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Microbial Models:
The Genetics of Viruses
Chapter 18
p. 334-346
Discovery of Viruses
Tobacco Mosaic Virus: stunts
growth & changes leaf
coloration of plants
Contagious, but not caused by
bacteria (too small)
Able to reproduce (in host)
Did not dilute when passed
plant → plant
A Virus is a Genome in a Protective
Virus: infectious particles consisting of
nucleic acid enclosed in protein coat
Some also have membrane envelope
 Nucleic Acid: DNA or RNA; single- or
 Protein Coat: capsid; composed of protein
subunits (capsomeres)
 Envelope: viral envelope; composed of
host cell membrane, proteins, glycoproteins
Viral Structures
Viral Reproduction: an overview
Viruses can ONLY reproduce inside a host
Lack ability to make own proteins or metabolize
Can only infect certain types of hosts (“Host
May also be tissue-specific in eukaryotes
i.e.: cold: upper respiratory; AIDS: WBC’s
Viruses use host resources to replicate their
Viral Reproduction: an overview
Use replication to
make copies of viral
 Use transcription, &
translation to
produce capsids
 Genomes & capsids
recombine to
produce several new
viral particles
The Lytic Cycle
Phage reproductive cycle that kills host cells
Virulent phage: infects ONLY by Lytic cycle
1) Phage binds to receptor site on bacteria
2) Phage injects DNA into host cell
3) Bacterial DNA hydrolyzed
4) Phage genome & capsid components copied
5) 100-200 phages reassembled, bacteria cell wall
6) Cell lyses, releasing phages to infect more cells
Both bacteria & phages have defenses against
each other (constantly evolving)
The Lytic Cycle
The Lysogenic Cycle
Phage reproductive cycle that replicates
genome but does not kill host
Temperate Phage: uses Lytic & Lysogenic cycles
1) Phage binds to bacteria cell & injects DNA
2) Phage DNA incorporates into bacteria DNA at
specific site through crossing over (“Prophage”)
3) Prophage DNA replicated as bacteria replicates
4) Prophage genome “dormant” inside host until
triggered to detach & initiate lytic cycle
By certain chemicals or radiation
The Lysogenic Cycle
Animal Virus
Have many different
modes of infection &
 Depends on:
Presence of viral
Type nucleic acid
Viral Envelopes
Made of lipid bilayer that
fuses w/ host cell
Once inside cell, viral
genome replicates &
directs synthesis of new
viral envelopes
New viruses “bud off” host
cell membrane & spread
to infect more cells
RNA as Viral Genetic Material
1) Double-stranded
 2) ss mRNA: directly translated into viral
 3) ss mRNA template: viral genome used to
make compliment; many copies made
 4) ss DNA template (“Retroviruses”): uses
reverse transcriptase to make DNA from
RNA template
DNA incorporates into host animal cell (“provirus”)
& remains permanently
Cause & Prevention of Animal Viral
Viral symptoms may be caused by:
Hydrolytic enzymes (lysosomes)
Production of toxins
Toxic components (envelope proteins)
Degree of damage depends on host cell’s
ability to repair/replace themselves
 Vaccine: harmless form of virus that triggers
body to defend itself against actual virus
i.e.: smallpox – cowpox virus vaccine
Emerging Viruses
New viral diseases may emerge by:
1) Mutation of existing virus (esp. RNA)
2) Spread of virus to new host species
3) Spread of virus from small, isolated
population to large one
Viruses and Cancer
Tumor Viruses: cause cancer in
i.e.: retroviruses, papovirus, adenovirus
 Transform healthy cells → cancerous by
incorporating viral genome into host DNA
 Usually require other mutagens
 i.e.: Hepatitis & liver cancer
Plant Viruses are Agricultural Pests
Mostly RNA; may stunt
plant growth & decrease
Transmission: virus is
from external source
i.e.: other plants,
insects, tools
Vertical Transmission:
virus is inherited from
parent plant
 Viral infections spread
throughout plant through
Microbial Models:
The Genetics of Bacteria
Chapter 18
p. 346-358
Bacteria Have Short Generation
Prokaryotes: contain
small, ds circular DNA in
nucleoid region
Divide by Binary
Fission: DNA
replicates, cell grows,
divides, produces 2
new identical cells
May mutate to form
new strains
Can reproduce very
quickly (E. coli every
20 minutes!)
Genetic Recombination
DNA from 2 different bacterial strains can
recombine to form new strains
By crossing-over
Leads to genetic diversity
Uses transformation, transduction, or
The alteration of bacterial DNA by
incorporating environmental DNA
“Genetic Recombination”
 New alleles replace native alleles
 May code for pathogens, resistance, new
proteins, etc.
Phages carry bacterial genes
from one cell to another
Generalized Transduction:
bacteria host cell DNA is
packaged inside capsid;
“infects” new bacteria cell,
replacing homologous
Specialized Transduction: a
temperate phage will take
with it small sections of
bacteria host cell DNA
 Only genes near
prophage site
The direct transfer of
genetic material between 2
joined bacterial cells
“Male” cell extends sex
pilus to pull cells together
“Maleness” determined by
F factor (DNA segment)
Once joined, “male”
donates portion of DNA to
“female” through
cytoplasmic bridge
Aids in genetic
R Plasmids & Conjugation
R plasmids carry genes for resistance to
May code for enzymes that destroy
 Resistant population tends to grow
 Resistant bacteria may spread resistance
through conjugation
Movement within a cell’s genome is
result of recombination
May “cut-and-paste” or “copy-and-paste”
 Brings genes for resistance to R plasmid
Insertion Sequences
Simple, containing only the sequence to be transposed
(“Transposase Gene”)
Capped at each end by inverted repeats
Signal removal of transposase & guides new placement
DNA polymerase fills in gaps
Results in direct repeats at new location
Composite Transposons
Include extra genes sandwiched between
insertion sequences
i.e.: for resistance
May help bacteria adapt to new environment
by ↑ resistance
Metabolic Control of Bacteria
Bacteria are able to
adjust their metabolism
in response to
1) Adjusting # enzymes
made (gene
During transcription
2) Adjust activity of
present enzymes
By “Feedback
Operons: the basic concept
Genes involved in same metabolic processes are
often grouped together as 1 transcription unit
 Single “on/off” switch (“Operator”) controls
 Operon = operator + promoter + transc. unit
 “On” unless repressor present, which blocks
RNA polymerase (specific!!!)
 Produced by regulatory gene at separate
 May require corepressor (may be molecule
itself = Negative Feedback)
 i.e. trp Operon
Some repressors are
always “on” & require an
inducer to inactivate
-Genes of operon are
Repressible vs. Inducible Operons
Repressible Operons: trp Operon
Usually “On”
Anabolic pathways (raw material → product)
“Repress” end product when already present
Inducible Operons: lac Operon
Usually “Off”
Catabolic pathways (nutrients → simple
Produce enzymes (“induce”) only when nutrient
Positive Gene Regulation
Promotes gene
expression when
molecule (cAMP)
binds to protein
(CRP) & activates it
Facilitates binding of
RNA polymerase to
promoter (activates