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Headquarters U.S. Air Force
Integrity - Service - Excellence
Air Force Hearing
Conservation Program
Maj Joe Narrigan, Au.D.
Maj Tressie Waldo
10 Nov 02
Basic Components of the HCP
 Noise
Exposure Monitoring
 Engineering and Administrative Controls
Integrity - Service - Excellence
Basic Components of the HCP
(Team Approach)
 Audiometric Evaluation (Occupational)
 Education and Motivation
 Record Keeping
 Program Evaluation
Integrity - Service - Excellence
Basic Components of the HCP
 Compliance
with Hearing Protection
Integrity - Service - Excellence
Basic Components of the HCP
 HCP Audit
Preventing Occupational Hearing Loss
 Publication No. 96-110
 1-800-356-4674
 Or
Integrity - Service - Excellence
Peeling back the layers
 Identify
population needs
 Schedule
 Complete audiometric testing
 Counsel / Motivate
 Make (Risk Based) Decision(s)
 Track / Trend
React to adverse trends
 Program
Integrity - Service - Excellence
The Devil is in the Details
Do you have to be an expert to be successful in
No!!! But you have to:
1. Understand the purpose of having a HCP
2. Understand the HC “ROE”
3. Keep good records
4. Know when to make a referral
5. Know what you don’t know
6. Know (and use) your resources
Integrity - Service - Excellence
Purpose of the HCP
Protect From Harmful Effects of Noise
 Early Identification of Noise Induced HL
 Ensure Hearing Standards for Critical AFSCs
The Ability to Hear Warning Signals and Correctly
Understand / Respond / React Can Mean the
Difference Between Mission Success or Mission
Noise can also cause Tinnitus, may contribute to
Increased BP & Hypertension
Integrity - Service - Excellence
What are the ROE
29 CFR 1910.95 Occupational Noise Exposure
 DoDI 6055.12 Hearing Conservation Program
 AFOSH Std. 161-20/ 48-20 Interim Guidance
 HC application revolves around HC rules
 Don’t “Force Fit” data into the software
 If normal sequence of events have changed then
document and make a decisions on how to
 Use your Resources
Integrity - Service - Excellence
Keeping Good Records
Starts with BE
AF Forms 2755 & 2766 (or equivalent)
Case Folders
Hearing Conservationist
 Tests Noise Exposed Population
 Follow HC / DOEHRS Business Rules
Public Health
 Tracks / Trends Hearing Loss
 Reports Trends to OHWG / BE / Supervisor
 OSHA Reportable HL to Base Safety
 Tab F
Integrity - Service - Excellence
Components of Audiometry
and Referrals
 Producing
valid audiograms
 Referral criteria and processes
 Case studies
Integrity - Service - Excellence
Invalid/Problem Audiograms
 Test
Keep background noise to a minimum
No phones / pagers / bricks
Avoid PC / printer noise, extraneous
 Patient/worker
Tinnitus: inconsistent test results
May need manual test
Collapsing ear canals
Integrity - Service - Excellence
Audiometric Review
 Bottom
 Review every audiogram / 2216 for validity
New hearing loss in low frequencies?
 Sawtooth configuration?
 Consistency among annual and follow-ups?
 Dealing with negative thresholds
Integrity - Service - Excellence
Know When to Make a Referral
 Permanent
threshold shift (PTS)
 Asymmetric: 25 dB difference at two
consecutive frequencies
Conductive vs sensorineural vs malingering
 Inconsistent
 Change in hearing profile
Integrity - Service - Excellence
Know When to Make a Referral
2nd PTS in same ear
 Exceeds H-1 on pre-placement
 C/O inability to correctly hear or understand routine
spoken communications, auditory cues or signals
 Behavior resulting in invalid testing
 Behaviors that call into direct question ability to
perform assigned duties
Integrity - Service - Excellence
Referrals to Hearing Diagnostic
Conservation Centers
 Snail
 Fax
 E-mail
Integrity - Service - Excellence
From the Unit:
 Referral
/ disposition (AF Form 1672 / 600E)
Present AND past—continuity
 Hearing
tests (DD Form 2215 / 2216)
 Audiometric history
 Case History (AF Form 1753)
 Noise data (AF Form 2755 or equivalent)
 Job Fitness Survey (AF Form 1754)
Integrity - Service - Excellence
Review Recommendations
(From HCDC)
 Re-establishing
the reference
 Which test to use
Follow-up 2
Audiologist’s test
 Need
audiologist’s info
Certification number, SSN, AFSC, rank, unit
Audiometer info: serial #, calibration date
Integrity - Service - Excellence
Review Recommendations
 Determination
of need for further evaluation
Potential medical pathology
 Asymmetric
 Conductive
vs sensorineural vs malingering
Inconsistent testing
 Follow-up
information: freq, by whom
 Consistent with noise exposure history?
