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National Centre for Audiology
Excellence in hearing science and
audiologic research at Western
Largest audiology research centre in Canada, one of the
largest internationally
Over 29 Researchers and Support staff
 5 faculties represented
 Large graduate training program
Shared and dedicated laboratories support collaborative
research in both basic and applied research
Funding from provincial and federal governments, Private
Sector Partners, and the Community
NCA Laboratories
Link clinical practice and research
Hearing Research Clinic
Fully functioning audiology clinic allows us to ask
research questions in a clinical environment
Assistive Devices Laboratory
Introduces new assistive technologies to hearing
impaired persons
NCA Laboratories
Enable research in simulated
3-d environments
Anechoic Chamber
One of largest chambers in Canada
Software controlled 64 speaker array
Enables research in binaural hearing & functioning of
assistive devices in a 3-d world
Reverberation Chamber
Simulation of reverberant environments
Similarly equipped to Anechoic chamber making
protocols portable between environments
NCA Laboratories
Facilitate technology transfer and industrial
Knowledge Translation Lab
 Video
conferencing facilities
 Networking with audiologists around Canada and
the world
Translational Research Unit
 Enables
industry supported contract research
 Fee for service research available to industry
partners in assistive listening and other
communication devices
NCA Laboratories
Promote advances in diagnosis of pediatric
hearing loss
Child Hearing Research Laboratory
Perceptual development
Advanced methods for testing complex sound
Improved diagnosis of auditory processing disorders
MEG Analysis Laboratory
Cortical auditory function in children with Autism,
Language Disorders
NCA Laboratories
Promote advances in rehabilitation
of pediatric hearing loss
Child Amplification Laboratory
Early identification and amplification in children’s
hearing loss
Development of DSL i/o® for hearing aid fitting
NCA Laboratories
Support research with hearing impaired
Hearing Science Laboratory
Hearing in aging
Noise exposure & hearing conservation
Aural Rehabilitation Laboratory
Enhancing communication in the elderly,
Improving hearing accessibility
Stigma of hearing loss
NCA Laboratories
Make possible the development and
evaluation of hearing technologies
Device Development Lab
Design of hand held device for auditory testing
Methods for assessing sound quality
Reverberation and Acoustics in
Performance Studio
Acoustic quality in musical performance settings
NCA Laboratories
Bring new knowledge in auditory
Electrophysiology Laboratory
Auditory Biophysics Laboratory
Basis of hearing and hearing loss using OAE’s and
evoked potentials
Modeling middle ear mechanics
Developing surgical simulation tools
Cortical Plasticity Laboratory
Animal models of cortical plasticity & cochlear implants
Affiliated clinical laboratories
Facilitate translation of research to clinical
University Hospital Cochlear Implant
Victoria Hospital Audiology Dept.; Leeper
Speech & Hearing Clinic & Local audiology
Studying the relative benefits of bilateral cochlear
Refining protocols for APD evaluation in children
Ontario Infant Hearing Program
Improving early intervention and assessment of
children with hearing impairments
NCA Research in
Pediatric Assessment
Early detection of
hearing loss
Ontario Infant Hearing
Normal hearing
Children with auditory
processing and
attentional disorders
NCA Research in
Pediatric Amplification
Development of fitting algorithms
for infants and children
DSL i/o®
Evaluation of existing signal
processing strategies
New developments in signal
NCA Research in
Hearing and Aging
Auditory psychophysics
Effect of hearing impairment on
suprathreshold hearing abilities
Adult aural rehabilitation
Barriers and Facilitators to assistive
device use
Self advocacy
Stigma associated with hearing loss
Research in
Noise and Hearing Conservation
Noise exposure
Effects of leisure noise in hearing in children and
young adults
Noise exposure in the NICU
Hearing accessibility
Communication and listening quality in the classroom
Impact of noise on academic performance in children
Communication in vehicles
Research in
Auditory Neuroscience
Middle Ear Mechanics
Measurement of Middle Ear
Transduction using FIR methods
Development of simulations for
surgical interventions and surgical
Cortical plasticity
Impact of cochlear implants and
other assistive devices on the
auditory cortex
Research in
Auditory Neuroscience cont’d…
Auditory electrophysiology
Objective measures of auditory
system integrity and function using
Auditory Evoked potentials,
MEG analysis and
Otoacoustic Emissions
Acoustic reflexes
Behavioral correlates
Genetics of hearing
Research in
Hearing in 3-D Environments
Function of assistive devices in 3-D anechoic,
competing noise, and reverberant environments
Perception of signals in simulated real-world
environments by children
Binaural hearing in children with auditory
processing disorders
Binaural hearing with assistive listening devices
such as hearing aids and cochlear implants
Acoustic Signal Processing
Sound quality and its measurement
Impact of hearing aid technologies on speech and
audio quality.
Perception of sound quality by hearing impaired
listeners and its prediction.
Evaluation of amplified telephones, assistive listening
devices, and telecommunication technologies with
hearing impaired listeners.
Technology Transfer
Pediatric amplification
 Pediatric diagnostics
 Hand held signal processing devices for
auditory assessment
 Evaluation of existing hearing devices
Knowledge Utilization
Laboratory for Knowledge Exchange
 Scientific Advisory Boards
 Workshops – Ontario Infant Hearing Program,
Beyond the Audiogram, Evidence based practice
in Audiology
 Professional outreach: Canadian Academy of
 Industrial partnerships
 Scientist exchanges
Opportunities for
Student Research Training
Masters of Clinical Science in Audiology
Health and Rehabilitation Science, Hearing
Science Field - Masters and doctoral training
International student experiences
Research Symposia
 Phonak Symposium Series in Pediatric
 Siemens Symposium in Audiology
 Bi-weekly in-house Research Seminars
Financial Support:
Granting Councils and Foundations
Natural Sciences and Engineering
Research Council
Canadian Institutes of Health
Networks of Centres of Excellence
Canada Foundation for Innovation
Ontario Research Fund
Hearing Foundation of Canada
Hospital for Sick Children Foundation
Masonic Foundation of Ontario
Oticon Foundation
Health Technology Exchange
National Science Foundation
National Institute of Health
Masonic Foundation
Industrial supporters
Etymonic Design
 Bernafon
GN Otometrics
Bruel and Kjaer
 Research in Motion
The People
Sumit Agrawal, MD
Chris Allan, MSc
Prudence Allen, PhD
Marlene Bagatto, AuD
Stephen Beaulac, BScEng
Christine Brown, MClSc
Janis Oram Cardy, PhD
Margaret Cheesman, PhD
Ioan Curca, Ph.D.
Paula Folkeard, AuD
David Grainger, BScEng
Mary Beth Jennings, PhD
Donald Jamieson, PhD
Lucy Kieffer, BA
Hanif Ladak, PhD
David Lee, P.Eng.
James McKay, MA
Stephen Lomber, PhD
Ewan Macpherson, PhD
Shane Moodie, MSc
Sheila Moodie, MClSc
Lorne Parnes, MD
Vijay Parsa, PhD
David Purcell, PhD
Frances Richert, MSc
Susan Scollie, PhD
Richard Seewald, PhD
Susan Stanton, PhD
Kim Zimmerman, MSc
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