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Categorize the
enumerated powers and
the implied powers of
Congress, the limitations
to the powers of
Congress, and the
powers given to each
house of Congress in
the Constitution
Melissa Long
Sarah Lerner
Article I, Section 8
(Enumerated Powers)
• Power To lay and collect Taxes,
Duties, Imports and Excises, to
pay the Debts and provide for the
common Defense and general
Welfare of the United States; but
all Duties, Imports and Excises
shall be uniform throughout the
United States
• To borrow Money on the credit of
the United States;
• To regulate Commerce with
foreign Nations, and among the
several States, and with the Indian
• To establish Post Offices and post
• To establish an uniform Rule of
Naturalization, and uniform
Laws on the subject of
Bankruptcies throughout the
United States
• To constitute Tribunals inferior
to the Supreme Court
• To coin Money, regulate the
Value thereof, and of foreign
Coin, and fix the Standard of
Weights and Measures
• To provide for the Punishment
of counterfeiting the Securities
and current Coin of the United
• To promote the Progress of
Science and useful Arts, by
securing for limited Times to
Authors and Inventors the
exclusive Right to their
respective Writings and
• To provide and maintain a
Implied Powers
• Implied Powers – delegated
powers of the National
Government that are
suggested by the expressed
powers set out in the
• Necessary and Proper
Clause – Constitutional clause
that gives Congress the power
to make all laws “necessary
and proper” for executing its
• Establish a National Bank
• Does not have the power to
interpret laws, determine their
meaning, or settle disputes
within a society
• Does not have the power to
execute, enforce, or administer
• Does not have the power to
decide the Constitutionality of
a law
House of Representatives
• Propose amendments to
spending bills
• Exclusive authority to investigate
& bring charges for impeachment
• Chooses the President in an
electoral college deadlock
• “advice and consent”
• Has greater prestige than the
• Try all impeachments
• Negotiate treaties
• Power to approve all Presidential