:
Day, time, type…
LIS Search
• When the details of the inquiry suit more
than one data base item, all suitable answers
are sent as the result.
• A secondary search can be done on these
results by choosing one of them, and reinquiring. (this time no search is done, and
the details pertaining the desired item are
sent back immediately – O(1) ).
Server application
• The server application is a graphical user
interface (GUI) of the data base.
• On startup you get a password entering
window, that is currently disabled.
To enable it the password verification
module has to be written.
Server Main Window
• The “new” buttons (5,6,7) are for creation of new
• The “search/Update” buttons (8,9,10) are for
searching modifying and deleting objects.
Server Main Window (cont’)
• The “basic parameter” buttons (11,12,13)
enables controlling the primitive parameters of the
data base.
• Buttons 14 and 15 enable loading data (rooms and
phones) into the LIS from text files in a specific
format as specified in the server user manual.
• Save/open (2,3) - serialization and save/open of
the data base.
• Go online (4) - start serving clients.
Person Window
Person Window (cont’)
• The window enables entering the following details:
personal details, offices, office phones, personal phones
and events(reception hours, lectures etc.)
• After choosing the rooms from the building room list, the
phones that are related to these rooms are add to the “office
phones”(11) list. The office phones for the person must be
chosen out of this list.
• Additional personal (private / cellular) phones can be
• Events can be shared between a number of people, there
for it is possible to add to the person an existing event out
of the event list(20) or to create a new one (23).
Phone window
• This window enables adding new phones to the
building as well as modifying existing ones.
• If the phone belongs to a room ,it should be added
to the room here.
Room Window
• This window enables adding new rooms to the
building as well as modifying existing ones.
• If the room has phones in it, the should be added
to it here.
Lis Server performance:
• We have tested the LIS server performance by
sending inquiries from a few automated clients
who sent inquiries continuously.
The LIS server answered ~400 inquiries/sec
Under high load, and 400 – 500 inquiries/sec
under average load.
(high load means searching the worst case Room out of a 1000 rooms
database, and average load means searching the average case out of
a 1000 rooms data base. )
Client application
• The Client Application is an
MFC application designed for
an IPAC , runs under WinCe.
• It enables users to send
inquiries to the server as well
as to receive results using
buttons 1,2.
• The configuration button is for
setting the server IP address.
Client Search Windows:
• Searching Room / Person
The search result is an exact match to the
intersection of the given fields. If more than
on result is found, the “Search Result”
window will appear.
• The “Search Result”
window enables choosing
one out of the Multiple
results and Getting it’s
• The communication was implemented as a
separated object, to enable changing the
communication protocol easily without any
changes to the rest of the project.
• Currently we are using TCP/IP.
Communication object
• The Communication uses 2 different objects
(Server-Communication, and ClientCommunication ). Both inherit the base
Communication class that implements basic
communication function such as create(),
read(), write(), and close().
Communication algorithm
Go On Line
Server thread
Screen Thread
•When going online, two threads are created: the first handles
all communications, and the second one runs a moving sign
on the screen,and enables killing the communication thread
while running.
Communication algorithm (cont’)
• The communication thread has a classic server
structure, i.e. it waits for clients inquiries, creates a
new thread for every inquiry (up to a maximum of
20 users), and handles all resource allocation.
• An inquiry thread receives the inquiry from the
user, checks that it’s in a valid format and
performs the actual inquiry through the database
objects methods. After resolving the inquiry, the
thread sends the result to the client.
The LIS is currently using a communication emulator to enable using
TCP/IP protocol rather than BLUETOOTH protocol. The project was
implemented in a way that when the bluetooth device will be running, only
minor code changes will have to be preformed in order to use the LIS with
the BLUETOOTH device.
Among the many things we learned through this project were client/server
subjects, Windows & WinCE programming, MFC , GUI and more.
We would like to thank:
Dr Ilana David the Lab engineer,
Alexander Arlievsky for the help with finishing the project,
and most of all Lev Rechnik.
Kadan Haba & Uri Gold.