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Communication systems
• Communication: transmitting a message
with the expectation of some kind of
response. This can be interpersonal or
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communication dimensions
• Communication is usually described along a few
major dimensions:
1. Content (what type of things are communicated)
2. Source/Emisor/Sender/Encoder (by whom)
3. Form (in which form)
4. Channel (through which medium)
5. Destination/Receiver/Target/Decoder (to whom)
6. Purpose/Pragmatic aspect
The Communication Process
 Thought: First, information exists in the mind
of the sender. This can be a concept, idea,
information, or feelings.
 Encoding: Next, a message is sent to a
receiver in words or other symbols.
 Decoding: lastly, the receiver translates the
words or symbols into a concept or
information that he or she can understand.
Communication Objectives
• An open communication climate.
• Accurate information.
• Competition and cooperation rather than
The “Chain” Communication Structure
The “Circle” Communication Structure
All channel
Emergence Moderate
of a leader
Communication system
 Downward Communication.
 Upward Communication.
 Lateral Communication.
 Diagonal Communication.
 Grapevine Communication.
Downward Communication.
• Downward communication : Formal
communication consists of messages sent from
superiors to subordinates.
1. Instructions or directions concerning jobperformance.
2. Information about organizational procedures and
3. Feedback to the subordinates concerning job
4. Information to assist in of work tasks.
 Low employee satisfaction
 Downward communication is limited.
• Downward communication must accomplish the
• Demonstrate empathy .
• Be accurate
• Be definite.
• Consider selective perception.
• Provide for feedback
• Avoid message overload
Upward communication.
• Upward communication : the flow of messages
from the lower levels of the organization to the
upper levels.
• It most consists of information such as feedback of
lower-level operations (reports of production).
• Upward is important work-related decisions.
• Upward communication involves complaints and
suggestions for improvement .
• High employees satisfaction
• Successful upward communication requires the
• Frequent face-to-face contact
• Recognition of and rewards for accomplishment
• The ability to listen
• Action.
Lateral communication
 Lateral communication This is the flow of
communication between people who are on the
same level in an organization.
 It requires co-workers co-ordination to accomplish
a goal.
 Lateral communication can also occur between
two or more departments in an organization.
 Lateral communication helps develop
interpersonal relationships.
Lateral communication
Lateral communication has three formal
a) Coordination.
b) Problem solving.
c) Conflict resolution
• Lateral communication tends to be faster,
more accurate, and less threatening than
vertical communication.
Diagonal communication
• It occurs between individual or departments
that are not in the same level of the
• informal
The grapevine
• Informal
• Rapid and fast
• Grapevine has three main characteristics .
 it is not controlled by management .
 it is perceived by most employees as being more
believable and reliable than formal channel issued
by top management .
 it is largely used to serve the self-interests of the
people within it.
Barriers to Communication
Culture, background, and bias
Gender differences
Barriers to Communication
• Culture, background, and bias - We allow
our past experiences to change the meaning
of the message. Our culture, background,
and bias can be good as they allow us use
our past experiences to understand
something new, it is when they change the
meaning of the message then they interfere
with the communication process.
o Noise - Equipment or environmental
noise impede clear communication. The
sender and the receiver must both be
able to concentrate on the messages
being sent to each other.
o Ourselves - Focusing on ourselves, rather
than the other person can lead to confusion
and conflict. The "Me Generation" is out when
it comes to effective communication. Some of
the factors that cause this are defensiveness
(we feel someone is attacking us), superiority
(we feel we know more that the other), and
ego (we feel we are the center of the activity).
o Perception - If we feel the person is
talking too fast, not fluently, does not
articulate clearly, etc., we may dismiss
the person. Also our preconceived
attitudes affect our ability to listen. We
listen uncritically to persons of high
status and dismiss those of low status.
o Message - Distractions happen when
we focus on the facts rather than the
idea. Our educational institutions
reinforce this with tests and questions.
Semantic distractions occur when a
word is used differently than you prefer.
For example, the word chairman instead
of chairperson, may cause you to focus
on the word and not the message.
• Environmental - Bright lights, an
attractive person, unusual sights, or any
other stimulus provides a potential
o Smothering - We take it for granted that the
impulse to send useful information is
automatic. Not true! Too often we believe that
certain information has no value to others or
they are already aware of the facts.
o Stress - People do not see things the same
way when under stress. What we see and
believe at a given moment is influenced by
our psychological frames of references - our
beliefs, values, knowledge, experiences, and
• Assertive style of behavior is to interact
with people while standing up for your
• Assertive people: Assertive people have
the following characteristics
• They feel free to express their feelings.
• They know their rights.
• They have control over their anger.