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Chapter 15
The Nation Breaking Apart
Section 1 - Growing Tensions
Between North and South
Find Out:
How the abolitionist movement heightened
tensions between the North and South
The controversies over slavery in the territories
How the Wilmot Proviso and potential
statehood for California deepened regional
Analyze the Compromise of 1850
Over the centuries, the
Northern and Southern
sections of the United
States had developed
into two very different
cultural and economic
There were also
differences in geography
and climate, as well as
religious differences
James Hopkinson's
Plantation. Planting
sweet potatoes.
Library of Congress
Rural plantation
Relied on slave labor
“Peculiar Institution”
created tension
Southerners feared
that the loss of
slavery would mean
loss of culture
The North had a more
diverse economy
Industry flourished
Openly opposed
slavery in the South
and the new
More urbanized than
Antislavery and racism
• Antislavery movement gained strength in North
since 1830’s
• Abolitionists felt slavery was unjust and should
immediately be abolished (North)
• Northern workers and immigrants feared
slavery as an economic threat (WHY?)
• Most Northerners were racist even if they
opposed slavery (How?)
• Southerners said slavery helped slaves
The issue of
whether slavery in
California and the
West would be legal
led to heated
debates in Congress
Gold rush led to
application for
statehood for
David Wilmot was a representative from the
state of Pennsylvania. He proposed that
slavery should not be allowed in any territory
won in the War with Mexico. Angry
slaveholders protested that the government
had no right to tell them what to do with their
own property since slaves were considered
property. The measure passed the House but
failed in the Senate. – Library of Congress
Prints and Photographs
The Wilmot Proviso
The Wilmot Proviso
• Proposed by Penn. Rep. David Wilmot
• Most disagreements settled with Compromise
of 1820
• New land won from Mexico caused tension over
spread of slavery for many Northerners
• Wilmot proposed to outlaw the spread of
slavery in any territory won from War with
• Southerners argued that slaves were property
The Wilmot Proviso cont.
Slave holders said the gov’t couldn’t prevent
them from taking property anywhere they
Said Wilmot Proviso would be unconstitutional
Divided Congress along regional lines
Passed in House of Reps but not in Senate
(Wilmot’s Proviso) Led to creation of Free Soil
Party to stop expansion of slavery
Made slavery a national issue
Controversy over Territories
1848 Nation debates what to do with land won
from Mexico
Addition of new states threatened balance of
power between Northern and Southern states
Gold discovered in California would soon
cause it to apply for statehood as its
population grew
Most in California wanted to be a free state
and applied in 1850
Balance of power between slave and free
states would be upset
Southerners threatened
secession over issue
Henry Clay again worked
a Compromise
For the North: California
would be admitted as free
For the South: A more
effective fugitive slave
Residents of New Mexico
& Utah would vote
The United States Senate, A.D.
1850 – Library of Congress
Prints and Photographs
Compromise of 1850
• Proposed by Henry Clay (The Great Compromiser)
• California admitted as a free state
• Slave trade ended in Washington, D.C.
• Congress would pass no laws regarding slavery for
the rest of the territories won from Mexico
• Stronger fugitive slave laws passed
Henry Clay, known as the
Great Compromiser for coming
up with the Missouri
Compromise of 1820. Years
and years in the Senate can
surely age a man!
Henry Clay – Library of Congress
Prints and Photographs
Compromise of 1850 cont.
Northerners now feel they are part of slavery
because of fugitive slave law
Daniel Webster supports measure for good of
Bill pushed through by Stephen Douglas of
Many felt the Union was saved
Daniel Webster
supported the
Compromise of
1850 for the good
of the country.
Stephen Douglas
helped his friend
Henry Clay by
pushing the bill
through Congress.
Notes and images from Library of
Congress Prints and Photographs
Escape from slavery was
dangerous and meant
traveling on foot at night
As time went on, African
Americans and white
abolitionists developed a
secret network of people
who would hide fugitive
”Conductors” would hide
runaways in tunnels and
even cupboards
One of the most
famous conductors
was Harriet Tubman
Tubman escaped
slavery and vowed to
help others do the
She made 19 trips
back to South and
freed over 300 slaves
(Including her own
A. Comparing and Contrasting Use the chart below to take notes on the
differences between the North and the South
North’s economy was more diverse.
