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Classes and Objects
December 2, 2013
Quiz Wednesday
Over 7.1-7.3, Arrays
In class quiz.
 Design classes and objects.
 Write a simple class with member functions
and data members.
 Create a constructor to initialize the
Rectangle class
 Design some other classes
 Create an accessor to see a private data
Object Oriented Programming
 So far we have been doing functional
Write functions to instruct the computer to
do something
Create objects with function, then instruct
the objects to do something.
Programming becomes an interaction
between objects.
Object Oriented Programming
 In Functional Programming, creating functions
helps to make code that we can reuse.
 When programs get large it becomes difficult
to manage so many functions.
 In OOP functions are organized into objects.
 Objects
are more intuitive to use.
 For example: A quadratic equation:
Has data, a, b and c
Has functions: input( ), output( ), solve( )
Objects in Programs
 You already know about the cin object
can do the following functions:
 .fail(
), .clear( )
 There must be data associated with these
functions, but it is hidden from the programmer
to make it easier to use.
 You use the functions from cin, like clear(),
without knowing the details of the
 Easier not to have to understand how the
code looks.
 This hiding is called encapsulation.
 When you create an object from scratch you
should make it easy to use w.o. knowing the
details of the functions.
Types that objects can be made from.
Give a description of what the objects, or
instances, will be like.
Specify the Public Interface
 How the class interacts with a programmer is
called the interface.
 The
functions you can call.
 Example: I want a class to represent a
rectangle. I want the interface to allow the
programmer to find the area. I also want him
to be able to find the perimeter.
will also add some functions to allow the user
to input and output a Rectangle.
Member functions
Public Interface Design
input( );
output( );
findArea( );
findPerimeter( );
Data Members
 In order to find the rectangle’s area and
perimeter, the rectangle will need to know its
length and width.
 Outside users don’t need to know the
information. It is private.
Instance Variables Added
 Class Design
input( )
output( )
findArea( )
findPerimeter( )
double length
double width
Implementing the class.
 Now that I have a design, I can implement the
 The main method tests the class by creating
some Rectangles
 Ch8/Rectangle/rectangle.cpp
Class Definition Syntax
class Sample
//. . . etc.
// … etc.
Member Function Definition
return_type class_name :: function_name(parmlist)
 :: is scope resolution operator
Calling a function
Object_name.function_name(arg list);
e.g. rec1.input( );
Scope of data members
 Each object created has it's own data
 Can use data members in any of the functions
in the class.
 There is no need to pass them to functions.
 Has the same name as the class.
 Is executed automatically when a new object
is made.
 Can be passed some values to initialize the
instance variables.
 I'll add a constructor to the Rectangle class
Another example --Sphere class
Design and implement a class called Sphere that contains
member data that represents the sphere’s diameter.
Define a Sphere constructor to accept and initialize the
diameter. Include functions to return the volume and the
surface area of the Sphere. Write a main function to
create and test a Sphere.
A= 4πr
4 3
Accessor Function
 A function that allows the main() function to
see a private data member.
 Usually starts with “get”
 Return the private data.
Mutator Function
 A function that allows the main() function or
outside functions to change a private data
 Usually starts with “set”
 void
 I’ll add a setDiameter()to the Sphere
 What is the difference between a class and an
 getDiameter( ) is a special "get" function.
What is another name for a "getter"?
 A class is called Point. What is the name of
the class' constructor?