Integrity - Service - Excellence
Case A:
Integrity - Service - Excellence
Case B:
Integrity - Service - Excellence
Case C:
Integrity - Service - Excellence
Case D:
Integrity - Service - Excellence
Asymmetrical Hearing Loss
Integrity - Service - Excellence
Asymmetrical Hearing Loss
Integrity - Service - Excellence
Lessons Learned
 Diligent
review of audiograms
Validity check
 Taking
a thorough case history
 Medical problems
OHC first in identification process
Timely action affects outcomes
Integrity - Service - Excellence
Know What You Don’t Know
Get Functional on DOEHRS-HC
Load / Use the most current version
Get a DOEHRS-Data Repository Account
Contact LtCol Shumate at the HCDR
Your HC data is available under your PAS Code
Integrity - Service - Excellence
Know Your Resources
MAJCOM (Each MAJCOM has access to HC SME)
 Hearing Conservation Referral Centers
 Each Other
 Written Guidance
 DOEHRS Helpdesk
 1-800-600-9332
 Hearing Conservation Data Registry
 LtCol Bob Shumate (DSN 240-2940)
 Hearing Conservation Policy
 Maj Joe Narrigan (DSN 297-4330)
Integrity - Service - Excellence
HCP Changes
DOEHRS-HC Build 3 is deployed
Working to CoN so we can use LAN
 Eliminates those Pesky Runtime Errors
OSHA Reportable HL will change Jan 03
 STS Criteria will change Jan 03
 Better Guidance on using a “25-Day Rule”
 AFSC Merger (Affects AD)
AFOSH Std. 48-20???
Integrity - Service - Excellence
Occupational Injury / Illness
Recording and Reporting
29 CFR 1904 (Final Rule) begins 1 Jan 2003
Report 10 dB Shifts that result in an average of
25 dB or more above audiometric zero (averaged
over 2K, 3K, & 4K)
Reportable after follow-up period is over ( + 7 days)
Report based on the current reference audiogram
Only a physician can determine if HL is not duty
Report to Base Safety Office
Integrity - Service - Excellence
OSHA Reportable Example
2000 Hz
3000 Hz
4000 Hz
10 dB
40 dB
60 dB
37 dB
(25 dB >)
10 dB
20 dB
35 dB
0 dB
20 dB
25 dB
Integrity - Service - Excellence
15 dB
(10 dB >)
Change in STS Criteria
2000 Hz
3000 Hz
4000 Hz
10 dB
10 dB
10 dB
0 dB
0 dB
0 dB
10 dB
10 dB
10 dB
30 dB
(or 10 dB /X)
Integrity - Service - Excellence
ARC and the “25-day Rule”
In 1997, DoD asked OSHA to allow an Alternative
In Aug 2002, OSHA said “NO”, but Referenced
Executive Order 12196, stating that Uniformed
Members are not covered by OSHA…
AFMOA and the ARC MAJCOMs are working
together on policy for the implementation of
determining when traditional ARC members
should be recommended to be on the HCP
Integrity - Service - Excellence
The HCP requires a Team Approach
 Know the Rules of HC
 Build your HCP around the Basic Components
 Know (and use) your Resources
 Referral Centers
 Help Desk 1-800-600-9332
 LtCol Shumate DSN 240-2940
 Maj Narrigan DSN 297-4330
 Compliance is important…but using the audiometric
information to make decisions is critical
Integrity - Service - Excellence
Hearing Conservation is a
Beautiful Thing
 Questions,
Concerns, Complaints, Gripes,
Moans, Groans, …
 Thank
You for Your Interest in and Support
of the AF’s Hearing Conservation Program
Integrity - Service - Excellence