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Learning Goal 2: Europe
as a Culture Region
Describe how the World Wars and the Cold
War affected the cultural unity of Europe
and explain how the architecture, art, music
and literature of Europe reflect the unity of
many cultures. (1A, 18A).
Learning Goal 2
• The World Wars divided Europe into two groups,
the Allied powers (Great Britain, France, Russia)
and the Axis powers (Germany, italy). World War
II culturally separated the Jews from society in
the Holocaust. The Cold War divided Europe
countries that supported democracy, freedom
and capitalism (Western Europe and NATO) and
countries that were commjunist and totalitarian
(the Soviet Union and Eastern European
Many cultures unified:
Buildings are great
sources of information that can help
reveal the beliefs of a society.
Sometimes all we have left of ancient
civilizations to examine are the ruins of
their buildings. Too often, with time,
these buildings are lost, erasing the
stories they once told as they
disappear. Most of the buildings from
the Middle Ages have vanished; but,
because of the great architecture, or
perhaps by God’s will, many of the
great cathedrals are still standing.
Many cultures unified:
Throughout history,
people have build to protect
themselves and their property. The
first castles were built to protect towns
from invaders and wild animals. Other
castles were build to protect kings and
nobles to protect themselves and to
impress the peasants.
Today, castles are tourist
destinations for people who like to see
how people lived in the past.
Many cultures unified:
A chateau is a manor
house or country house of nobility,
mainly in French speaking regions. It
could be described as a small castle in
the country.
Many cultures unified:
Leonardo da Vinci (Italian
• Paintings – Mona
Lisa, the Last Supper
• Much of his art can
be found in the
Louvre in Paris and
cathedrals (including
the Vatican) in Italy.
Many cultures unified:
Russian War Propaganda
• Propiganda posters had
always been made in Russia,
but during World War II,
when the young Communist
government was fighting for
its very existance the Soviet
struggle for survival forced a
return to symbolism that
fanned the patriotic fires of
the heartland.
Many cultures unified:
Johann Sebastian Bach
J.S. Bach was born in
Eisenach, Germany, in 1685 and died
in 1750 (he was 65 when he died). He
came from a long family history of
professional muscicians. J.S. (Johann
Sebastian) would learn and surpass
them in this art of classical music
Bach’s father passed away when he
was 9 and his mother also died when
he was a young boy. He and his young
brother were sent to live with his older
brother, and Bach learned his family
Bach traveled throughout Germany
during his career, using the patronage
system of court musicians to earn his
Bach is generally considered the
foremost composer of the Baroque
Many cultures unified:
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (b. Salzburg,
1756; d. 1791) was an Austrian
composer, keyboard player, violinist,
violist and conductor. A child prodigy,
he was taught the harpsichord, violin
and organ by his father, who when the
boy was 6 began to present him in
concerts before the royalty of Europe.
By the time Mozart was 13, he had
written symphonies, concertos and
sonatas, and was known throughout
the world of music. By the time of his
death at age 35, he had produced more
than 600 works -- symphonies, operas,
concertos, quartets, cantatas -- almost
all of them of the most astonishing
quality. He is regarded by many as the
world's greatest natural musical genius;
• Modern Music of Europe
Many cultures unified:
There are many types of music in
Europe today from the traditional to
the modern and upbeat, heard in
every headphone of the young.
From Coldplay to the rocking bands of
the European mainland, rock in Europe
is alive and healthy
United Kingdom (Great Britain)
• Historically has had many conflicts with France, yet has allied with
them in both World Wars.
• During WWII allied with France, Russia and the US to fight against
Germany, Italy and Japan (Axis) – was eventually victorious in the
• An original member of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization
(NATO) which formed after WWII as a defensive alliance between
the US and western European Nations to stop the spread of
communism to Western Europe.
• Currently a member of the European Union, but does not use the
Euro as currency as the United Kingdom would not give up their
strong sterling currency and its economic advantage.
• Historically has had many conflicts with Great Britain,
yet has allied with them in both World Wars.
• During WWII allied with the United Kingdom, Russia
and the US to fight against Germany and Italy.
• An original member of the North Atlantic Treaty
Organization (NATO) which formed after WWII as a
defensive alliance between the US and Western
European nations to stop the spread of communism to
Western Europe.
• Largest country in the European Union.
• During World War II fought along with Italy against Great Britain,
France, Russia and the US and lost in the war.
• After the Second World War, Germany was divided into the
Democratic West and the Communist East (German Democratic
• Within East Germany the city of Berlin was divided into West and
East Berlin with communist controlled East Berlin.
• In 1961 a wall was built in Berlin, Physically dividing the city.
• West Germany joined France and Great Britain in NATO after World
War II.
• In 1989 Berlin Wall came down and by 1991 West and East
Germany were reunified.
• Current member of the European Union.
Following a revolution in 1917 became communist.
During World War II allied with Great Britain, France and the United States to fight
against Germany, Italy and Japan – was eventually victorious in the war.
The alliance with Great Britain, France and the United States during World War II
was very difficult due to the political differences between Russia and the other
allied powers.
After WWII Russia effectively controlled Eastern European nations and imposed
communist rule on this sub-region of Europe.
The ideological divide between Western Europeans nations and Eastern European
nations along with Russia along developed in the Cold War.
Formed the Warsaw Pact with Eastern European communist countries in response
to the formation of NATO.
In 1989 mostly peaceful demonstrations in the Eastern European nations led to the
fall of communism in that sub-region and in the early 1990’s communist rule in
Russia ended.
Russia is not a member of the European Union.
Many cultures unified:
• William Shakespeare (English)
• Brothers Grimm’s Fairy Tales (Germany)
• Anne Frank (Dutch)