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Origins of the Cold War
Chapter 26
1945- A Critical Year
• FDR never understood how mad the
Russians were at the United States for
getting involved in the war so late
• This is also when the United Nations was
Postwar Conflict
• The United States feared
satellite nations,
countries that were
politically and
economically dominated
by the Soviets during the
Cold War
• The Soviets wanted to
spread Communism
throughout the world.
Iron Curtain
• The Iron Curtain was the division between
Communist and non-Communist life
• This resulted in the Cold War the division
between the United States and the Soviets for
• George Kennan an
American diplomat
stationed in Moscow,
analyzed Soviet behavior
and told the United States
that the Soviets wanted
Communism around the
• The United States wanted
to contain Communism
(already lost in Eastern
• Truman
Doctrine- the
United States is a
world leader and
will support
nations so they
do not fall to
The Marshall Plan
The Marshall Plan
• About 21 million people were homeless in
• We wanted to help restore these countries
so another war like this would never
• We passed the Marshall Plan to help the
nations of Europe recover economically
Berlin Airlift
• 200,000 flights to deliver food, fuel, and
other supplies to West Berlin
• NATO- (North Atlantic Trade
Organization)- “an armed attack against
one or more of them….shall be an attack
against all” (FOR PROTECTON) (BUILD A
• Warsaw Pact- a military alliance with
Soviet Union satellite nations
• HUAC- began to investigate people to see
if they were member of the Communist
Party, especially celebrities
• Hollywood Ten- ten actor who refused to
answer Communist Questions. Served a
year in jail.
• Studios complied a
blacklist names of
people who could not be
• Congress then passed
the McCarran-Walter
Act which limited the
number of people to
come to the USA from
Southern and Central
Chinese Civil War
• Jiang- led the Nationalist Party
• Mao Zedong- led the Communist Party
• Communists came to power in 1949
Chinese Civil War
• Jiang- led the Nationalist Party
• Mao Zedong- led the Communist Party
• Communists came to power in 1949
The McCarthy Era
• “I hold a piece of paper in my hand that
shows 205 people at the State Department
are Communists”
• McCarthyism- terms used to describe his
anticommunists smear tactics (VIOLATED
• The Army-McCarthy hearings caused him
to fade quickly
The Middle East
• The United States worked to prevent oilrich Arab nations from falling under the
influence of the Soviet Union
• The Arab nations tended to buy into the
idea of Communism
The Korean War
• 38th Parallel- the
latitude line running
across Korea at the
midpoint of the
• The War started
when the North
Koreans crossed
the 38th
Korean War cont.
• The first half of the twentieth century
Korea was controlled by Japan
• The United States thought it was Soviet
Union (video game)
• The United Nations wanted to restore
General MacArthur
• He was able to cut off
resources from North
Korea after they invaded
South Korea
• Wanted attack to the
Chinese mainland but
Truman turned him down
• War ended up in a
The Effects of the War
• 54,000 Killed
• 103,000 Wounded
• The Korean War was the first time White
American and African Americans fought in
the same units
• Military Industrial Complex- a military
establishment that employed 3.5 million
US vs Soviets
• The Arms Race was the
struggle to gain weapon
• The goal for the United
States was to establish
deterrence. Deterrence is
scaring your opponent so
much, so they are to afraid
to act.
• Brinkmanship- a
policy of risking
war to protect
national interests
• ICBM’s
Ballistic Missiles)
long range Soviet
• Sputnik- the first artificial satellite to orbit
the earth
• U-2 incident- was when the Soviets shot
down an American U-2 spy plane
Cuban Missile Crisis
• Photographs were taken by an American
spy plane that showed the Soviets were
building missiles in Cuba
• Cuba is only 90 miles from Key West
• The Cuban Missile Crisis was a terrifying
standoff between the US and the Soviets.
• It put us on the brink of nuclear war
Kennedy’s Options
• 1. Continue talking with the Soviets,
problem is it would give the Soviets more
time to finishing building missiles
• 2. Invade Cuba, problem risked an all out
nuclear war
• 3. Blockade Cuba, problem no one knew
how Khrushchev would react
• 4. Bomb the Missile Sites, problem is it
could start the war.
Kennedy Decides
• He offered a naval “quarantine” around
• He was careful not to call it a “blockade”
because that was an act of war
The World Waits
• Thirteen ships were stopped by the navy
but they only had oil and were allowed to
• Then the Soviets called their ships back,
but they still were building missiles in
• Then Kennedy got two letters from
• It said the Soviets will remove their
missiles in Cuba if the US removes their
missiles in Turkey
• Kennedy was a hero and kept in close
contact with Khrushchev in hope to
prevent a future crisis
• The Limited Ban Treaty banned nuclear
testing above the ground (only on water)