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American Home Front
during World War II
Americans Support the War at Home
• FDR knew the war would be difficult for the
• Needed help from American people at home
to win
• US government expected people to make
• Everybody needed to pitch in to do their
– Rationing, recycling, war bonds, victory
gardens, going to work
• People of all ages felt proud that they could
help win the war
Getting the Word out - Propaganda
• The Allies (and the Axis) used
propaganda to influence citizens at
• Propaganda – media (posters,
brochures, commercials, short
films) that is used to influence the
way that people feel about
something. Many times, propaganda
encourages people to take action in
some way.
• Rationing – using as little as possible
of something (so that there is plenty
for the army)
• Americans were limited on buying
certain items (meat, sugar, gas, etc.)
• Issued ration books with stamps to
use when buying things - $ too
– This allowed the US government
to save needed items for the soldiers
Ration Stamps
Victory Gardens
• Also wanted a way to save food for
the soldiers fighting overseas
• People were encouraged to plant
gardens – “Victory Gardens”
• Vegetables, Potatoes, Beans, etc.
• Buy less from the stores – farmers
send more food overseas
• People eat their own produce
• Larger gardens could donate food
Recycling Drives
• Items were needed to help make
machines, clothing, equip, etc.
• Airplanes, ships, trucks, uniforms,
jackets, etc.
• Items: tin, rubber, rags, paper,
garden hoses, metal, etc.
• This was an opportunity
for young kids to help too
• Everybody was expected
to help – age did not matter
Recycling Posters
War Bonds/Stamps
• Government needed money to
pay for the war
• War bonds – basically a loan
to the government
• Varying values for both – cents
to dollars
• Bonds increase in value over time
• Can be traded in later for $ return
• Government used celebrities to
get people to buy more bonds
• Raised hundreds of millions
War Bonds and Stamps
Women Join the Workforce - again
• Millions of men left to join the military
some women too
• Women were needed to fill jobs (WWI)
• Known as “Rosie the Riveters”
• Worked in factories making tanks,
planes, ships, uniforms, etc. – heavy industry
• Previously these jobs were not available
• Now they were desperately needed
• Many fired after the war – make room
soldiers returning home
• Many women looked to stay in the work
force rather than return to the “life at home”
– New Role opens up vocational (work) and
educational opportunities for women
Rosie the Riveter