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From the names of: Gaius
& Tiberius CLAUDIUS Nero
(stepson of Augustus)
Gaius Julius Caesar Octavianus
*N. 63 BC et M. AD 14
*Great Grand Nephew of JC
*Imperator: 27 BC-AD14
*Pax Romana
*Golden Age of Literature:
Ovid, Vergil, and Horace
*Massive Building Projects
*Married to Livia
*Produced no male heirs
Tiberius Claudius Nero
*N. 42 BC et M. AD 37
*Stepson of Augustus
*Imperator: AD 14-AD37
*Brilliant soldier in youth
*Acceded to throne after deaths
of Augustus’ grandsons
*Uncovered plot to assassinate
him, led by Sejanus
*Retired to Capri for last 11 years
of his reign
*Produced no male heirs
Gaius Caligula
*N. AD 12 et M. AD 41
*Nephew of Tiberius and Great Grandson of
*Imperator: AD 37-AD41
*Tended to his uncle, Tiberius, for 5 years
on Capri
*Only preparation: pontifex and quaestor
*His governance was marked by cruelty and
autocracy, named his horse to senate
*Assassinated in AD 41
*Produced no male heirs
*N. 10 BC et M. AD 54
*Uncle of Caligula
*Imperator: AD 41-AD54
*Took part in the invasion of Britain
*Good and just ruler
*Unfortunately susceptible to the schemes of his wife
Agrippina the younger
*Persuaded to adopt her son, Nero, as the guardian of his
own son Britannicus
*Most likely assassinated by Agrippina, succeded by Nero
*Honored as a God by the Romans post mortem
Nero Claudius Drusus Germanicus
*N. AD 37 et M. AD 68
*Stepson of Claudius
*Imperator: AD 54-AD68
*Became emperor as a youth
*Under the tutelage of Seneca
*Murdered his mother in AD 59
*Celebrated the Great Fire of Rome in AD 64 by building
the Domus Aurea (The Golden House)
*Persecuted the new cult “The Christians” for the fire
*Finally killed himself after the march on Rome by Galba