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Manifest Destiny (1800–1850)
Witness History: Westward Ho!
Migrating to the West
Texas and the Mexican-American War
Effects of Territorial Expansion
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Migrating to the West
Settling the Spanish Borderlands
Main Idea: In the Southwest in the early 1800s, conflict between Spanish settlers and Native
Americans was frequent and destructive. However, New Mexico and California eventually gained
stability, resulting in high populations and economic growth.
Americans Look Westward
Main Idea: By 1821, American expansionists soon began to covet New Mexico, Texas, and
California. Thinly settled but rich in resources, the three provinces had great appeal for American
The Journey Westward
Main Idea: Following John C. Frémont’s vivid and romantic reports from his western expedition,
the overland trails drew thousands of settlers west to California and Oregon.
Witness History: A Pioneer Woman Heads West
Note Taking: Reading Skill: Identify Main Ideas
Color Transparencies: Traveling West
Geography Interactive: North American in 1820
Migrating to the West (continued…)
Focus on Geography: Trails to the West
Chart: Westward Migration, 1840s
Color Transparencies: Brigham Young and the Mormons
Progress Monitoring Transparency
Reading Skill: Identify Main Ideas
Traveling West
Trails to the West
Westward Migration, 1840s
Brigham Young and the Mormons
Progress Monitoring Transparency
Texas and the Mexican-American War
Texas Wins Independence
Main Idea: Tensions grew between American settlers and the Mexican government. Following a
rebellion against Mexican rule, Texans declared their independence and adopted a republican
Americans Debate Expansion
Main Idea: Sam Houston asked that the United States annex Texas, but many in Congress
were opposed because of the impact this would have in the slavery debate.
The Mexican-American War
Main Idea: Texas claimed the land south and west of the Nueces River as far as the Rio Grande
as its own. Outraged, the Mexicans refused to recognize the annexation. The war that followed
resulted in an American victory.
Witness History: A Child at the Alamo
Note Taking: Reading Skill: Recognize Sequence
Color Transparencies: Texas War for Independence
Effects of Territorial Expansion (continued…)
Decision Point: Should the United States Annex Texas?
Geography Interactive: The Mexican-American War
Progress Monitoring Transparency
Reading Skill: Recognize Sequence
Texas War for Independence
Should the United States Annex Texas?
Progress Monitoring Transparency
Effects of Territorial Expansion
America Achieves Manifest Destiny
Main Idea: The United States finally achieved Manifest Destiny after its victory in the MexicanAmerican War. Yet, the long-term effects of the war served to highlight growing differences
between North and South and set the stage for future conflict.
The California Gold Rush
Main Idea: To most Americans, the new lands in the West seemed too distant for rapid
settlement. But in early 1848, sawmill workers found flecks of gold in the American River east of
Sacramento, California, starting a mass migration to the region.
Effects of the Gold Rush
Main Idea: The rapid settlement of California had unforeseen consequences on both the territory
and the nation. The most immediate effects were felt by the people who already lived there.
Among these effects were discrimination and violence towards Indians and Mexicans.
Witness History: Seeking a Mountain of Gold
Note Taking: Reading Skill: Understand Effects
Effects of Territorial Expansion (continued…)
Geography Interactive: Growth of the United States to 1853
History Interactive: San Francisco: Growth of a City
Color Transparencies: Mining for Gold
Chart: Growth of San Francisco
Progress Monitoring Transparency
Reading Skill: Understand Effects
Mining for Gold
Growth of San Francisco
Progress Monitoring Transparency