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Unit 2 Part 2
Civil War - Reconstruction
What impact did the Mexican War have on the
slavery issue?
Led to the question of expansion of slavery in
the new territory
What impact did the Free Soil Party of 1848
have on the election (two things)?
Forced other parties to take a stand on slavery
Got enough votes to make the Democrats lose
How did the Kansas-Nebraska act nullify the Missouri
Allowed for the possibility of slavery above the 36 degree
line (popular sovereignty)
“Bleeding Kansas” referred to…
Pro and Anti slavery political groups fighting
What impact did Uncle Tom’s Cabin have on the South?
Infuriated them – showed slave owners as evil
Why did John Brown try to raid Harper’s Ferry and what
Seize arsenal – start a slave revolt
Captured and executed
What was the main argument abolitionists had
against slavery?
It was morally wrong
What were the 5 provisions of the Compromise
of 1850?
California free
NM & UT – popular sovereignty
Texas gives up claims to NM
Slave trade banned but not slavery in DC
Fugitive Slave Law
Under the Fugitive Slave Law, people who
helped runaway slaves could be
imprisoned. T/F?
Where did runaway slaves need to get to
in order to be free?
Who was Black Moses?
Harriet Tubman
What did the Dred Scott case decide (3 things)?
Slaves were not citizens but were property
Had no right to sue in court.
Declared Missouri Compromise unconstitutional
What did Lincoln mean about “a house divided?”
Union couldn’t stay half slave and half free
Why did S. Carolina secede after Lincoln’s election?
Believed he would end slavery
The South seceded to protect their way of
life and property. T/F?
What event directly led to the outbreak of
the Civil War?
Attack on Fort Sumter
What was the first battle of the Civil War?
Battle of Bull Run
What advantages did the North have?
More people, industry, railroads, official
government, military, etc.
What advantages did the South have?
Great leaders, defensive war, knew land,
fighting for way of life
What important port city was captured
early by Union forces?
New Orleans
Who did the Emancipation Proclamation
Slaves in the REBELLING states
What did he hope would happen after the
Britain would NOT aid the South.
What did most soldiers die from?
What battle split the Confederacy in half?
What was the Anaconda Plan?
Blockade Confederacy and split in half
What was the major cause of the Civil War?
States’ Rights (vs. Federal Rights)
What was the bloodiest battle of the war?
What was the bloodiest single day battle?
Where did Lee surrender to Grant?
Appomattox Courthouse, VA
Who were the Know-Nothings?
Nativist party; anti immigrant
What Republican won the election of 1860?
What does secede mean?
To break away
Who proposed the idea of popular
sovereignty in Kansas-Nebraska?
Stephen Douglas
Who won the Illinois Senate race against
Abraham Lincoln?
Stephen Douglas
What former slave wrote the “North Star?”
Frederick Douglass
Who wrote, Uncle Tom’s Cabin?
Harriet Beecher Stowe
What was the Underground Railroad?
Secret network of escape routes from the
What were personal liberty laws?
Gave northerners rights to nullify Fugitive
Slave Law and arrest slave catchers for
Who was the President of the
Jefferson Davis
The Know Nothing party became what
American Party
Who was the Chief Justice who presided
over the Dred Scott case?
Roger Taney
Who founded the Red Cross?
Clara Barton
What kind of tax was introduced to help fund the war?
Income Tax 
How did women help in the war?
Nurses, helped at home
This amendment abolished slavery
Tennessee battle that resulted in 25,000 casualties;
shocked the country
Who commanded all Union forces in the latter part of the
Ulysses S. Grant
Who commanded Confederate forces?
Robert E. Lee
What were the border states and what was their status?
Slave states that remained loyal to the Union (did not
Who was the cautious Union commander fired by Lincoln
(ran against Lincoln in the election of 1864)?
George McClellan
Confederate General who was accidentally killed
by his own men; great loss to the South
Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson
Who was the southern Democratic candidate in
John Breckenridge
How many casualties resulted from the Civil
How long did the war last?
4 years – 1861 - 1865
Why did the KKK form?
To intimidate blacks and prevent them
from voting
What amendment gave citizenship to
What amendment gave suffrage (vote) to
What were Jim Crow laws?
Limited the rights of blacks in the South
What was Lincoln’s plan for Reconstruction?
Lenient, let South back in easily, heal the
wounds – 10% Plan
Why was Lincoln at Gettysburg when he made
his famous address?
To commemorate a cemetery to honor fallen
How many candidates ran in the election
of 1860?
Who were they?
Lincoln, Douglas, Breckinridge, Bell
Who were the Radical Republicans?
Republicans in Congress who wanted to
punish the South for the war
Who killed Abraham Lincoln?
John Wilkes Booth
Why was Andrew Johnson impeached?
Interfered with Radical Republican legislation (vetoed it);
technically, violated the “Tenure of Office Act”
Why was Grant’s administration so bad?
Made bad appointments; corruption, greed, scandal
Who were Carpetbaggers?
People who went to the South (some helped, some took
advantage of the situation)
Who were Scalawags?
Southern whites who supported
Reconstruction (seen as traitors by South)
How long did Reconstruction last?
12 years – 1865 – 1877
What finally ended Reconstruction?
Compromise of 1877 – Hayes becomes
President (didn’t win) in exchange for
withdrawing troops from the South