* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
Communication Jeremy Manulang Everything that can be said can be said clearly (Ludwig Wittgensteiein, Australian Philosopher) Communication Let’s think what communication is all about……?! Brainstorming Communication is transfer of information from one person to another, whether or not it elicits confidence. But the information transferred must be understandable to the receiver – G.G. Brown. Communication is giving, receiving or exchanging ideas, information, signals or messages through appropriate media, enabling individuals or groups to persuade, to seek information, to give information or to express emotions. What makes a good communicator? Fluency Extensive vocabulary Being a good listener Physical appearance Sense of humor Grammatical accuracy Not being afraid of making mistakes An awareness of body language Discuss these questions! Which of the forms of written and spoken communication below do you use most? a) In your language? B) in English? Written Spoken E-mails Conversation Faxes Interview Letters Meetings Memos Negotiations Minutes Phone Calls Reports Presentations Which do you feel you do the best? Which do you like least? Do you use other forms of communication? What kinds of problems can occur some with some of the form of communication? Formality/Informality?? Gobbledygook? Standard way of doing things? Tone of voice? Gestures? Anything else??? Ever Had this?? Vocabulary Coherent ARTICULATE Fluent Hesitant Eloquent Inhibited Succinct Lucid Rambling Tongue-tied Think of the person in your group who can be the best communicator and state the reasons……. Language Review (IDIOMS) Idiom is an expression with a meaning that can be difficult to guess from the meaning of its separate words. (Colloquial meaning) Ex : a penny for your thoughts! When pigs fly Your belly button is bigger than your stomach Birds of a feather flocking together She’ll be apples What about these idioms? Put you in the picture Talking at the cross purposes Get straight to the point Have a quick word Get a word in edgeways Beating about the bush Heard it on the grapevine On the same wavelength Showing Opinion As far as I’m concerned…. It seems to me that…. From my point of view,…. To me….. What springs to my mind is…. I wonder if…. What about….. It has come to my attention that…. Agreeing! Can’t agree more! You can say that again… Tell me about that… I am positive it is… I’ll say Totally! Disagreeing