Agriculture remained an important
part of the economy, but they began
to rely on industry more. People
moved to cities in the North to work
in factories, causing it to be more
The South remained largely
agricultural, relying on plantation
crops that required a large number
of workers. A few wealthy planters
controlled Southern society. The
South had little industry.
Labor System
People worked on farms or in
factories in the North. Slavery was
illegal in the North.
Relied on slaves to do heavy work
on the plantation. Most Southerners
were poor white men who farmed.
Views on slavery in the territories
5. Anti-slavery movement gained
strength since 1830’s. Most weren’t
too extreme though. Northern
workers and immigrants opposed
slavery because it was an economic
threat to them. Did not want to see
slavery spread into new territories.
Southerners saw it as a way of life
to be preserved. Most Southern
whites were poor farmers who
owned no slaves. Believed slaves
were property and could be taken
anywhere they wanted including
new territories.
B. Summarizing Use the chart below to take note on the Compromise of 1850.
1. What role did these play in passing the Compromise of 1850?
Henry Clay:
He worked out a compromise that would allow California to be admitted as a free state but put a harsh slave law
into affect.
Daniel Webster:
He gave a dramatic speech in the Senate in which he forgot his section of the country and spoke for the good of
the country as a whole. Without Webster’s support the Compromise of 1850 wouldn’t have passed.
Stephen A. Douglas:
He introduced each measure of the Compromise of 1850 as an individual bill instead of all of them as one single
bill. He managed to get each one passed separately
2. What were the terms of the Compromise of 1850?
California admitted as a free state
Slave trade is abolished in Washington, D.C.
People in New Mexico and Utah Territories can
decide for themselves about slavery in their territory
A stronger Fugitive Slave Law was passed
Section 2 - The Crisis Deepens
Find Out:
How the Fugitive Slave Act and Uncle Tom’s
Cabin affected Northerners
The concept of popular sovereignty
The violence in “Bleeding Kansas”
The attack on Senator Sumner in the Senate
Effects of the Fugitive Slave
Law – Library of Congress
Prints and Photographs
Under the law, runaway
slaves were not entitled
to a trial by jury
Anyone helping a slave
escape was jailed for 6
months and fined $1,000
Northerners were upset
by the harshness of the
new law and often helped
hide fugitive slaves
The Fugitive Slave Act
Federal Commissioner ruled on each case
Received $5 for releasing defendant
Received $10 to return to slaveholder
What do
you think happened?
The Fugitive Slave Act cont.
Southerners felt FSA was justified because
slaves were considered property
Northerners resented law because it made them part
of the slavery system by requiring them to capture
runaway slaves
It placed fines on people who wouldn’t cooperate
and jail terms on those who helped slaves escape
Northerners faced a moral choice
a.Obey law and support slavery
b.Disobey law and oppose slavery
Question: How could a northerner break the law under
the Fugitive Slave Act?
In 1852, Harriet
Beecher Stowe
published her influential
novel, Uncle Tom’s
The book stressed the
moral evil of slavery
Southerners protested Eliza Pursued by Bloodhounds
that it did not portray from the Library of Congress Prints
and Photographs
slavery accurately
Abolitionist protests
Instant best
seller sold
500,000 by
After Stephen Douglas
worked to pass the
Kansas-Nebraska Act
in 1854, Kansas would
vote to decide on
whether slavery would
be legal or outlawed
This contradicted the
36° 30” of the Missouri
The Kansas-Nebraska Act
Proposed by Stephen A. Douglas of Illinois to
divide up Nebraska Territory into Kansas and
Let people decide through popular sovereignty
whether or not to allow slavery (Why did he do
Would end Missouri Compromise
Turned Kansas into a bloody battleground
The race for Kansas was
on. . .both supporters and
opponents attempted to
populate Kansas to win
the vote over slavery
As the election neared, a
group of pro-slavery
“border ruffians” from
Missouri attempted to
cross into Kansas
Violence erupted –
Bleeding Kansas is the
Finally, after years of fighting, Kansas
is admitted as a free state in 1861
More Bleeding Kansas
Election for government held in 1855
More proslavery than antislavery
5000 proslavery Missourian’s voted illegally to
swing vote for proslavery
Proslavery government won
Antislavery forces elected own government
Both sides armed themselves
“Sack of Lawrence” in May of 1855
Ruins of the Free-State Hotel in Lawrence in 1856 as sketched in Sara T. D.
