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Mesoamerica Conquistadors
Aztec and Cortes
Unit 3
Ms. Hunt
RMS IB 2012-2013
The Arrival of the Spanish
• April 21, 1519- Spanish
ships arrive on the Yucatan
• Hernan Cortez- Leader of
the expedition
• Brought horses – First in
North America
Hernan Cortes
• Born in 1485 in Spain
• Cortes was a university law
student but dropped out of
school to become a New
World Conquistador.
• Conquistadors were Spanish
soldiers and explorers who
came to the new world to seek
glory and wealth.
• 1511 – Participated in the
Spanish conquest of Cuba
• Known for his bravery and
Why did Cortes want to conquer
• Gain wealth for Spain
and the Spanish King,
Charles the 5th
• Increase Spanish
• Spread Christianity
• Gain personal wealth,
glory, and power for
Why the Aztecs?
• The Spanish had heard
rumors of the great wealth
of the Aztecs
The Campaign Against the Aztec
Cortes gets two lucky
1) Montezuma, the Aztec
king, thought Cortes
might be a god, and
welcomed him with lavish
gifts and gold.
2) Discovered a Spanish
prisoner who could
communicate with the
The Campaign Against the Aztec- part
• The Spanish were
impressed with the
grandeur and riches of the
Aztec capital
• But horrified by the
barbarism and cruelty of
the Aztecs.
• Cortes immediately
decided to put a stop to
the cannibalism and
human sacrifice
The Campaign Against the Aztec- part
• Cortes takes
Montezuma prisoner in
his own palace.
• After several months,
the Aztec people riot
• Cortes reorganizes his
army and attacks the
capital in 1521.
• The Aztec capital
surrenders and is
Why did the Spanish Win?
• Superior technologysteel weapons, guns,
artillery, horses, steel
• Indian allies – The Aztecs
were so hated, it was easy
for the Spanish to recruit
the help of other Indians.
• Disease – European
diseases, particularly
small pox, devastated the
Aztec population