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• Name the three types of muscles and tell me if
they are voluntary or involuntary.
• 1.
• 2.
• 3.
Chapter 23.1-2 Circulatory System
What 3 major tasks are performed by the
cardiovascular system?(p.606)
1. Carries nutrients (Food/Oxygen) to your
2. Removes wastes (CO2) from your cells
3. Carries chemical signals called hormones
throughout the body
Chapter 23.1-2 Circulatory System
Blood Vessel Definitions:
1. Arteries: a blood vessel that carries blood
AWAY from the heart
2. Capillaries: a tiny blood vessel that
allows exchange between blood and cells in
other tissues
3. Veins: a blood vessel that carries blood
TO the heart (or VISITS)
Chapter 23.1-2 Circulatory System
Distinguish between red blood cells and white
blood cells
1. What are red blood cells? Carry oxygen to your
cells using hemoglobin
2. What are white blood cells? Defend your body
against pathogens that can make you sick
3. Where are blood cells made? Bone marrow
4. What are platelets? Tiny particles, or pieces of
other cells that clump together to stop bleeding