Download Expanded Polytetrafluoroethylene Patches to Treat Ocular Surface

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Department of Ophthalmology
Medical University of Warsaw, Poland
Expanded Polytetrafluoroethylene Patches
to Treat Ocular Surface Disorders
Dorota Kopacz MD, PhD, Piotr Maciejewicz MD, PhD, Dariusz Kęcik MD, PhD
Authors have no financial interest
In 1969 Bob Gore invented new form –”expanded” –
of politetrafluoroethylene (ePTFE), which quickly spread in many
devices of new technologies.
In medicine ePTFE is well-known in cardiosurgery, neurosurgery,
soft, vascular and plastic surgery, traumathology.
In ophthalmology ePTFE was described in studies for retinal detachment,
glaucoma, corneal and palpebral surgery.
In the nineties of last century we performed experimental
study with ePTFE for buckling surgery of retinal detachment.
Very good biotolerance for ePTFE with mild inflamation in the place
of surgery was observed.
The histopathological examination revealed „round foreign body
reaction”. About 4 weeks after surgery thin connective tissue layer
was observed round the ePTFE implants.
30 days after surgery
70 days after surgery
Results of that study were the start point
for useing ePTFE patches to treat ocular surface disorders.
* Bioethical Commitee of Warsaw Medical University Agreement
The aim of the presented study:
clinical evaluation of the ePTFE patches
for the ocular surface disorders surgical
Material, methods
Patients with lesions of ocular surface:
* small peripheral corneal perforations
* corneal melting
* scleromalatia
2 cases
3 cases
2 cases
Described lesions, getting worse inspite of topical and oral treatment,
were covered with the e-PTFE patches (small porous, cardiovascular patch*)
and clinical observations were performed.
ePTFE patch
The patches were removed from the eye surface within 4 - 29 months
after surgery.
* Bioethical Commitee of Warsaw Medical University Agreement
Some cases of our study
Peripheral corneal perforation
80 years old woman with peripheral perforation(1)
in the course of corneal ulcer was admitted to our clinic.
During surgery iris was replaced, single suture made
wound edges closer and ePTFE patch was sutured
over the lesion. 20 weeks later patch was removed
from the eye surface. No signs of inflamation, deep
anterior chamber and healed lesion were noted (2).
30 years old woman came to our clinic with corneal ulcer.
After treatment, leucoma with neovascularisation was
observed and corneal transplantation was performed.
Within 3 months after surgery corneal melting was noted
and ePTFE patch was sutured over the whole cornea (1).
After removig ePTFE patch, no melting and inflamation
under the patch were observed(2).
Scleromalatio perforans
77 years old woman with long-lasting reumatoidal
artritis was admitted to our clinic because of really thin
sclera in course of sleromalatio perforans(1).
In past: iridocyclitis and cataract surgery of both eyes.
We covered the lesion with ePTFE patch sutured to the sclera
under the coniuctiva(2). After 29 months the patch
was removed. There was thin connective leyer over
the lesion (3).
* there was no problem to remove ePTFE patch from the eye surface
* in all cases the observed lesions healed under the e-PTFE patch
* thin connective tissue layer was observed under the patch
in the place of the surgery
The group of the study is too small for any statistical analysis – we treat
it as a preliminary data. Our results sugest that:
* the ePTFE patches play double role in the study:
they are mechanical protection against external irratation
they trigger off „round foreign body reaction” with thin connective
tissue layer over the lesion
* in connection with topical and general treatment they seem to be
an alternative way for the ocular surface disorders surgical treatment.