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Download Notes on Mythology and Greek gods and goddesses
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Greek and Roman Mythology A Review Of gods, goddesses, & creatures What is a myth? A traditional story rooted in primitive folk beliefs of cultures Uses the supernatural to interpret natural events Explains the culture’s view of the universe and the nature of humanity In the beginning... …was Chaos (shapeless nothingness) Chaos had two children: – Night (darkness) – Erebus (death) “All was black, empty, silent, endless.” Mysteriously, Love was born of darkness and death. And then... When Love was born, order and beauty began to flourish. Love created Light and Day. Earth was created. – She was the solid ground, but also a personality. The Earth bore Heaven to cover her and be a home for the gods. The First Parents Mother Earth = Gaea (Gaia) Father Heaven = Ouranos (Uranus) They had three kinds of children: – Three monsters with 100 hands and 50 heads – Three cyclopes – The titans These were the first characters that had the appearance of life, although it was unlike any life known to man. The Titans (The Elder Gods) There were many of them. Enormous size, incredible strength Cronos (Saturn): Ruler of the titans Rhea: Wife of Cronos Ocean: River that encircled the world Iapetus: Father of Prometheus, Epimetheus, and Atlas (also titans) The Principal Gods Cronos and Rhea were parents of – – – – – – Zeus (Jupiter, Jove) Poseidon (Neptune) Hades (Pluto) Hera (Juno) Hestia (Vesta) Demeter (Ceres) Other Olympians include – – – – – – – – – – Athena (Minerva) Ares (Mars) Hebe (Juventas) Hephaestus (Vulcan) Apollo (Apollo) Artemis (Diana) Hermes (Mercury) Aphrodite (Venus) Dionysus (Bacchus) Persephone Traits of Gods and Goddesses can suffer physical pain immortal supernatural powers; slightly larger than appear, disappear, change humans in size forms (humans, animals, live on Mt. Olympus gods) beauty is exaggerated all gods are not omnipotent "ichor" flowed through or omniscient their veins: clearer and (Zeus/Apollo use oracles to lighter than blood be omniscient) intense passions: eat ambrosia (immortal jealousy, rage, lust, etc… stuff) & drink nectar/wine The Olympians Zeus Chief of the Olympians god of sky, lightning, & thunder Carried a thunderbolt as his symbol Married to Hera fathered many characters in mythology Zeus Hera Wife of Zeus goddess of marriage & home Symbol is a peacock (for her beauty) Highest-ranking female Olympian Terribly jealous & often punished the women Zeus has affairs with Poseidon Moody & quarrelsome brother of Zeus god of the seas, oceans, earthquakes, and horses (invented for his sister Demeter) Seen with his Trident Married to Thetis, a water nymph Athena goddess of wisdom, justice, peace, & intelligent warfare Sprang from Zeus’s head Seen with an owl Athens is named for her & her symbol is the olive tree Most loved child of Zeus Apollo god of light, sun, the arts, music, prophecy, philosophy, & medicine Twin brother of Artemis Drove his chariot across the sun to pull it each day Artemis goddess of childbirth, the moon, & the hunt Twin sister of Apollo Always carried a silver bow & arrows Remained chaste and pure Hephaestus god of fire, volcanoes, and the forge Blacksmith to the gods Least attractive of the gods & was crippled by his mother Hera Usually carries his anvil Married to Aprodite, who cheated on him Aphrodite goddess of love, beauty, & desire Sprang from the ocean foam Married to Hephaestus but cheated with Ares Son is Cupid (Eros) Ares god of war Known for riding his chariot and carrying his spear Favored son of Hera Involved with Aphrodite Bloodthristy & merciless Hermes god of thieves, mischief, travelers, shepherds, & humans Messenger of the gods Wears his winged sandals Sometimes holds a caduceus (medical symbol) Appears in more myths than any other character Hades Sometimes not considered an Olympian because he lives in the Underworld & gave up seat on Mt. Olympus god of the Underworld Husband of Persephone He is not death but simply watches over the dead. Seen with Cerebeus, his threeheaded dog Hestia Roman Name: Vesta goddess of home/hearth Symbol: Hearth/fire Powerful Protector Dionysus Roman Name: Bacchus god of wine, earth, & merriment Patron god of the Greek stage Sprang from Zeus’s thigh Symbol: grapevine; wine/cup Demeter Roman Name: Ceres goddess of the harvest, earth, & fertility Symbol: grain Mother of Persephone who grieves when she goes to the Underworld by changing the seasons The Muses 9 daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne inspired artists of all kinds goddesses who presided over the arts and sciences “He is happy whom the muses love.” Clio, Urania, Thalia, Melpomene, Erato, Calliope, Euterpe, Terpsichore, Polyhymnia The Graces 3 goddesses of grace and beauty “They give life its bloom.” Aglaia (Splendor) Euphrosyne (Mirth) Thalia (Good Cheer) The Furies 3 Goddesses of Vengeance They punish evildoers. Tisiphone, Alecto, Megaera The Fates 3 sisters They weave, measure, and cut the thread of life for humans. Clotho (“The Spinner”) Lachesis (“The disposer of lots”) Atropos (“The cutter”) The Gorgons 3 snake-haired monsters Medusa is most well-known. Once beautiful but were cursed Their looks turn men to stone. The Satyrs gods of the woods and mountains goat men (like Pan) Companions of Dionysus They like to drink, dance, and chase nymphs. The Centaurs Half man-half horse Savage creatures (except Chiron) Followers of Dionysus Chiron was a teacher to Jason and Achilles (both famous Greek heroes) Sources Graphics in this presentation were taken from the following web sites: – – – – – – – http://www.bulfinch.org/fables/search.html http://www.pantheon.org/ http://www.messagenet.com/myths/ http://mythman.com/ http://web.uvic.ca/grs/bowman/myth/index.html http://www.paleothea.com/ http://www.entrenet.com/%7Egroedmed/greekm/myth.html This presentation is for educational purposes only; it has not been and should not be sold or used as a vehicle to make money.