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Means fish with bony skeletons
There are over 20,000 species of bony fish
Most fish live in the epipelagic zone
Medial Fins (DORSAL and ANAL FINS)
Ray-finned fish have fins supported by a fanshaped array of bones
Makes the fin light, collapsible, and easy to
Ray-finned fishes are the most diverse group
of living vertebrates, making up nearly half
of all vertebrate species.
Caudal fins have different shapes
1. Homocercal --> Top and bottom halves the same size
Rounded (Low A.R.)
Truncate (Intermediate A.R.)
Forked (Intermediate A.R.)
Lunate (High A.R.)
2. Heterocercal --> Top half different size than bottom half
Heterocercal – often found on sharks
Most fish have a complex sense of smell
Fish also have taste buds
Used to detect prey, mates and predators
Smell is detected in the nares (nostrils)
Found in the mouth, fins and skin
Catfish have taste buds on barbels (whiskers)
Rely on vision
Eyes focus by moving closer or further from the
object they wish to view
 Covered by a nictitating membrane – clear
membrane that allows the fish to see while
protecting the eye
Sight – some fish can see color and can see in
very dim light
Hearing – fish can hear
Smell – fish have nostrils used for smelling
Touch – fish can feel objects against their
Lateral line- A system of canals on the sides
of fishes that helps fish detect changes in
pressure, vibrations and currents
Fish “hear” via their lateral lines, a line of
pressure sensors running along each side of
the fish that pick up pressure waves (= sound)
in water. When someone pounds on an
aquarium, that creates waves of pressure in
the water that, to the fish, would be
analogous to cupping your hands and
pounding on your ears--NEVER POUND ON
Detect changes in pressure and vibrations and
Detect prey
Swim together in a school
Detect predators on the side or behind them
Pick up vibrations from the swimming
together of other animals
Most fish swim with an S motion
Controlled by bands of muscle called myomeres
A rhythmic side to side moving from the head to the tail
Run parallel along the sides of the fish
Visible in fish you eat
Makes up 75% of the fishes weight
White muscle is used for bursts of speed
Red muscle is used for constant locomotion
The fins are used like rudders to change direction in
the water
Some fish move by moving only their fins and not their body
To maintain buoyancy the fish will either:
Adjust the density of its body by using a SWIM
They will adjust the density of the components of
their insides (they will consume lighter weight
ions and leave the heavier ones in the surrounding
A swim bladder is a balloon-like structure
that is:
inflated to make the fish rise higher in the water
or deflated to make the fish sink lower
Some fish like Tuna do not have a swim
bladder and must swim fast to prevent
Some fish like catfish do not have a swim
bladder and spend their life on the bottom
Fish use gills to absorb oxygen from the
surrounding water
Gill Arch - stiff structure that supports the
gill filaments and the gill rakers
Gill Rakers – prevent food from clogging up
the gill filaments
Gill Filaments – fingerlike projections where
oxygen is absorbed and carbon dioxide is
never drink
 Lots of
 Ions are
Marine fishes
 Less blood is
 Water is
Most fish have internal sex organs that we
cannot see.
fish gonads (sex organs) produce gametes
(sex cells) only at certain times.
These times must be the same for both males
and females and must be timed to the most
favorable conditions.
Fish may only reproduce when there:
1. Is enough of the right kind of food
2.There are enough hours of light each day
3. The water is the right temperature
 Courtship: a series of behaviors designed to
attract mates
 Spawning: a release of gametes into the
 Copulation: a direct transfer of sperm into a
females body
Most fish reproduce by spawning.
 This is when the female swims and lays
eggs on plants or sand in the water
 The male fish swims behind her depositing
sperm into the water where some of it may
land on and fertilize the eggs
Some fishes are hermaphrodites. They
have both male and female gonads
Hermaphrodism is more common among
the deep-water fishes. (Gourami)
Sex Reversal
 Males may change to females or females to
males (ex. Clownfish)
Among some species of anemone fishes a
single large female who mates only with a
single large dominant male inhabits each sea
anemone. All others are small non-breeding
males. If the female disappears her mate
changes into a female and the largest of the
non-breeding males becomes the new
dominant male. The new female can start
spawning as soon as 26 days after her sex
Fish can be either carnivorous or herbivorous
(mostly carnivorous)
The teeth will tell you what they eat
 Used for grasping and holding the prey
 Prey is usually swallowed whole
Usually have one preferred food source
A type of fish, anemone, urchin, etc.
Fish that feed on algae are called grazers
An established area that the fish protects against
Some are only territorial during mating period
others are for life
Thought this helps ensure there is enough food
for the fish
Defended by aggressive behavior like making
themselves appear larger or by chasing other fish
Fights are rare
4000 species of fish school at some point in their
Can provide protection against predators
 Can cause confusion
 Less likely to be the one eaten if there are thousands
of other fish around you
Can increase swimming efficiency by reducing the
drag of the water
Can be advantageous for mating or feeding
Characterized by having:
 Bone in their skeleton
 An operculum covering the gill openings
 A swimbladder or lungs
 True scales
 Paired fins
 Homocercal tail (Exception lungfish – diphycercal)
 Mouth terminal
 Two chambered heart
 Sexes separate (Sex reversal in some)
 Fertilization external for most
 Excrete ammonia
The bony fishes are the most diverse class
of fish. ~24,000 species
Osteichthyes are divided into two subclasses
 The lobe-finned fish (Sarcopterygians)
 The ray-finned fish (Actinopterygians).
*Most modern fish are members of the rayfinned, Teleost subdivision.
Sarcopterygians are the fish most closely
related to modern amphibians, reptiles,
birds, and mammals = terrestrial
This subclass includes the lungfish and
coelacanth. Coelacanth were thought to
have become extinct at about the same
time as the dinosaurs, until a live
specimen was found in 1938
Muscular lobe associated with fins
Have lungs for gas exchange
Live in areas with seasonal droughts
Can breathe air if water stagnates
Can withstand desiccation
Burrow in the mud
Have enamel on the teeth
Can survive drought by remaining in
aestivation for 6 months or more
Aestivation = dormant state
After rain fills the lake or riverbed
Lungfish emerge from their burrows to
feed & reproduce
Cosmoid scales
Ray-finned fish (Fins lack muscular
Have swimbladders to regulate
~23,900 species
Include sturgeons and paddlefish
Sturgeon eggs make caviar
Superorder Ostariophysi
Order Cypriniformes (minnows, carps)
Order Siluriformes (catfish)
Superorder Protacanthopterygii
Order Esociformes (pikes)
Order Osmeriformes (smelts)
Order Salmoniformes (salmon, trout, whitefish)
Superorder Paracanthopterygii
Order Gadiformes (cod, hakes, pollock)
Superorder Acanthopterygii
Order Percoidei (perches, snook, basses)
Order Pleuronectiformes (flounders, soles)
Order Perciformes (mackerel, tuna, swordfish)
Teleosts are modern day ray-finned fish
Use their fins and body wall to push
against water for locomotion
Some secrete mucus to reduce friction
Most teleosts are carnivores swallowing
prey whole
Herring & paddlefish are filter feeders
Teleosts have pyloric ceca (outpockets in
the small intestine to increase absorption)
Found on non-teleost
bony fishes
Usually diamond
shaped bony scales
“Heavy armor”
Gars – Alligator Gar
Found on teleost
Light, thin, &
Teleost fishes
Have comblike
ridges along the
exposed edge to
reduce friction