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What is a Microscope?
• A device for forming a magnified
image of a small object.
• An optical instrument used for
producing a magnified image of a
small object.
• A device that allows a small object to
be viewed under high magnification.
Did You Know . . . ?
• The microscope is
the most important
tool for biologists.
• The first cells were
seen in 1663.
• The first
microscope was
made in 1950.
The Beginnings
• Of the five senses, the most important is sight.
– Aids in the process of gathering information about the
environment that we are part of. However, this is
adequate only to a certain point.
– Beyond this point, the human unaided eye fails to help
us; the amount of detail that it can provide is severely
• In order to overcome those limitations, humans
started to develop instruments like the
magnifying glass, the spectacles, the telescope
and the microscope.
Founding Fathers of
• Hans and
Zacharias Janssen
• Robert Hooke
• Anton von
Hans and Zacharias Janssen
• Credit for the first microscope
is usually given to Zacharias
Janssen, around the year
• Since Zacharias was very
young at that time, it's
possible that his father Hans
made the first one, but young
Zach took over the
• The first compound
microscopes produced by the
Janssen's was simply a tube
with lenses at each end.
• The magnification of these
early scopes ranged from 3X
to 9X, depending on the size
of the diaphragm openings.
Robert Hooke
• Hooke’s remarkable
engineering abilities
enabled him to invent
and improve many
mechanical devices,
including timepieces and
the Gregorian telescope.
• Hooke improved on early
compound microscopes
around 1660.
• In 1665, he coined the
word cell to describe the
features of plant tissue
(cork from bark of an oak
Anton von Leeuwenhoek
• Leeuwenhoek was a man
with many talents; his
most important attributes
were creativity, power of
observation, and
• He made simple (one lens)
• He built the best
microscopes for the time
• He was the first person to
describe bacteria (from
teeth scrapings) and
protozoan (from pond
Compound Light Microscope
• Compound
– Deals with the
microscope having
more than one lens.
• Light
– Refers to the method by
which light transmits
the image to your eye.
• Microscope
– “Micro” – small
– “Scope” – view
• Objective
• Ocular
• Total
• Resolution
• Focal Point
• Lens closest to the
• Lens you look through.
• The total power of the
microscope (multiply the
magnification of both
• The amount of detail you
can see in an image.
• The point at which the
light from a lens comes
How Does it Work?
• Microscopes take an image
of something generally too
small to see with the
naked eye and magnify
that image so that the
observer can see it in
greater detail.
• To magnify images, a
microscope uses several
lenses to change the angle
at which rays of light strike
the eye of the observer.
Parts of the Microscope
Ocular Lens or Eyepiece
• This lens sits directly in front
of the observer's eye and does
not typically change in
magnification power.
• Older-style microscopes were
"monocular," meaning they
had only one eyepiece, but in
recent years microscopes have
been made "binocular" in
order to relieve eyestrain and
allow for more natural
• The objective lenses
combine with the power of
the ocular lens to create
the magnified image.
• Frequently one starts on
the lowest magnification
to find focus and then
increases magnification
one objective at a time.
• This is facilitated by a
rotating nosepiece that
allows the objectives to be
interchanged smoothly.
Objective Lens
• Objective lenses come in
several varieties.
• In a light microscope, the
lowest power objective
(frequently 4x or 10x) is
referred to as the "scanning"
objective, as it allows the
observer to find an area of
interest before increasing
• As magnification increases,
the amount of light collected
from the sample decreases.
For this reason, the highest
objective on a light
microscope (such as the 100x)
requires mineral oil to be
applied to the gap between
lens and sample. The oil has a
greater refractive index and
bends more light into the
Coarse Adjustment Knob
• Both knobs change the
distance between
objective and viewing
• The coarse adjustment
knob is primarily used with
the scanning objective.
• It allows the user to bring
the scope into
approximately the right
plane of focus.
• Once this has occurred, it
is preferential to leave the
coarse adjustment alone
and use only the fine
Fine Adjustment Knob
• The fine adjustment
knob helps clarify a
partially focused
• It requires many more
turns than the course
adjustment to do the
same amount of work.
• This allows the
observer to take great
care in clarifying the
• The stage, usually adorned
with stage clips of some
sort, is where the specimen
• After being centered over
a hole in the middle and
secured with the clips, the
subject can be raised or
lowered by the course and
fine adjustment knobs.
• Also, the stage has its own
controls for moving the
subject left, right, back,
and forward on the
horizontal plane.
Light Source
• The light source sits at
the base of the
microscope (usually)
and either consists of
a radiant bulb or a
mirror for redirecting
• Light is shined up
through the hole in
the stage to illuminate
the sample.
• Before the light enters the
stage opening, it passes
through the diaphragm.
• The diaphragm, which has
an opening or "aperture" in
the form of an iris, only
allows light to pass
through its center.
• By increasing or shrinking
the size of the iris, you can
control how much light
passes through to the
• The light is condensed in
order to create the highest
level of clarity to an image.
The Body - Base & Arm
• The "body" of the
microscope is divided into
two parts: the base and the
• The base is heavy and
prevents the scope from
slipping on the bench top
or tipping over.
• The arm holds all of the
apparatus in place above
the light source.
• A microscope should
ALWAYS be carried by
both the base and the arm.
Microscope Care & Handling
• Transporting
• Handling
• Cleaning
• Storage
• Grab the arm with one hand
and place your other hand on
the bottom of the base.
• Never touch the lens with
your fingers.
• Only use lens paper to clean
the glass.
• Put the low power objective
in place and the stage all the
way up.
Using the Microscope
Before You Start
• Place the microscope on a table with
the arm towards you about a fist’s
length from the edge of the table.
• The microscope should be on the
lowest power objective and the stage
should be all the way up.
• The diaphragm should be set on the
brightest field of view.
Using the Microscope
First Focusing
• Place a slide on the stage centering
the specimen over the stage
• Use the stage clips to hold the slide
in place.
• Looking through the eyepiece,
slowly turn the coarse adjustment
knob until the specimen comes into
Using the Microscope
Switching Objectives
• Look at the microscope from the side.
• Carefully revolve the nosepiece until the
high-power objective lens clicks into place.
• Make sure the lens does not hit the slide.
• Looking through the eyepiece, use the
fine adjustment knob until the specimen
comes into focus.
Cool Microscopic Images
Cool Microscopic Images
Cool Microscopic Images
The Magnificent Microscope