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Table of Contents
Page 1
Page 2
Page 3
Page 4-6
Page 7-8
Page 9-10
Page 11-12
Page 13-14
Page 15-16
Page 17-18
Page 19-20
Page 21-22
Page 23-24
Page 25-26
Page 27
Page 28
Page 29
Table of Contents- done
Fast Facts- done
The Body is made of up?- done
Body Systems- done
Circulatory System-done
Immune System-done
Skeletal System-done
Excretory System- done
Muscular System-done
Endocrine System-done
Digestive System- done
Nervous System- done
Respiratory System- done
Parent/Teacher Notes
Body Systems!
• Circulatory System (heart, blood, vessels)
• Respiratory System (nose, trachea, lungs)
• Immune System (many types of protein, cells, organs,
• Skeletal System (bones)
• Excretory System (lungs, large intestine, kidneys)
• Muscular System (muscles)
• Endocrine System (glands)
• Digestive System (mouth, esophogus, stomach,
• Nervous System (brain, spinal cord, nerves)
Fast Facts
• Our body has a head, neck, torso, two
arms and two legs.
• A person is usually 5 to 6 feet tall.
• Our body is made to stand and walk on
two feet, and use our arms to carry and lift
The Body is made up of?
• The Adult body is made up of:
– 206 Bones
– 600 Muscles
– 22 Internal organs
– 100 Trillion Cells
Circulatory System
• The heart, the lungs, and the blood vessels work
together to form the circle part of the circulatory system.
• ARTERIES are vessels that carry blood away from the
• VEINS are vessels that carry blood back to the heart.
• Red blood cells carry oxygen from the lungs to all the
cells of the body.
• The heart is just a pump. A complex and important one,
yes, but still just a pump. As with all other pumps it can
become clogged, break down and need repair.
Circulatory System
Excretory System!
• The Excretory System
consists of:
Poop- Why do we poop? What is
poop made of? Why does poop
smell? How much do I poop?
• We poop because our food gets digested and
becomes waste. What nutrients your body
doesn’t use leaves the body through poop.
Bacteria, salt, and bile are some of the waste
leaving your body. Bile is largely responsible for
the brownish greenish color. Poop smells
because indole and stakole, which are
chemicals made when the bacteria in your
intestines “munch” on food. You poop 1/3 of a
pound for every pound you eat.
Urine- What is pee? What makes you
• Pee is waste and excess water. When
your bladder gets full, you get the
feeling you have to pee.
Sweat and Armpits- What makes
armpits smell? Does sweat always
smell? Why does it stink?
• Sweat makes your armpits smell. It’s
usually not the sweat that stinks it is the
bacteria that smells. It depends on the
person on how much you smell when you
Respiratory System!
We need to breathe in oxygen to live.
• What do we breathe?
• We breathe in oxygen!
Oxygen is a chemical
doesn’t taste or look like
anything, but every time
we breathe in, it goes into
our blood! But you have
to breathe out too, don’t
you? When you breathe
out, you are letting out
another chemical called
carbon dioxide!
• How does that
chemical oxygen go
through our body?
• Our whole body needs oxygen!
You know where your nose
and your mouth are, right?
Those are the two places
where you breathe in your
oxygen! After you breathe in,
the oxygen goes down a tube
in your throat called the
trachea and then it travels to
your lungs. Your lungs let you
breathe in air, let out air, and
even talk! Oxygen is put into
the blood from the lungs. Aren’t
you glad you have these?
• Nervous System is the
controlling and communication
system of the body. It’s in
control of yours thoughts,
actions, and emotions. The
cells are communicated by
electrical signals that are fast
and detailed. These signals
cause almost immediate
• This system is broken down into two
parts the central nervous system,
and the peripheral nervous
system. The central nervous
system is the command center and
has the brain and spinal cord. The
commands are based on past
experiences, reflexes, and your
current conditions. The peripheral
system contains the nerves that
extend from the brain to the spinal
cord. These nerves serve as links to
the central nervous system.
Digestive System
• Food first enters the digestive system through the mouth, goes
through multiple organs, until they are transformed into enzymes,
glucose, and other nutrients that the body can use.
Step by Step
Large intestine
Small intestine
Endocrine System
• The endocrine system
is the system that
controls the body. This
system uses
hormones to excite
the metabolic
activities of the cells.
The hormones are
released into the blood
Body Glands
• The adrenal medulla is the gland behind
the fight-or-flight reaction, and it secretes
• The parathyroid glands are small
endocrine glands in the neck that produce
parathyroid hormone.
• The pineal is a small endocrine gland in
the vertebrate brain. It produces
Body Glands
• The hypothalamus receives
signals from the brain and the
peripheral nerves, and then
triggers the release of
hormones into the
• The pituitary receives orders
from the hypothalamus.
• The thyroid gland is located
on the front surface of the
trachea. It produces two
hormones, and regulates
Skeletal System
• The skeletal system is the system that supports
us and gives us our shape. Two main structures
form the skeletal system: cartilage and bone.
Cartilage is largely composed of water and
contains no nerves or blood vessels. Bone
provide other important functions for us other
than giving shape to the body. They provide a
hard framework that is able to support the body
and cradle the delicate organs that it
contains. They provide protection for the internal
Skeletal System
• Fun Fact: In all
there are 206
named bones in
the human
Muscular System
• The muscular system is the largest in the
• There are over forty muscles just in the
• The three different types of muscles
tissues are cardiac, skeletal, and smooth.
Muscular System
Immune System
• The immune system is the body’s main
defense against all foreign substances.
• We would die immediately without it.
• We have billions of bacteria that rest on our
• Skin is our first defense for fighting bacteria.
• Nose hair is the bodies natural air filtration
• Sneezing gets rid of all the dust particles.
Fun Fact!
• The most deadly disease in America is
OxygenCarbon dioxideLungsPeripheral nervous systemEnzymesGlucose-
• Hormones- Hormones are chemical compounds that regulate
metabolic function of cells in the body. There are over 50 hormones
in our body system.
• Metabolic-
MouthEsophagusLiverStomachLarge intestineSmall intestineAppendixRectum Anus-
• Chemical Compounds•
Amino acid-based hormones and steroidsCholesterolThe adrenal medullaThe parathyroid glands-