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Major Civil War Battles
October 1861- Battle of Bull
May 1863 - Battle of
April 1862 - Battle of Shiloh
September 1862 -Battle of
July 1863 - Battle of
April 9, 1865 - Surrender at
Battle of Bull Run
•Bull Run. Virginia
•Hundreds of Union spectators
come out to watch their army
destroy the Confederates.
•Southern troops did not run as
•General Thomas “Stonewall”
Jackson inspires his men.
•3,000 Union deaths/2,000
•Bull Run was important
because it proved that the war
would be long and bloody.
President Lincoln appoints
“cautious” George Mclellan as
new commander.
First Battle of Bull Run near Manassas, VA.
The Ironclads
The Merrimack and the Monitor introduced
a new age of naval warfare to the world.
These two war ships were covered with iron
plating protecting them when under fire.
Even though the two ships did not float very
well both it showed everyone the new kinds
of technology that the war introduced to the
The Confederate army took one of the
abandoned Federal steam frigates added
iron shingles and turned it into an almost
undefeatable nightmare for the Union
marines. The ship rammed two wooden
Union ships, the Cumberland and the
Congress. None of wooden vessels were a
match for the Merrimack. However, the very
next day the north also displayed an armor
clad ship, the Monitor. When the two ships
challenged each other on March 9, 1862
there was no telling who would win.
General Thomas “Stonewall”
General of the
Confederate Army.
 Earned his name by
standing his ground
during the Battle of
Bull Run.
 Won many victories
for the Confederacy.
Battle of Antietam
•Antietam, Maryland
•General Robert E. Lee goes
on the offensive.
•Lee’s messenger loses his
battle plans. 2 Union soldiers
find plans and give them to
General McClellan.
•McClellan still “cautious” to
•23,000 soldiers killed
•Neither side really won, but
since Lee withdrew his
troops—give it to the Union.
•McClellan is fired by
President Lincoln and
replaced by General Ambrose
The Battle of Antietam
General Robert E. Lee
General Ambrose Burnside
Fired General “Cautious”
George McClellan
Battle of Fredericksburg
(Dec. 1862)
Union army marched
towards Richmond once
Led by Gen. Burnside
Gen. Lee retreated to a
hill and fought
Burnsides’<>troops charged
and lost 6 times.
One of the worst Union
defeats during the war.
13,000 Union dead/4,500
Battle of Chancellorsville, VA
(May 1863)
Lee and Jackson
together defeat the
Union in 3 days.
 Nervous Confederates
fire at what they
thought was a Union
rider—Who was it?
 Stonewall Jackson
R.I.P. Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson
Battle of Shiloh, TN
(April 1862)
War in the West focused
on controlling the
Mississippi River.
Union was winning easily.
General Ulysses S. Grant
and his determination
prevail at Shiloh.
Victory allows Union to
eventually control both
ends of the Mississippi.
Union General Ulysses S. Grant
Shiloh Battlefield
Civil War Drummers
Major Civil War Battles
July 1861- Battle of Bull Run
April 1862 - Battle of Shiloh
September 1862 -Battle of
December 1862- Battle of
May 1863 - Battle of
Emancipation Proclamation
(September 22, 1862)
“On the 1st day of
January, in the year
of our Lord 1863, all
persons held as slaves
within any state
or…part of a state
(whose) people…shall
then be in rebellion
against the United
States, shall be then,
thenceforward, and
forever free.”
African Americans in the War
By the end of the war,
nearly 200,000 African
Americans fought for the
Union. 40,000 lost their
54th Massachusetts Regiment
Attacked Confederate troops at Fort Wagner in
Charleston, South Carolina.
½ the men died but “proved themselves among
the bravest of the brave, performing deeds of
daring and shedding their blood with a heroism
unsurpassed by soldiers of any race.”
Fort Wagner
July 1863
Confederate control
strong fort near
Charleston, SC.
North attacks the fort and
loses badly.
54th Massachusetts fights
bravely and earns respect
from white generals,
Women in the War
2,000 women
served as Nurses
during the Civil War.
Loreta Janeta Velazquez
Disguised herself as a man to
fight in battle of Shiloh and
Bull Run.
Clara Barton—Nurse
Founded the American
Red Cross.
Civil War Medical Kit
Fall of Vicksburg, Mississippi
Vicksburg was the last
Confederate stronghold
on the Mississippi River.
Grant and his men battled
for six weeks.
July 4th, 1863
surrendered—they had no
Entire Mississippi now
controlled by Union =
Confederacy is split in 2.
“Total War” launched
against South.
After victory at
Chancellorsville, Lee moves to
attack by surprise, then
capture DC. (July, 1863)
3-day battle marked by
“Pickett’s charge.”(15,000
Huge defeat for Confederates.
40,000 men dead or wounded.
*South would never again
attack the North.
Gatehouse to the Evergreen
Open field surgery as an amputation is performed at a Union hospital tent.
Dead Union troops.
Pickett’s Charge at Gettysburg
Gettysburg Address/Election 1864
“We here highly resolve that
these dead shall not have
died in vain—that this
nation, under God, shall
have a new birth of
freedom—and that the
gov’t of the people, by
the people, for the
people, shall not perish
from the Earth.”
Abe Lincoln (Nov. 19, 1863)
McClellan (D)
Lincoln (R)Antislavery
“With malice toward none, with charity for
all…let us strive…to bind up the nation’s
wounds…to do all which may achieve a just
and a lasting peace among ourselves and
with all nations.”
--Lincoln (2nd Inaugural address)
Surrender at Appomattox
Courthouse, VA (April 9, 1865)
General Robert E. Lee surrenders to General Ulysses S. Grant.
-Grant is generous by letting the Confederate officers keep their
pistols, and the soldiers to keep their horses. “The war is over. The
rebels are our countrymen again.”
Battles of Gettysburg/Appomattox
Effects of the War
360,000 Union soldiers killed.
 250,000 Confederate soldiers killed.
 Union is secure—Federal gov’t strong.
 Freedom for African Americans—13th
amendment,14th amendment, 15th
 South resents North because of “total
war.” Pass Jim Crowe Laws—keep south
Total War