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Welcome to MT140
Introduction to Management
Dr Jim Young
Unit 9 Seminar
General Questions and Announcements
Define Communication/ Questions and Answers
Identify Communications Problems to Avoid/
Questions and Answers
Identify methods for handling resistance to
change/ Questions and Answers
Unit Assignment Q & A
Conclusion of Seminar
• The ability to communicate effectively is fundamental to
a manager’s success.
• Communication concepts and practical guidelines are
available to improve communication skills.
• Communication occurs through various channels, each
with advantages and disadvantages.
• Managers have the task of motivating people to keep
changing in response to new business challenges.
Interpersonal Communication
• Communication
-The transmission of
information and
meaning from one
party to another
through the use of
shared symbols
Interpersonal Communication
• The sender initiates the process by conveying
information to the receiver —the person for
whom the message is intended.
• The sender has a meaning he or she wishes to
communicate and encodes the meaning into
symbols (the words chosen for the message).
• Then the sender transmits, or sends, the
message through some channel, such as a
verbal or written medium.
Interpersonal Communication
• The receiver decodes the message (e.g., reads it) and
attempts to interpret the sender’s meaning.
• The receiver may provide feedback to the sender by
encoding a message in response to the sender’s
Interpersonal Communication
• Noise
-interference in the
-blocks perfect
• Examples of Noise
-ringing telephones
-thoughts about other
-simple fatigue or stress.
One-Way versus Two-Way Communication
• One-way communication
-A process in which information flows in only
one direction—from the sender to the
receiver, with no feedback loop.
A Model of One-Way Communication
Figure 12.1
One-Way versus Two-Way Communication
• Two-way communication
-A process in which information flows in two
directions—the receiver provides feedback,
and the sender is receptive to the feedback.
Communication Pitfalls
• Perception
-The process of
receiving and
interpreting information
• Filtering
-The process of
withholding, ignoring,
or distorting
What Do I Do if They Don’t
Speak My Language?
Verbal Behavior
• Clear, slow speech. Enunciate each word. Do not use colloquial
• Repetition. Repeat each important idea using different words to explain the
same concept.
• Simple sentences. Avoid compound, long sentences.
• Active verbs. Avoid passive verbs.
Nonverbal Behavior
• Visual restatements. Use as many visual restatements as possible, such as
pictures, graphs, tables, and slides.
• Gestures. Use more facial and appropriate hand gestures to emphasize the
meaning of words.
• Demonstrations. Act out as many themes as possible.
• Pauses. Pause more frequently.
• Summaries. Hand out written summaries of your verbal presentation.
What Do I Do if They Don’t
Speak My Language?
Accurate Interpretation
• Silence. When there is a silence, wait. Do not jump in to fill the
silence. The other person is probably just thinking more slowly in
the nonnative language or translating.
• Intelligence. Do not equate poor grammar and mispronunciation
with lack of intelligence; it is usually a sign of nonnative-language
• Differences. If unsure, assume difference, not similarity.
• Understanding. Do not just assume that they understand; assume
that they do not understand.
• Checking comprehension. Have colleagues repeat their
understanding of the material back to you. Do not simply ask if they
understand or not. Let them explain to you what they understand.
Oral and Written Channels
• Oral communication
-includes face-to-face
discussion, telephone
conversations, and
formal presentations
and speeches
• Written
-includes e-mail,
memos, letters,
reports, computer files,
and other written
Oral Communication
• Questions can be
asked and answered
• Feedback is
immediate and direct
• More persuasive
• It can lead to
spontaneous, illconsidered
statements (and
• There is no
permanent record of
Written Communication
• Message can be revised
several times
• Permanent record that
can be saved
• Message stays the
same even if relayed
through many people
• Receiver has more time
to analyze the message
• Sender has no control
over where, when, or if
the message is read
• Sender does not receive
immediate feedback
• Receiver may not
understand parts of the
Information Overload
• Communication - the transmission of information and
meaning from one party to another through the use of
shared symbols
• One-Way Communication - a process in which
information flows in only one direction - from the sender
to the receiver, with no feedback loop
• Two-Way Communication - a process in which
information flows in two directions - the receiver
provides feedback, and the sender is receptive to the
What Communication
Channel Would You Use?
Nonverbal Skills
1. Use time appropriately
2. Make your office arrangement conducive to open
3. Remember your body language
• Reflection
-Process by which a
person states what he
or she believes the
other person is saying
Ten Keys to Effective Listening
• Find an area of
• Judge content, not
• Hold your fire
• Listen for ideas
• Be flexible
• Resist distraction
• Exercise your mind.
• Keep your mind open
• Capitalize on thought
• Work at listening
Organizational Communication
• Downward communication
-Information that flows from higher to lower
levels in the organization’s hierarchy
Information Loss in
Downward Communication
Figure 12.2
Assignment Questions and Answers
There are four graded assignments in Unit 9:
1.Review Quiz
2.Discussion Assignment
3.Dropbox Assignment
• Don’t forget that you can take the Quiz as often as you
need to prior to the Tuesday midnight deadline until you
get the score that you desire.
Discussion Assignment - Unit 9
• Scenario: Lei received a quick phone call from one of the location
managers about replacing some equipment. She agreed in principle that
the equipment should be replaced, but mentioned that Dalman was
investigating another source for the equipment and perhaps they should
wait until she and Dalman had reached a decision. Two weeks later, Lei
received an invoice for the new equipment! Visibly angry, she called the
manager to inquire why he had ordered the equipment after their
conversation. The manager stated that Lei had agreed that the
equipment needed to be replaced. He was adamant that this was what
he heard Lei say. The equipment was expensive and Dalman was
hoping to order several pieces from one source to maximize discounts
per unit.
Based on the section on “Watch out for communication pitfalls” in the
Bateman and Snell text, describe some ways that Lei could have
avoided this situation.
Dropbox Assignment – Unit 9
• Sandwich Blitz, Inc. has a great increase in the number of
customers! Employees have been consistently reporting that they are
overwhelmed by the volume of customers and management has noticed that the
number of reported errors in customer orders has increased. Dalman and Lei
have decided to adopt an e-customer order system that will allow customers to
input their own orders. This would address the issue of employees being
overwhelmed by the increased pace of the workplace.
• Dalman and Lei will first communicate their decision to the managers who report
to them in an e-mail communication. They are aware of how important it is to
exhibit professionalism and business etiquette in constructing an e-mail message
to the managers. It is important for Dalman and Lei to gain the support of the
managers since they will have key roles in leading this change at the store level.
• Referring to Kotter’s Eight Steps to Leading Change from the text, describe what
management must do to lead this change in technology to automated customer
service by creating an e-mail message (type it in a Word document) from Dalman
and Lei to Sandwich Blitz’s middle management, addressing how they intend to
implement each of the steps in the change process.
Thank You for Attending!
If you need anything, please email me
so I can help you finish out our course
the best possible way for you, Dr Jim