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Twelve things to know about…
Thing 1: Systems are made of
• Every system in our body is made up of
some number of organs.
• Each organ in a system is made up of
some number of tissues.
Tissues  Organs System
• Some organs belong to more than one
Thing 2: Integumentary system
• Covers and protects the body.
• Skin is the main organ of the
integumentary system.
• Skin has several functions:
– Regulates body temperature
– Produces vitamin D
– Protects our body
– Helps us sense our surroundings
Thing 3: Skeletal system
• There are 206 bones in a normal adult.
• Functions of the skeletal system include:
– Support of body shape
– Protection
• Skull protects brain
• Ribs protect heart and lungs
• Vertebrae protect spinal cord
– Bone marrow makes blood cells and stores fat
– Mineral storage (calcium)
Thing 4: Muscular system
• There are three types of muscle
– Smooth muscle lines inside of hollow organs
(stomach, blood vessels, bladder) and is
– Cardiac muscle is in the heart and is
– Skeletal muscle are attached to bones by
tendons. These are voluntary muscles.
Thing 5: Nervous system
• The central nervous system is made up of
the brain and spinal cord. The CNS has
many functions, including:
– Sending messages
– Processing information
– Storing information
– Analyzing responses
• The peripheral nervous system has two
kinds of neurons (nerve cells).
– Sensory neurons send information about the
environment to the CNS.
– Motor neurons send signals from the CNS to
other body parts (muscles, etc.)
Thing 6: Circulatory system
• The body’s transport system.
– Delivers oxygen and nutrients to cells
– Removes waste products
• Main parts:
– Blood
– Blood vessels
– Heart
• Two types of large blood vessels:
– Arteries carry blood away from the heart.
– Veins carry blood to the heart.
Thing 7: Respiratory system
• Allows for gas exchange (O2, CO2).
• Lungs are the main organs.
• Breathing is the movement of air in and
out of lungs.
• Respiration is the exchange of gases.
Thing 8: Excretory system
• Remove wastes from blood.
• Kidneys are the main organs.
• Skin and lungs are part of excretory
system, too.
Thing 9: Digestive system
• Three main functions:
– Take in food
– Break down food
– Gets rid of undigested material
• Many organs involved, including:
Intestines (large and small)
Gall bladder
Thing 10: Endocrine system
• Endocrine organs produce hormones,
chemical messengers that act on target
cells and tissues.
• Organs (glands) include:
– Pituitary gland
– Thyroid gland
– Adrenal gland
– Many others
Thing 11: Reproductive system
• Main organs in males:
– Penis
– Testicles
• Main organs in females:
– Ovary
– Uterus
– Vagina
Thing 12: Immune system
• Protects against infection
• Skin, tears, and mucus membranes help
prevent infectious particles from entering
our body.
• White blood cells called B cells and T cells
fight infection inside our body.
– B cells make antibodies. Anything that an
antibody binds to is called an antigen.