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Unit 3: The War Between the
I. Years that Led to the War
A. Ohioans Against Slavery
1. NW Ordinance of 1787 forbid slavery in NW
2. Many people who were against slavery
settled in Ohio.
3. Thomas Worthington & Edward Tiffin had
been prominent slave owners who had freed
their slaves before moving to Ohio.
4. Abolitionists – People who worked to end slavery.
St. Clairsville, Ohio – Site of Ohio’s 1st abolitionist group.
Had a newspaper (The Philanthropist) that was the 1st to call
for an end to slavery.
Lane Theological Center – Cincinnati, Ohio.
* One of the earliest abolitionist centers in Ohio.
* Some citizens were upset and all abolitionist activity there
* Leaders of the movement moved to Oberlin, Ohio and
eventually opened Oberlin College.
B. The Underground Railroad
1. A system of secret routes and safe hiding
places for helping slaves escape the south to
northern states and on to Canada.
2. Once into Canada slaves became free men
because slavery was illegal in Canada.
3. The long journey would have been impossible
without assistance.
4. The name comes from an angry slave owner
who chased a slave into Ripley, Ohio.
* Tice Davids was chased all the way to the
Ohio River..jumped in..swam across to Ripley,
* His owner grabbed a boat and rowed
across…searched for the Tice and questioned
many in town.
* He later declared that the slave had escaped
on an underground railroad..and the name
5. Stations – Places where runaways were
6. Conductors – People who helped the
runaways travel from station to station.
7. Contributing Members – People who
provided food, clothing, and shelter to
8. Ohio became a center for the Underground
Railroad because of it’s location next to slave
states such as Virginia and Kentucky.
C. Helping Runaway Slaves
Levi Coffin –
“Cincinnatian” who
became known as the
President of the
Underground Railroad.
Helped over 2,000
runaways travel across
Ohio and on into
3. John Rankin –
Reverend from Ripley,
Ohio (directly across the
Ohio River from
Maysville, Ky.)
4. For 40 yrs a lantern
hung at the Rankin
House..guiding slaves
to his home and safety.
5. There were over 20
routes in Ohio.
Historic Rankin House in Ripley,
YouTube Videos
• Cincinnati’s Role in the Underground Railroad
• “In Their Path” - Video documenting the path of African Americans
through Ohio and into Canada.
Cincinnati Underground Railroad Video
D. Exciting Escapes
• Sometimes extreme measures had to be taken to
escape detection.
• Hiding slaves in cargo in wagons, trains, or in family
homes, barns etc..
• Members of abolitionist communities often relied on each
other to distract slave owners or hunters.
• Joseph Rowe hid some escapees in a wagon of flour
and drove it to Oberlin, Ohio from Mansfield,
order to find safety.
E. Fugitive Slave Law
Many southern states complained to Congress about
citizens helping slaves not only escape slavery, but
helping them along the way to freedom.
• Fugitive Slave Law – Ordered federal officers to capture
fugitive slaves who had escaped the south.
Passed in 1850
Fugitive – runaway slave
Made it illegal to help fugitive slaves and you could be arrested.
Slave owners thought of slaves as property that they owned
rather than human beings.
• Southern slave owners were happy with this law.
• They greatly disliked the work of abolitionist groups and
the Underground RR. They thought the whole idea was
a violation of their rights.
• Made the work of the Underground RR and abolitionists
more dangerous.
Clashes occurred over the law
• Oberlin 1858 – John Price, a fugitive from Ky. Had been
working and living in Ohio.
• Federal agents captured him and moved him to
Wellington, Ohio.
• Agents were met by an angry mob of abolitionists who
used force to free Price.
• Price escaped to Canada and 37 abolitionists were
arrested and charged with violating the Fugitive Slave
• Angry Ohioans reacted and raised money for their
defense. Only 2 of the group were given any sentences
and it was very light.
• The strong feelings of Ohioans about the case had great
impact on it’s outcome.
F. Uncle Tom’s Cabin
• Written by Harriet
Beecher Stowe, a
Cincinnati resident for
18 years. Published
in 1852.
• Daughter of Lyman
Beecher, the head of
Lane Theological
Seminary..and wife of
Lane teacher, Calvin
• Fictional story based on the evils of slavery.
• The character, Eliza, runs away from the south
and crosses the icy Ohio River using the light in
John Rankin’s window as her guide.
• 300,000 copies sold..mostly in the north.
• Brought widespread attention to both the evils of
slavery and the abolitionist movement.
G. John Brown’s Raid
• John Brown was an very
extreme abolitionist & sheep
• Believed in the use of violence
to end slavery.
• Planned a raid, or surprise
attack, on the U.S. government
arsenal at Harpers Ferry, Va.
• The plan was to steal weapons
and arm southern slaves to
lead a rebellion against
southern states.
• John Brown’s raid was put
down by Robert E. Lee.
• Brown was arrested and
hanged for treason.