Robinson's book, Kansas; Its Interior and Exterior Life. The hotel was destroyed by
Proslavery men led by Sheriff Samuel J. Jones, who were acting without
authorization. Both the New England Emigrant Aid Company and its assignee, the
University of Kansas, several times tried unsuccessfully to collect damages from the
federal government.
Violence in Congress
Charles Sumner from Massachusetts
delivered a speech in the Senate attacking
proslavery forces in Kansas
Insulted Sen. A.P. Butler of S.C.
Preston Brooks, Butler’s nephew, attacked
Sumner on the Senate floor with his cane,
hitting him about 30 times and breaking the
Charles Sumner of Massachusetts delivered a
blistering speech in the Senate attacking the spread of
slavery into Kansas. In his speech he attacked fellow
Senators Douglas of Illinois and Butler of South
Carolina. It took Sumner three years to regain his
health enough to return to the Senate.
Hon. Charles Sumner - the great senator and
statesman, the champion of civil and political equality born January 6th 1811, died March 11th 1874 from
Library of Congress Prints and Photographs
Preston Brooks was the
nephew of A.P. Butler who was
singled out by Sumner in his
speech. Brooks was never
charged with a crime but
resigned his seat in the House
after surviving a censure vote.
He was soon reelected to fill
his own vacancy.
John Brown
• Avenged the Sack of Lawrence
• With 7 other men he murdered 5 proslavery
neighbors while they slept in their beds
• Known as the Pottawatomie Massacre after
creek where victims bodies were found
• Civil war broke out in Kansas for 3 more years
John Brown believed that God
commanded him to rid slavery
from the United States. After
leading raids in Kansas with 5
of his sons, he moved to
Virginia to plan an attack that
would free all the slaves. Brown
was wounded and captured and
later hanged for treason on
December 2, 1859 for his role in
trying to capture the American
fort at Harpers Ferry - from
Library of Congress Prints and
John Brown, head-and-shoulders portrait, facing slightly right
A. Recognizing Effects Take notes on the Compromise of 1850.
of 1850
Residents in western
territories will decide by vote
whether to allow slavery or
California is admitted as
a free state which
changed the balance
between the number of
slave and free states
B. Evaluating Use the chart below to evaluate the role of these people and ideas in raising tensions over the issue of
slavery in the1850’s.
popular sovereignty
This was a hotly contested idea about the spread of slavery. It caused violence
to break out in Kansas as pro- and anti-slavery forces fought to have the most
supporters for their side. It did allow for slavery to spread into new territories. It
allowed citizens to vote whether to favor slavery or not.
Kansas-Nebraska Act
Once this legislation was passed, Kansas became a bloody battleground between
proslavery and antislavery believers. The K-N Act allowed for popular sovereignty to
determine the slavery issue in the new territories of Kansas and Nebraska.
“Bleeding Kansas”
What happened in Kansas caused the entire nation to take a look at just how deep the
rift was over the issue of slavery. People began to take sides one way or the other.
John Brown
Became a hero in the North because of his abolitionist ideas. He stirred up the flames
in Kansas and later tried to capture the federal arsenal at Harpers Ferry. Brown was
hanged for his actions.
Preston Brooks
Even the Senate of the United States was not immune from violence. Preston Brooks
severely beat Senator Charles Sumner on the floor of the Senate. Brooks, a
Southerner, became a hero in the South while Sumner took years to get back to the
Senate floor.
