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Combining Like-Terms
Objective: SWBAT simplify expressions
by combining like-terms.
an algebraic statement that contains numbers, variables,
and operation symbols - NO equal sign
means to add or subtract two or more terms
the number in front of a variable
a letter in an algebraic expression that represents some
unknown value
“clusters of numbers/variables” separated by addition “+”
and subtraction “–” symbols.
a term that has no variable
terms with the same variable, raised to the same exponent
To combine like-terms you add or subtract the coefficients only.
Example: 5x + 6y + x – 2y + 3x – 4x + y
5x + x + 3x – 4x + 6y – 2y + y
5x + 5y
Practice Problems
Simplify the following expressions.
1. 6x – 5x + x + 7 + 2x – 2
6x – 5x + x + 2x
+7 – 2
4x + 5
2. 5m + 3n + 5m – n – m
5m + 5m – m
+ 3n – n
9m + 2n
3. 4a2 + 3a – 3 + 5a2 – 3a2
4a2 + 5a2 – 3a2
+ 3a
6a2 + 3a – 3
4. 3a3 + 4a2 – a3 – 2a2 + 3a2
3a3 – a3
4a2 – 2a2 + 3a2
2a3 + 5a2