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The Declaration of
Independence Had
Condemned Slavery
Read What If The Declaration of
Independence Had Condemned Slavery? Read
pages 116–117 of your textbook and answer
the questions on the following slides.
The Declaration of
Independence Had
Condemned Slavery
1. Why do you think Thomas Jefferson,
who was a slaveholder, wanted to include
this paragraph?
The Declaration of
Independence Had
Condemned Slavery
2. Would the course of American history have
changed significantly if the Declaration of
Independence had included Jefferson’s
statement? If so, how? If not, why not?
Possible reasons: the colonies may not
have united to throw off British rule,
individual colonies may have struggled for
their own independence, or slavery may
have ended sooner than it actually did.CA HI2, HI3,
Why did the founders not make
provisions in the constitution?
It was a dying practice at the time!
Until the invention of the cotton gin in 1793 by
Eli Whitney
Made southern plantations larger and had more of
a need for slave labor
They called it a “necessary evil”
Made slavery part of southern culture and
increased the population
Society after Independence
Second Great Awakening and social reform
Changes in rehabilitation-hospitals and prisons
Temperance movement-prohibition
Women’s rights-suffrage movement
Public education instituted
Abolition movement
American Expansion/Missouri
Compromise of 1820
Conflict between north and south when states
were added to American territory
Would the new state be a free or slave state?
Missouri Compromise, 1820
Compromise that made Missouri a slave state and
Maine a free state
Deep Rooted Differences
Vocal northerners who called
For immediate freedom and
Political rights for blacks
The 1/3 population who
claimed they needed
slavery for the ag. based
economy. Thought it
would bring chaos to the
1860 northern states
contained 4/5 of U.S.
factories and 2/3 of
Nations R.R. mileage
Progress/ Change
People were forced to
change due to industry.
Embraced change and
the future.
South's provided 3/4
of worlds cotton. No
cities needed or
Well-mannered and proud
of their traditional slow
way of life. No need for
Change in their society.
Union Preservation
States did not have the
right to break up the
greatest democratic
experiment the world
has ever known.
States Rights
Believed the Union
was a collection of
sovereign states.
Viewed the North
as invaders, so they
left the union.
Compromise of 1850
Gave Texas $10 million to abandon eastern New
Mexico territory
New Mexico was split into two territories and made
slave or free by popular sovereignty basis
Made California a free state
Expansion of slavery still unsolved
II. Slavery and Western Expansion
(pages 195–198)
Dred Scott Decision, 1854
Dred Scott, a slave moved to a free state,
Illinois, with his master
His master died and he sued for freedom
The case reached the supreme court and he denied
a hearing because he was not a citizen
This outraged abolitionists
Kansas/Nebraska Act(1854)
Act organized Kansas and Nebraska to be divided into
territories on the basis of popular sovereignty. The new states
would be received into the Union with or without slavery, as
outlined in their state constitution at the time of their
Northerners quickly moved to the territory to create an
antislavery majority.
Pro-slavery Missourians also hurried to Kansas. They voted
illegally to elect a pre-slavery legislature.
In response, antislavery settlers held a convention and wrote a
constitution that excluded slavery. Then, Kansas had two
This later led to the John’s Brown raid and the first bloodshed
of the Civil War.
Emancipation Proclamation
“Slaves within any state, or
designated part of a state…
shall be forever free.
January 1st, 1863 During the
Civil War.
This was the Forefather for
the 13th Amendment
outlawing slavery in1865.
200,000 slaves left the South
to fight alongside the union
troops in the North.
Main Cause of Civil War was
slavery economics, also
about power State vs.
Reconstruction 1865-1877
Arguable that the Civil Rights movement started after Civil
War and is still happening today.
Lincoln’s goal was to reconcile with the S., instead of
punishing if for treason.
Originally became more of a battle of who had power the
Congress (states) or the President ( Federal).
1st Reconstruction Act set up military districts to enforce
Federal laws.
13th Amendment (1865) abolished slavery.
14th Amendment All person except Native American Indians
citizenship. Enabled “due process” under law.
15th Amendment all citizens could vote.
Southern states allowed
back into the Union with
ratification of New
Constitution including 13,
14 and 15 Amendments.
Once ratified federal
troops withdrew.
Civil Rights Act of 1875
Gave all people equal
accommodations under
the law: Inns, RR, Boats,
Theaters, Not Schools
1883 it was declared
unconstitutional because
it lacked federal backing.
Power Struggle-Johnson
(federal) vs. Congress
Johnson vs. Congress
Northerners wanted to
reconstruct south
Southerners wanted
revenge against the north
Nothing to do with Civil
Impeachment 1 vote short
(35-19) of removing him
from office.
Impeachment of
Andrew Johnson
(R) 1868
Several southern supremacy
groups unhappy with policies
of Reconstruction.
KKK patterned after college
fraternity (Kappa Alpha)
sheets represented the
confederate dead. They
basically became a terrorists
Lead to “force bills” violating
civil rights became a federal
Between 1882-1901 some
2000 African-Americans were
Compromise of 1877
Reconstruction Ended Broken
Flawed Electoral College
Tilden received 51% of vote.
(184 electoral votes)
Hayes received 48% of vote.
(166 electoral votes)
19 votes still to be decided.
Republicans gave votes to
Hayes in exchange for the
removal of Federal Troops.
No federal troops to enforce
laws everything went
backwards thus ending
Electoral Vote Breakdown