Section 3 - Slavery Dominates
Find Out:
Why the Republican Party was formed
The effects of the Dred Scott case
The Lincoln-Douglas Debates
The impact of John Brown’s raid on Harpers
Know-Nothing members answered
questions by saying, “I know Nothing”
The political landscape by
1856 was very different
than it had been just a few
years earlier
Gone was the Whig Party
The Democrats were still
alive but faced increasing
challenge from new parties
An alternative was the
Know-Nothing Party
Another party that
emerged in the mid-19th
century was the FreeSoilers
They were northerners
who opposed slavery in
the territories
Free-Soilers objections to
slavery were based on
economics not moral
objection to slavery
They believed slavery
drove down wages for
white workers
Republicans won all but 3 presidential
elections from 1860-1932
In 1854, opponents of
slavery in the territories
formed a new political
party, the Republican
As the party grew it took
on Free-Soilers, some
anti-slavery Democrats
and Whigs, and KnowNothings
"A Paradox“ from the
Library of Congress
The Republicans and
Democrats fight over
the foreign vote
The Republican Party Forms
Grew from split in the Whig Party over the
Kansas-Nebraska Act
Southern whigs were destroyed
Northern whigs joined with other opponents of
slavery and formed the Republican Party
Ran John C. Frémont for President in 1856
Song for the people from
the Library of Congress
Campaign poster from 1856 election
from Library of Congress Prints and
The Election of 1856
Democrats nominate James Buchanan from
Buchanan was minister to Great Britain and
out of the country since 1853
Said little about slavery and claimed his goal
was to maintain the Union
Frémont ran in the North for the Republicansnot on Southern ballot
Former President Millard Fillmore ran in South
Buchanan won but Frèmont won 11 states for
A major Supreme Court
decision occurred when
slave Dred Scott was taken
by his owner to free states
Illinois & Wisconsin
Scott argued that that
made him a free man
Finally in 1857, the
Supreme Court (Chief
Justice Taney) ruled
against Dred Scott citing
the Constitution’s
protection of property
The decision increased
tensions over slavery
Northerners are angry
because it made slavery
legal everywhere in US
From Library of Congress
Prints and Photographs
Dred Scott and his wife sued for their
freedom because they had lived for
9 years in free territory. The decision had
more to do with property rights than
whether they deserved their freedom.
From Library of Congress Prints
and Photographs
The 1858 race for U.S.
Senate in Illinois was hotly
contested between
Republican Lincoln and
Democratic Douglas
One of the most celebrated
debates in history ensued as
the topic was slavery in the
Douglas favored popular
sovereignty while Lincoln
wanted a Constitutional
Made Lincoln a national
Lincoln Douglas debate Du Page
County Centennial, August 27th
From the Library of Congress Prints
and Photographs
While politicians debated the
slavery issue, John Brown
plotted a major slave revolt
On October 16, 1859, he led a
band of 21 men, black and
white, into Harpers Ferry,
He hoped to seize a large
federal arsenal, but troops put
down the rebellion
Brown was tried and executed
John Brown Attacks Harpers Ferry
Wanted to arm slaves to revolt for their
Planned to capture weapons at the U.S.
arsenal at Harpers Ferry, VA
Oct. 16, 1859, Brown and his followers
captured the arsenal, killing 4 people
Brown sent out word to arm the slaves but
none came
Marines attacked the fort and captured Brown
6 of his followers
Brown was hung for treason
A. Analyzing Points of View Use the chart below to take notes on people’s views of the topics listed.
Reasons for their Support
1. Dred Scott decision
Antislavery forces
Proslavery people supported this
decision because it said that slaves
were property and not allowing
slavery anywhere was a violation of
the Fifth Amendment. Slave owners
had a right to keep their property.
2. Douglas, in the
Lincoln-Douglas debates
Antislavery forces
Proslavery forces liked it because it
allowed new territories to use
popular sovereignty to determine
slavery; however, they could vote to
keep slavery out.
