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Vertebrate Trading Card Project
By: Mitchell Boh
Scientific Name - Petromyzon marinus
Common Name - Diverse lampreys
Environment - The ocean, rivers, delta
Interesting Extras
Cold Blooded
2 Heart Chambers
They are internal fertilizers
They have a slender eel-shaped
body made out of cartilage. There
digestive systems have no
Favorite color – blue (the color of
the ocean)
Most Embarrassing Moment –
When I ate a rock by accident and
all of my friends made fun of me.
Scientific Name - Manta Birostris
Common Name – Manta Ray
Environment - The ocean
Interesting Extras
Cold Blooded
2 Heart Chambers
Mostly internal fertilization
Jawed fish with scales and a cartilage
About a 20 feet wing span.
Largest Manta Ray ever is about 3000
They eat Plankton, small fish and
crustaceans. They have no teeth.
Mantas don't have a stinging spine.
Scientific Name - Lagocephalus
Common Name – Puffer Fish
Environment - Marine, near coral
reefs and tropical shallow water
Interesting Extras
Cold blooded
2 Heat Chambers
Mostly external fertilization but it can
be internal
Stable pattern of cranial bones
Moveable muscles in lower jaw
Over 20,000 species
Acute eyes
When scared it “puffs up” and the
size and sudden growth of the fish
scares its predators away.
Greatest Achievement – He scared a
shark away because he “puffed up”
Scientific Name – Notophthalmus
Common Name - Newt
Environment - Lives in and around
ponds, lakes, marshes, and quiet
Interesting Extras
Cold Blooded
Three Heart Chambers
When they are tadpoles they fertilize
internally but when they at adults they
fertilize externally (frogs in the rainforest)
They lay their eggs in water
Adults breath air and water.
There are not true sea water amphibians
It has toxic chemicals on it’s skin when it
lives on land.
Some Newts can live for 12 to 15 years.
Favorite food is a snail with a side of fresh
Scientific Name – Dermochelys coriacea
Common Name – Giant Sea Turtle or
Leatherback Sea Turtle
Environment - marine, lives near coral
Interesting Extras
Cold Blooded
Three Heart Chambers
They fertilize externally by laying
Dry, scaly or horny skin (no hair)
Heard shelled eggs
Breath with lungs
The first animal, in evolution, to
develop the amniotic egg, this
allows reptiles to lay eggs on land.
A great defense the turtle has is
that is can hide itself in its shell
Scientific Name – Ramphastos
Common Name – Toucan
Environment - The rainforest of South
Interesting Extras
They are warm blooded
They have four heart chambers
They live in any terrestrial habitat
Horny beak, no teach
Yoked eggs
Toucans are born blind
You can hear the sound of a toucan
over a 1\2 mile away
Biggest fear it’s a jaguar
Toucans live mostly in South America
Favorite food are seeds
Scientific Name – Trichechus manatus
Common Name – Manatee
Environment - marine, shallow waters
Interesting Extras
Warm blooded
Four heart chambers
Internal fertilization
Have hair
Most have sweat glands
Have fat glands
Over 4000 species
Four legs
They have thinking brains
They are related to an elephant
They are an endangered species
Greatest achievement is staying alive
when his species is endangered