• Many in the south felt the
punishment was unjust and
northerners felt that it was too
• The whole event led to
increased tensions among
citizens in the north and south.
• John Brown’s Raid (1:06)
H. The Republican Party Forms 1854
Political leaders in Ohio brought
together members of the Whig and
Free Soil parties to form a new political
party based on stopping the spread of
Salmon P. Chase, an abolitionist and
former Senator, was chosen as their
candidate for Ohio Governor.
Chase was elected to 2 terms as Ohio
Today..NKU law school is named after
Salmon Chase.
• Even though the party was formed as an anti-slavery
party there were disagreements over how to go about
attacking slavery related issues.
• 1860 – Republicans elected another Ohio Governor as
the party continued to grow in popularity and power.
• Southern states slowly began to secede or break away
from the U.S.
• Attempted to form a new nation – The Confederate
States of America.
II. Ohio and the War Between the
Preparing for War
North had a larger population, stronger economy, more
railroads, and farmland..and fully expected a quick victory.
The Confederacy had more experienced soldiers and all of the
top Generals from the U.S. Army. ROBERT E. LEE
30,000 Ohioans answered President Lincoln’s call for Ohio
An army training center was set up in was called
Camp Dennison.
B. Ohio’s Soldiers in Action.
• Ohio’s troops under the command of General McClellan
were needed to protect against Virginia’s potential threat
against southern Ohio.
• General McClellan and the Ohio soldiers drove the Va.
Forces out of the counties in Va along Ohio’s borders.
• Those counties became the state of West Virginia.
• Ohio no longer had a Confederate state on it’s border.
C. Ohio’s Union Party
• Union Party was formed because there were those in
Ohio who believed that the war effort was not
progressing well under Republican leadership.
• Republicans and “War” Democrats came together and
openly blamed the President and other Republican
leaders for the troubles with the war.
• Elected David Tod as Governor of Ohio.
• Ohio remained a pro-union state under their leadership.
D. The Copperheads
• Group of northern citizens that
spoke out against the
President and the war.
• Led by Congressman Clement
Vallandighm from Dayton,
• They called for peace under any cost.
• Felt that a Union victory would give the federal
government too much power.
• Became outspoken critic of the war. Lost favor..and reelection in Ohio.
• Broke U.S. Army law that forbid such outspoken criticism
of the President and the war and was sentenced to
• Lincoln commuted his sentence, but he was forced to
move to the south.
E. Election of 1863
• Ohio showed the nation that it was a very strong
supporter of the Union and supporter of the war effort
• Union party was successful in defeating Vallandigham
for the office of the Governor.
F. The Defense of Cincinnati
• Cincinnati had over 250,000 citizens who were greatly
concerned about a Confederate raid as the CSA moved
into Lexington and approached Cincy.
• Ohioans rallied to the defense of Cincinnati.
• Thousands of citizens rushed to Cincy where they were
armed with plain hunting rifles…and nicknamed “squirrel
• They outnumbered the CSA and the attack never came.
G. Morgan’s Raid
1863 – Confederate General,
John H. Morgan attacked some
counties along the Ohio River.
Harrison was a point of attack and
Morgan and his raiders advanced
into Harrison taking shelter in local
homes and stealing supplies and
food as they made their way east
into Clermont County.
Morgan and his raiders were
eventually defeated in eastern
Ohio and locked in the Columbus
• 2003 Morgan’s Raid Re-Enactment
• Harrison, Ohio Civil War Re-Enactment – September
H. Ohio’s War Leaders
1. Ohio was the leader in the War between the states.
– Over 50 Brigadier Generals from Ohio.
– Ulysses S. Grant – Born in Point Pleasant, Ohio.
– “Unconditional Surrender” became his nickname as that was the
only terms of surrender that he would take from the Confederacy.
– Eventually was the Commander of the entire Union Army.
– Was the General in charge of the Confederate surrender that
ended the war.
– William Tecumseh Sherman – Born in Lancaster, Ohio
– In charge of the Union’s western Armies
– “Sherman’s March to the Sea” – Began with the Union
capture of Atlanta and the fall of Savannah, Ga.
– Path 60 miles wide, 400 miles long…destroying
everything in their path.
– Phillip Sheridan – Grew up in Somerset, Ohio.
– Led armies that cut off the Confederate supply lines through the
Shenandoah Valley in Virginia.
– Blocked off General Lee’s retreat which helped force his
III. Reuniting the Nation
• A. Reconstruction – rebuilding.
– The U.S. had to rebuild and re-organize the governments of the
south and force them to accept freed blacks into society.
– 13th Amendment – Freed all slaves living in the U.S.
– 14th Amendment – Gave all freed slaves full citizenship
– 15th Amendment – Gave freed male slaves the right to vote.
• B. Reconstruction in Ohio
– Ohioans wanted the south to accept blacks in public offices, but
were slow to allow blacks the right to vote.
– Ohioans were eager to put the past issues of the nation behind