3. Lincoln, in the
Lincoln-Douglas debates
Antislavery forces
Antislavery favored Lincoln because
he did not want to see slavery
spread although he did not want to
abolish it. He called slavery “a
moral, a social, and a political
4. John Brown’s hanging
Antislavery supporters saw John
Brown as a hero while Proslavery
people reviled him.
Antislavery forces
B. Finding Main Ideas Use the chart below to note something important you learned about each of the
Founding of the Republican Party:
In 1854, opponents of slavery in the territories formed a new political party, the Republican Party. It grew from a
split in the Whig Party over the Kansas-Nebraska Act. It also included Free Soilers, Know Nothings, and antislavery Democrats.
John C. Frémont:
Frémont was an army hero who became the first Republican presidential candidate in the election of 1856. He lost
the election to Democrat James Buchanan.
James Buchanan:
Democrats nominated James Buchanan from Pennsylvania who was minister to Great Britain and out of the
country since 1853.He said little about slavery and claimed his goal was to maintain the Union
Section 4 - Lincoln’s Election and
Southern Secession
Find Out:
Why the Democratic Party split in the
election of 1860
The issues in the election of 1860
The secession of the Southern states from
the Union
The Union’s response to
Political Parties Splinter
Democrats held convention to nominate
candidate for President in Charleston, S.C. in
April of 1860
No. and So. Democrats disagreed on issue of
slavery in their platform-popular sovereignty
Northern Democrats won out causing 50
Southern delegates to walk out
Northern Democrats tried to nominate
Stephen Douglas of Illinois
Political Parties Splinter cont.
Democrats gave up and decided to meet in
Baltimore in June of 1860
Couldn’t agree on candidate and Northern
Democrats nominated Douglas
Southern Democrats nominated John
Breckinridge of Kentucky (current VP)
and supporter of slavery
Republicans had already nominated Lincoln
John Bell ran for Constitutional Union Party
which formed to preserve Union
nominated Abe
Lincoln while the
Democrats split
Lincoln won the 1860
election with less than
half the popular vote
and no Southern
electoral votes
The Southern states
were not happy
Washington, D.C. Negro boys
admiring the Lincoln Memorial –
from Library of Congress .
Secession Exploded from Library of Congress
Prints and Photographs.
Lincoln’s victory in 1860 election
convinced Southerners that they
had to act quickly
South Carolina led the way,
seceding from the union in
December of 1860
Mississippi was next, then Florida,
Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, &
Southern delegates met in
February, 1861 and formed the
Confederate States of America
with Jefferson Davis as President
Southern states had now
dissolved their ties with the USA
Efforts to Compromise Fail
Some want compromise
John J. Crittenden proposed a
compromise to extend the Missouri
Compromise Line to the Pacific Ocean
Never passed Congress
Lincoln took oath of office on March 4,1861
Told South he had no intention of
abolishing slavery
Lincoln did not press the South
A. Categorizing Use the chart below to take notes on the 1860’s presidential election.
Abraham Lincoln
Preserve the Union
Not let slavery spread into
new territories
Not to abolish slavery
Not on Southern ballot
Northern anti-slavery
Stephen A. Douglas
Believed in popular
sovereignty to resolve
issue of slavery in
Northern Democrats
John Breckinridge
Believed the federal
government should protect
slavery in any territory
Southern Democrats
And Southern
Constitutional Union
John Bell
Preserve the Union
Kentucky, Virginia, and
B. Analyzing Points of View Use the chart below to take notes on the views of each group regarding
Many states warned they would secede from Union if
Lincoln was elected president. They argued that they
had voluntarily joined the Union and they can voluntarily
leave the Union. Southerners feared Northerners would
use their majority to abolish slavery. South Carolina
was the first to leave followed by 7 other states. They
formed the Confederate States of America and elected
Jefferson Davis as President in February of 1861. They
also wrote their own constitution.
Northerners considered secession to be
unconstitutional. They believed the federal government,
not state governments, was sovereign. Northerners
said Southerners didn’t want to live by rules of
democracy in which the majority rules.